• I passed the cafeteria where all the asasin's were currently eating. All the girls were hanging over Daisuke. I felt a pang in my heart at the sight, but I ignored it. "You poor baby, being roomed with the Creeper." one girl said. "The creeper?" he asked. "That's what we call her. She won't tell anyone her name, and Creeper seems to fit so well, don't you think?" said another girl. "Not really." he said. "Oh! He's so modest!" one girl said. "Hey! Creeper!" one girl beckoned to me. I looked at her, she had a determined look in her eyes that said she wouldn't just let me walk away. I sighed and walked over to them. When I got there, she dumped a big cup of water on my head. They all laughed, except for Daisuke who looked horrified. I rose my hand, which made them all stop laughing, snapped my fingers, and suddenly they were all wet and I was dry. "Idiots." I sighed and walked away. As I turned back around to see them glare, there was only one person smiling at me, and that was Daisuke.

    "Are you okay?" he asked me back in our dorm room. "I'm fine." I said sternly. "Okay, whatever." he said, than turned to leave again. "Miyuki." I said, softening my tone. "What?" he asked. "My name. It means Deep Snow Silence." I said. "It's a beautiful name. Why do you keep it a secret?" he asked. I stood up from where I was sitting on the window seat "I don't. It's just that, no one ever asked." I said. He walked closer to me "Well, now I'm going to ask you. What's your full name?" he asked. "Miyuki Chi Ibuki. My middle name means blood. If you put the two meanings together, it says Bloody deep snow silence." I said. "How did you get to be part of the agency?" he asked. "Can we not talk about that? It's not the best memory." I said. "Alright. Why are you the last dark mage?" he asked. "They all died out from killing eachother." I said. "How old are you, really?" he asked. "Actually, I'm 818." I said. "Whoa...okay, my last question, why don't you show emotion?" he asked. "There's no reason to. Why should I let anyone get into my mind and see what I feel?" I asked him. "I geuss that's true. But, don't you feel really empty inside?" he asked. "Sometimes. But not always. Anyway, now it's my turn to ask you a few questions." I said. "How old are you?" I asked. "17." he said. "Why are you in the agency?" I asked. He blew out a long breath, and sat at the egde of the bed. "My parents were shot down a couple days ago. The agency found me and brought me here, where I met you. Not a long story, but a painful one!" he said, and started laughing. He was trying to ease the tension that had grown in the room. I knew how he felt, losing your parents -even if they went totally phsyco and tried to kill you- was a very depressing thing. I can't explain how much it hurts. I outstretched my arms and pulled his head into my chest. "You didn't cry, did you? Not when they were shot, not when you realized they were dead, not at all." I whispered. He had stopped laughing, but was clutching the back of my shirt. "I-I can cry now? You promise not to tell anyone?" he asked. "Cross my heart and hope to finally die." I promised. So, he cried. He cried until he finally fell asleep on my lap. I brushed back his hair from his eyes. He looked so peaceful that way. A warm feeling came to me, but I just ignored it. I sighed, I wonder...if this is how I used to look, when I cried and fell asleep on my mom's lap.

    Next, Little star 4