• "I was 13 when it started. My sister and i were fighting childishly over who gets to get in the shower first, we both knew the last one will just get cold water. We heard a loud screech then sobs from down stairs. Surprised, we went to check what happened. my mother was sobbing on the couch with bits of hair in her hands. The T.V was playing the news saying Death Valley was hit by a strange chemical bombing. Mom was from Death Valley. On the T.V there were men in Riot suits beating the living snot out of men, woman, and even children. The news report was being escorted away from the scene by heavily armed military men. Then went into a house in the ridge. The doors began to cave in because of the violent banging of those things. One of the officers told the men to open fire. Chatter of gun fire was everywhere. They were to many of them though. The creatures broke threw and tore the men apart. Blood and guts flew everywhere. The report turned to the camera, speechless. Then one of those things jumped on her and bit her neck. Blood streamed down her body. Then the transmission ended. I think i was the only one who realized what was happening. I look at mom my, put my hand on her shoulder and told her to call dad right away, while Megan and i go pack our bags. A few hours later the whole family was sitting at the kitchen table. I was telling them what was happening. i told them it was zombies. They just rejected the idea and said they were escapees from a mental prison. We loaded up the car with belongs and clothes. We drove all around in till we got to Ohio. My dad told us he had a little house in Ohio. My mom freaked and asked when was he going ot tell her and the family about it. The whole ride was a compete disaster now. My dad got a call from his friend Mike, saying He's at the house now. my dad just hung up the phone, and started to drive of the road to go threw the horrid traffic. Twenty minutes later, we arrive at a gravel road. In the distance we see three people just idling around a tree. My dad tells us to stay in the car, but i warn him not to go outside. He ignored me like he always does, He steps outside the car. He starts to wave his hand over his head. The bodies looked at him and started to limp towards him. He runs to them because they seem hurt. It was too late to warn my dad. In the distance there are cries for help and car alarms. My dad reaches one of them. As he realizes that they weren’t human. One of them bit him in the neck. He screamed a blood curling scream. The others started to bit into his Stomach and throat. My mom and sister shocked in horror, just sat there. I jumped in front to the drivers’ car seat and drove forward. Running over my dad and those ******** disgusting things! My foot Stayed glued to the pleaded till we reached the house. The house was a old, moldy, and rotten. Mike's car was driven threw side wall of the house. I told my mom and sister to wait her. I rushed towards his car to check it out. The 1987 Onyx Black Mustang (if there is anything i know it's Car Models and Guns) laid there where the wall should of been. The front of the car was a completely destroyed. Smoke came out from the hood of the car. The thick black smoke lead into the house. Without thinking i took a deep breath. The toxic Smoke burnt my throat and lungs. As i walked into the house with a horrid cough. Mike was laying on the floor and a trail of blood lead to him. I took a step closer to examine him, and he groaned. his head lifted up away from me. My heart jumped is now beating a million miles per hour. His head turned rapidly, but instead of death and hunger in his faded green eyes there was joy and some happiness. His stupid grin lit up across his face. As he got up i punched him as hard as i could (which isn't hard at all). He laughed and asked where's the old man. I responded to him in a small timded voice. Dead. His grin disappeared and his hand laid on my shoulder and he said i'm sorry. i told him my mom and sister are waiting in the car. After an hour of us settling in and barricading the windows, door, and the giant whole in the wall made by that jackass of a friend mike. We meet in the living room. the fire place had a few glowing coals left. Our dinner of beef jekery and ramen noodles sat on the table as we talked about what the plan is for the next few weeks, or till this thing ******** itself. My sister was the first one to give and fell asleep. Mike was second, He said goodnight and kissed my mom on the forehead, She just kept looking at the floor untouched by anything. I get up and hand my mom some sleeping pills because i knew she'll never fall asleep. She looked up at me and accuttly smile. I smiled back and kiss her check saying goodnight. I walked into the next room and found a comfortable stop on the floor. As i closed my eyes, my mind began to race about what happened today. I dozed off in a restless sleep quickly.
    I was woken up by my sister screaming her head off. i shoot up from my stop on the floor. I got up too fast so i fell back down hitting my head in the floor, getting myself a headache. I got up slowly, and walked to my sister who is screaming her head off. I saw a body slumped over on the old fashion couch. It took me a second to figure it was my own mom. The bottle of Sleep pills and other meds laid empty next to her. She committed suicide. My body was to numb to take in the pain. The world stood still for a second. Then a sledge hammer of pain and grief hit me. In the faint distance a moan appear….