• Countryside, gravel, cars.

    That was all I could see as I sped down the highway. I flickered my eyes between TomTom and the road, annoyed by the time it said I'd arrive by. In frustration, I yelled at the device, " Why can't you get me there any faster!"

    "Shut up and drive woman." He spat back. I didn't bother questioning him as I snapped my mouth shut.

    After a few more minutes of monotony, I turned on my radio to drown out the silence. The refreshing sounds soothed my irritation, and I swore I could've heard the ocean as well, and felt the waves licking at my feet. Still driving along, the water began to lap at my legs now. I gave a contented sigh at the feeling, and the water slowly raised up to my waist. I closed my eyes and at that second, I realized the music was gone. When I reopened my eyes, everything was blue; my car, let alone the road, was no where in sight. Dumbstruck, I floated there, until my throat began to burn for oxygen. Instinctively, my arms and legs flailed and beat at the surrounding water, and I panicked as I tried to find the surface. The ache began to scorch the inside of my throat, and I opened my mouth to scream, taking in water and blacking out.

    The first thing I realized when I came to was the sounds. People were here, lots of them. Then I felt the crisp grass beneath me. I could smell it's freshness. I opened my eyes but grimaced and closed them immediately again; The sun was too bright. I sat up slowly, wondering where I was. I opened my eyes again to see just a blurring of colors, and when my eyes focused I could tell that the blurs were the people I sensed before, adorned in flamboyantly colored costumes. Everyone had on a bright color. I looked down at my own clothes. Instead of the green sundress I wore earlier, I now had on a billowy white dress. As I gathered my wits, people began to crowd around me and whisper to each other. as thy gathered, I felt like they were going to turn into a huge wave and drown me, so I quickly flew off, running into set of covered hallways to escape. I could feel the suns heat bearing down on me, flooding to my cheeks.

    'Where am I?' I curled into a ball against one of the bright yellow walls, confused and distressed. I felt like i was going to throw up from all the overload my eyes were taking in. I stuck my head between my knees, crying in frustration, when I felt a soft pressure on my head. I looked up to see a beautiful girl with long green tresses and a black and gold dress. She pat my head softly and murmured as she kneeled beside me, "Don't fret my dear, There's nothing to fear."

    Her voice was soft yet clear, as a wind chime is, and her presence calmed me greatly. "Where am I?" I finally asked.

    She laughed, "Why, you are beside me, wouldn't you agree?"

    "No! I mean, what is this place?"

    Her golden eyes were playful as she smirked, "This place? Someplace where the differences are embraced so much that the lines distorting them become erased."

    As I mulled over her riddle she stood and walked off. I scrambled up and chased her down, calling out for her to wait. When i got to her, she quickly spun around, her hair floating slowly behind the movement as she spoke, "But you," she continued, "You who showed up out of the blue... Would you like me to undo your rescue?"

    "Rescue? What rescue..."
    I couldn't finish over the roar of rushing water heading straight for me. The girl again laughed as the torrent hit her first making her burst into a bubbling fizz. I stood there in awe as the waves hit me as well, the shock causing me to yet again go unconscious.

    I opened my eyes just once more and saw the blue again. I screamed, fearing the worst and heard another bout of rushing. But this kind was different and instead of water I felt someone embrace me. I looked up to see Drew beside me, looking frantic and asking what was wrong. I blinked in confusion, "What? Why are you here? Why am I here?"

    "What...? Baby you drove here. You fell asleep as soon as you got here. Were you dreaming?" he replied, almost as confused as I was.

    "I guess..." I said, laying back down slowly. My clothing felt damp; I was drenched in sweat.

    "Oh, and why are you wearing that?"

    I looked down at my garment. It was the same black and gold dress the girl had worn. As I stared down in the dress in disbelief, I heard a wind chime sound. I then shrugged, "I don't even know myself."