• lost in corridors lit by candles
    too many doors and passageways to count
    lost in my own maze, my catacomb
    I walk knowing I have escaped the world but its still waiting
    to envelop me in all the emotions I wish to lock away
    with each door I open and close memories as well as emotion come back to mind
    pain, anger, happiness, jealousy,confusion, births, and deaths
    lost in my own mind that will soon be contaminated
    for i only come here while in pain, which seems like everyday now
    soon the catacomb will be filled with monsters who live only to torture me
    I try to get out, but my voice of reason has left me
    so here i walk lost in thought trying to find a way out
    going from one corridor to another
    in one door out the next
    passageway to passageway
    can't turn around for it has begun
    candle after candle they each go out
    the minute I'm to be consumed by darkness
    is when I hear it, the voices of those who has yet to give up on me
    the faster I walk the louder they get telling me to came back
    and then in a flash of white
    I see them
    all standing by a door at the end of a corridor
    as i approach them, two talkes my hand while another opens the door helping me out of the darkness that i was momentarily lost in