• There once was a girl named paige,
    who was friends with a mighty mage.

    she had a best friend his name was Taylor,
    he had a father who worked as a mailer.

    they got teased by ashook and melook,
    who had never even read a book.

    they got picked on every day,
    but it seamed worse in the month of May.

    one day they dident know what to do,
    so they went to the mage named Boo.

    he told them to go see Raiden the frog,
    who lived in a big green bog.

    but it soon was the end of the day,
    and they had a way to make them pay.

    Talyor went to his best friend,
    who worked around the bend.

    he asked his friend Brock,
    if he had a big rock.

    then there was a big cage,
    witch was found by paige.

    they brought all of the items to the mage
    and thanks to the mage there was a spell put on the cage.

    ashook and melook came to the cage,
    witch they thought was a prettyer version of paige.

    they tryied to flirt,
    but they only wound up getting hurt.

    after that day,
    they always loved the month of may.