5. Lisa
It was a cold Monday in early winter. Light snow and a beautiful 6 o’clock sunset. There was a fair amount of cars on the road and Chad had just finished putting up the signs.
Caleb was watching T.V. when he realized something. “Hey Chad,” Caleb said. “Tonight’s movie night!”
Chad looked over with a fake smile. “Oh right,” he said. “Go get them.”
Chad smiled and Caleb frowned. “Nice try, but I never forget whose turn it is… Chad.” Caleb said as an evil smile crawled up his face.
Chad sadly crawled up. And went to go get the keys. “You’re coming to Annie,” he said as he grabbed his kitten.”
He then walked over to the CD rack were there was a countless amount of music. Then grabbed a CD. Then he grabbed another and stood in question then he thought about traffic and grabbed yet another CD. “Okay looks like I’m all set,” he said and then set off for the long drive.
The drive to the nearest video store was a road trip. And the traffic later got heavy. Soon enough it was 8 o’clock. And Chad was on his 2nd CD.
He looked ahead on the road and scanned the road ahead of him. He called out the people in front of him. “Redneck, redneck, redneck… after calling off several racing fans he finally figured out that today was the Fambino 500. And then he paused because he found some one who wasn’t a hillbilly, Lisa.
The last thing he wanted was another conversation with her. He just hoped she wasn’t going to the same video store as him.
The drive continued for a long time. Annie was practically dead in the passenger’s seat. And Chad had been bored to a frustrating amount and he had seen why Caleb had missed that Monday. Those stupid red necks blocked the road.
Then Chad said something he regretted. “Get the heck of the road you stupid red necks!” all motion stopped but Lisa’s car didn’t seem to hear. Then this fat hammered dude popped out of his truck. No hate on NASCAR fans hear because you rock. But this wasn’t NASCAR it was dirt racen. And it exists only in Fambino.
“Hey yawl’! This dummy got something against us!” then some more fat hillbillies popped out of there holes.
Oh my god are you kidding me. Chad thought. “Hey Annie hold on tight! Were going to gun it!”
Chad wasn’t really going to gun it. He was hoping the truckers would move. And they did except the first one who was standing tale.
Then some loser yelled, “GEO GET EM’ EALR GIVE EM DAT HOME RED AT MID!” Chad had no idea what that meant. Then the whole lot started yelling “HOME RED!” because Mr. Drunk was razing his arms in the air. Chad floored it and didn’t look back.
Chad finally got to the video store and looked at the time ten o’clock they would close in thirty minutes. So Chad walked in as Annie stayed in the car.
He walked in and it was quite. Almost no one in the store. There was some geeky kid at the register who looked like he was about to pass out.
He was browsing the movies but couldn’t seem to focus. He got the movies and started to leave. He tock one step out of the aisle and saw Lisa.
He jumped back and started hyper ventilating but quickly calmed down. He straitened the movies back together and then almost had a heart attack. He was walking out again and then he saw Lisa disappear.
He jolted back and collapsed. He knew he saw it happen. He knew his eyes didn’t lie.
He slowly crept forward and looked back. She was there. He was relived he wasn’t a crazy man. Then he saw otherwise.
He looked at her and saw a portion of her head turn into sand. The rest of her body followed. Intel it elaborately fell to the floor. All as in slow motion to terrorized Chad.
Then the ground the sand lay on cracked. Then split. Then opened up and sucked the sand in. And Chad saw every second.
“You saw that write?!” Chad said.
“Saw what dude? I mean like you’re the only dude in here except me and Carl dude,” the man said.
Chad then hatched up idea, and then he hatched up a way to prove it. It was like as if for a mere second Chad peered into the whispers of the world.
Chad’s idea was that if he really did through something of balance then this would be taking her away from existence because she no longer severed a rightful purpose.
How to prove it was to look at the book section of the store to see her books. If they didn’t lie there then Chad would have been rite. And sure enough he wasn’t.
The four books marked under her name were there. And then the turned to sand later to be eating by a temporary hole of darkness lying beneath them. Then Chad rushed out and bought the movies and paniced into the car.
As he drove it got darker and warmer out side light snow melted and turned in to light rain. Annie was confused and Chad didn’t have time to explain what just happened. He was completely dazed and confused.
There was less traffic on the road because the race had all ready started, but would be finishing soon so Chad sped through the road and all the way to Fambino.
Chad was getting closer to his destination-Lisa’s house- but hesitated because of his worries. The car stopped and Chad shivered. A storm of rain and thunder was what outside was. The sky seemed red almost from the lighting.
Chad walked out of the car and turned the corner to Lisa’s house. He collapsed on his knees when he saw it. He opened his eyes and stared at the huge lump in the middle of Lisa’s lot.
He listened to the thunder. He saw lightning come closer.
Then he was blasted back when the ground shook beneath him and started to crack. That first crack sprang a massive gale of wind into Chad and shot him back again.
Then the crack slowly widened. And Chad was able to peer into the gaping hole swallowing the sand. Chad crawled over saw the red blackness. Chad spied with his little eye torched and despairs. Chad was looking at the fire pits of hell and what lie for a bad soul.
Then another strong gust of wind- this time coming from the hole- blasted Chad into the air and back a few yards. He lay on the ground dumbfounded. He had seen what no man should see. He saw the face of the devil look Chad rite into the eyes and laugh at the face of Chad, the witness.
The face of the devil was not human. It was something else that was a combination of death and fear and pure insane evil. Physical features were like a body of fire mixed with horns and a twisted face. Curved horns on top and spikes of flames on the arms. And the tail was that of a flaming scorpion.
So there Chad sat. Afraid and confused on what would come next. Then the hole closed in to a small circle. Then something black rose out of the hole. As it the ground ripples like water. When the figure appeared it was in the shape of a human.
It was a silhouette. It landed on the ground and walked toward Chad. There were no facial features.
It grabbed Chad and said one thing in a robotic voice, “You know too much.”
Chad then asked it a question, “Are you the monster my cousin talks about?”
The monster paused and then said, “No I’m not the fear. I’m not telling you who I am. Perhaps you will never know but, you are different. And that’s why I must take you with me.”
“NO WAY MAN!” Chad screamed, “I looked! I looked down there and saw!” Chad then kicked off of the thing and shot back.
Chad them sprinted forward and grabbed the thing by the neck. Then it floated back and a chunk of it was in Chad hand still but that soon slipped its way out and reformed with him to.
“As you can see, fighting is useless,” the thing said and the continued. “There’s another thing I saw, in your head, questions I can answer. So fire away.”
“Why is Lisa gone, why are her things gone,” it said. “Let me tell you why, because of you, you took her out, we tried to convince you other wise. But now we have to restart with you so you can live your destiny. Lisa was easy to take away. She no longer severed purpose; we understand what it is to do with her now. Put her back somewhere else with a new purpose. You, Chad, are not as easy. See you have purpose; you created a new one because the old one didn’t suit you. It’s quite annoying. Witch is why I have to take you back before some one else doses. So you can have a potential beyond your dreams. Your purpose now is one that you would not like and is all most impossible to solve.”
“What is it?” it said for Chad.
“It is a combination of suffering you can solve and never will. You will die for some ones revenge and by accident to. Not something delightful. Like fighting for me with star potential.” It said.
Chad took a second and thought. And he figured it out. You would to with a brain like his. “No, I found your loop hole. I found the deeper purpose Mr.,” Chad responded. “It’s so much fun to watch losers mess up!”
Just then it bolted forward and blasted Chad in the head. Chad fell back.
“And that’s not all loser,” Chad said, “You wasted all your energy fling to stay away from me, Ha! You’re just a coward.”
Chad ran to him as an intention to punch. The thing put up its arms in defense but Chad saw it coming and kicked it in the air. It fell down hard.
Then got up looking dazed. Chad charged forward again and gave it another mighty blow. Then another and another. Until finally the thing struck back.
And it seems four times stronger then before. Chad fell to the ground.
“As you can see, I absorb your hits and return them stronger.” It said.
“I can’t believe it! What are you?” Chad yelled.
“I’m stronger then you,” it said and then kicked Chad in the air. Chad was coming down knowing that if he could knock it out him could run away. So Chad got ready to smash him head and then the strangest thing happened.
A hand followed by the rest of its body popped out of the thing and grabbed Chad bye the head. It held on and slammed Chad to the ground.
Chad could see in the back round the out version of it disintegrate in the dark rain. Slowly but surely it became nothing.
But the other version knelt down wale pinning Chad down. This new one was red and bulkier. Other than that it was the same old weird thing.
“Now I’ll delete you memory of Lisa, me, and this fight,” it said. “Then I’ll take you back with me.”
Then it punched Chad and he was out like a light. Then having the memory draining done was about to grab Chad when just by luck the thing was struck by lightning.
It collapsed and then was taken back to hell.
That next mourning Chad woke up confused and drove home with Annie.
chapter 6 out now! just click the url -> http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=102063421#title

- Title: house of fears chp 5
- Artist: slumdog21
- Description: chapter 5 for the epic story im writing and chapter 6 is out to and soon will 7 and so on. plez comment. its realy good but read chapters 1-4 first
- Date: 03/31/2010
- Tags: house fears
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