• Love is such a funny thing
    Love can make you want to sing
    And dance; Love can make you cry
    Love can make you wish to die
    But most of us, we live for Love
    Constantly are thinking of --
    Imagining true Love's first kiss
    Awakening in such sweet bliss
    From dreams, though gone, never erased
    The kiss, the touch, the warm embrace
    Of Love! Of Love! So pure and true
    This Love, as shared by me and you
    Nay -- you and I, for you come first
    Even when you're at your worst
    Always better than the best
    More Lovable than all the rest

    Love is such a strange emotion
    It requires much devotion
    Mad and Sad, they come and go
    As does being Glad, you know
    But, to Love, takes work and time
    When it's yours, I'm sure you'll find
    A Love so strong, forever lasts
    True Love just never comes to pass
    Always with you, always there
    If there was ever stronger care
    Than Love! Than Love! A feeling new
    Without a doubt, I've felt for you
    Oh yes! I do, with all my heart
    Even all the blackened parts
    I always have and always will
    Eternity, forever, still

    But wait, let's think this over now
    Before we get confused somehow
    I say "I Love" because I do
    Not to hear you say it, too
    Not to get you into bed
    In fact, I want inside your head
    I know your thoughts and hopes and dreams
    And I know that this may seem
    Cliche, but you're my other half
    Completing me, go on and laugh
    But Love! This Love! I have for you
    Nothing's ever been so true
    My world was coming to a close
    How you stopped it, no one knows
    Is this Love a true feeling?
    Yes, and this Love is everything