Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- terror by II-trish-II
- a small creepy....???
- Suffering by Merle Anil
- :) This is a poem about what i feel about suffering!
- Alone by Gishwaisgod
- A feeling of utter depression. PLZ comment and check out my other work
- dear mr. right by icey_onyx
- a poem i wrote to mr. right, hope he reads is
- Insomnia by Poheum Bartholomew
- This is actually the first poem I have ever written. It was originally written for an English assignment. I hadn't planned on showing it to anyone, but, here it is.
- A Cup of Coffee by proe117
- A nightmare that got me at early dawn. And I wrote while waiting for the sun to shine 'cause I can't sleep anymore after it happened.
- Friendship by I x I- S i n
- This poems is about your friends.
- The Wanderer by Sunafire
- I got the idea from this, from the poem "What Were They Like?" by Levertov (http://www.americanpoems.com/poets/Denise-Levertov/15411) But of course crafted it myself. Please comment on this one, because it's a new style for me ...
- Time by KatieKatlin
- I thought of this when i finished a test early. It doesn't seem serious but it is because it is true. Thanks for reading.
- F.F.T.B.O.T.R. by GigaDemonwraith
- got bored lol putting this to music now so should be good heres hoping
- Complicated by Vitani Wolf
- Kind of long but It has a lot of meaning to it.
- State Of Mind by Sunafire
- This is about how teenagers view the world. Comments and Criticism appreciated.
- For My Best Friend by xsaber08
- its all ab0ut friendship!...this is just a simple writing...i h0pe you enj0y!..^_^
- The animals by man4139
- i just got this off of all thee kids at my school that hunt like every day
- I Can Do Without You by KatieGENOCIDE
- Hey, guess what! It's about Brad! -.- One word had to be starred out because school filters would've gotten me.
- The Parting of Birds by ashralle
- symbolism on love lost
- No More Chances by KatieGENOCIDE
- This one is about Ben -.- It's kinda sucky thoughhhh