• ~Description~
    A world were elements ruled in every sense, Earth, fire, wind and water. all three elements, earth, fire, water, set up an attack against wind, for there god was the only goddess out of them, and they thought the Wind Goddess weak. But what they do not know is that the wind is in every element. Wind is oxygen, which creates fire, wind has carbon dioxide, which feeds the earth, and water has oxygen so that it may be drank by every living substance. Wind can take that away. the sole survivor of the wind clan is changed into a demi-goddess, and on her 16th birthday something big will happen. The Wind Goddess is to sweet to attack her own brethren.... What will they do next in this crazy battle between the elements. How will the Demi-Goddess get through this alive. Find out by reading. Chapters uploaded as many as i can.
    "Relax", the wind Goddess's voice whispered as chilling as ice into the air "If you surrender to the wind you can ride it". I sighed a shaky breath as I lied UN-clothed on the granite pedestal in front of all my past ancestors. "Goddess of the Wind, How may a 12 year old relax with many on thy shoulders if i may pass my life in this ceremony?" a shiver crept up my back, tickling my every senses and creating goose bumps across my flesh. "Breath Child of the clan that i call mine, if you believe in me you will yet not die." Her word reassured me somewhat. "Are you ready" Her words seemed to sound breathless and enticingly addicting, like i wished to hear more. i nodded my head. "State the Holy Word of thy CLAN" she shouted. I took a gulp of the sweet oxygen,"I can be one with the wind- the wind that i breath is yours- oh goddess please accept- the help and honor to you- i believe in you as you in me- let me serve the wind- or turn to dust-will you accept?" The words that i recited filled me with calm. My body simply relaxed when i should have been panicking when my Goddess pulled out a dagger from thin air. She hung it over my heart, and let it fall towards it, it was guided with precision as it hit my heart. "You shall love none but the wind, you shall not deceive me, or my holy wishes, you must do every wish i ask, and if not thou shall be executed and that shall be the end of my life." she paused" I accept" I gasped as every particle in my body went numb, and then shot to life like fire ants stinging my every pore. The change had began. My soul was being ripped away from me as it felt, my body and heart was to. She will not Fail me my mind repeated over and over again. My eyes felt as if they were sand paper, dry and lifeless with no color coming to them. I could see no more, and could stand no more. " I love you and no other, if i lie do what you wish with me, let it be torturous and more painful than this, i am yours!" I gasped, how could i speak with so much pain. Thinking about tortures, i thought how many would be better than this, less painless, this was the worst torture of all. Changing. What was i doing this for? The answer immediately popped in my head, "For your Goddess". I was the last of my clan, it was a horrible day, i saw my family murdered. murdered by the other elements. "Remember daughter, nothing can survive without the wind." Her voice sighed gently " Fire cannot burn without a little wind, plants cant grow without me, water cannot be made without me, you and me are the very essence of this world and without us there is no them."
    Ch.1: Captured By the Essence of Water