• Request Denied:

    "Overlord this is Captain Shane Thompson. We need backup ASAP. The enemy is on our front door, we have men down. Requesting bomb run, Alpha Omega, Zulu Charlie Six."

    "Roger that Bravo. We'll get to you as soon as we can. Hold that position at all costs. Over."

    "We'll do our best Overlord. Don't take your time!" Shane slammed the phone on the ground. "Damnit we can't hold this position!" Gunfire blazing overhead.

    Shane poked his head up just barely above the trench his squad was positioned at. Bullets whizzing through the air, hitting the ground inches in front of him. He didn't flinch though. He's been on the front lines too long to be afraid of anything.

    He slowly raised his Scar-L above his foxhole, took aim at an enemy LMG stationed about 150yards away. Shane knew he could hit him. He took a deep breath. Looked down his 6x rifle scope and slowly breathed out before taking the shot. Pop, the gun went off, it seemed slow motion, and all Shane could hear was the sound of his rifle. He continued to watch the enemy gunner fire rounds towards him and his squad. Until the hail of fire finally stopped. The bullet traveled straight through his forehead. Instant kill.

    Shane hated taking the life of another person. Other soldiers enjoyed it but he did not. He doesn't hate the enemy, but he doesn't pity them either.

    "Captain!" Private Jane Frost said. "It seems that they're regrouping. Nice shot sir."

    "We're not out of the woods yet private. Rally the others. We need to hold this spot until support arrives."

    "Sir!" She said before trotting off to find the remaining squad members.

    Shane picked up the radio again. "Overlord this is Bravo Squad the enemies regrouping. We need support now damnit!"

    "Overlord to Bravo, fire support denied. We cannot get through enemy airspace at this time."

    "Affirmative. Thomas out."

    He couldn't tell his squad that support wasn't coming. He just knew they had one hell of a fight coming their way.

    A moment later the remaining squad members arrived. "Frost, Burke. Take left flank and take LMGs, make sure they don't try anything. Carter, McCullin, take right. Same thing." The members nodded and headed off to the left and right flanks.

    "What about me sir?" PFC Scott Rodgers said confused.

    "Rodgers with me. We pin them down and force them to stay where they are. You hear me? You're sniping today soldier."

    "Roger sir." Scott paused. "Sir permission to speak freely."

    "Spit it out Rodgers" Shane said impatiently.

    "Whens support coming? If at all."

    "Overlord said 3 minutes. Until then were going to give these pigs the fight of their lives."

    "Roger that, and Sir. They're not coming are they?"

    "No. They aren't. But we'll be given a Heroes welcome soldier. We'll be with our families soon."
