• why do i
    why do i all of a sudden go cold and im numb
    why do i feel alone and empty
    why do i feel like there is a door going to shut on me for the rest of my life and won't open again where i am going to be left alone in the dark
    why do i always be the one who the surport for everyone and never the lead
    why do i help others who have a happy ending and i don't get anything in return only sadness
    why do i have to be here what is may purpose to be the fool and help out then get kicked down and laugthed at
    why do i feel that i got a big question in front of me to do or to die to carry on or to end my missery
    why do i carry on living and willing to sacrifice everything to be happy and to be with the one who i care about the most
    why do i why