• As he neared the cottage he saw her tending to her massive herb garden. She stood up and smiled at him as he dimounted from his horse and walked towards her. Dina dipped into a curtsy and he placed his hand under her chin to raise her head. "To what do I owe this honor Burk? Are you in need of a remedy or an herbal powder? Or is it something else?" Dina inquiered.

    Burk looked into her eyes with a serious look in his own. Fear crept into Dinas' heart and she felt a shudder move up her spine. "Dina, I have always known kindness from you and now Uncle Anders requests that I am to find a bride. I want that bride to be you Dina. Will you accept?"

    Fear paralyzed her and she knew that to say no was death, but to say yes was even worse...