• Who cares what people have to say about you...
    You know its not true so why care...????
    You need to worry about the things you say. about the things that YOU do..
    Life is too short and everyday every birthday every second, minute, hour, Pfft its just another day 'till you die...
    So why care why why why why why???
    The reason why you shouldn't care about the negative things is because you have ONE life to live so, Hey why not live it to the fullest, Funnest, Craziest it can be???
    You should because life is to short and any minute you could just die right then and there...
    screw the popular kids at your school who would make fun of you..
    Just brush of your shoulders and keep carrying on and on and on...
    Life is a privlage and if you don't want it then it should've been givin to somebody who desperately needs it..
    So live live live life to the best fullest funnest it can be life is sooo precious you need to hold on tight realll tight to it....
    When you're near death don't be all lyk OMFG imma bout to die just say to yourself,"I had an awesome life now im ready to let some one else live like i did," Find the light go to it and be happy you're going to Heaven it IS everything you dreamed about your loved ones are there so carry on. carry on....