• You can blame me for everything,
    But you can't ever judge me.
    Try to judge me,
    And I'll prove you wrong.

    Even though I made a lot of mistakes,
    I still can take the risks.
    I'm not strong enough to forgive you,
    But I still can forgive you because I know people makes mistakes not only me.

    How can I talk to you if we're ignoring each other?
    Every day we see each other I'm the one who ignores you first,
    Because I know if I was trying to talk to you;you'll just ignore me.

    Until this day,
    I still continue to ignore you.
    But lately when you try to talk to me you never know that I'm still listening to you,
    But sometimes I never know that I hurt you that much.
    And I regret it all,
    Because I don't want to live a life that is boring.

    You'll never know that even though I don't like your personality,
    I still respect you.
    But not that much as I care,
    Because sometimes I didn't let you feel like I care and respect you.

    Respecting you in different ways,
    Were good enough for me to let you know that I still care for you.
    I know that you'll never know that,
    Because we're not so close but slightly not understanding each other.
    So,at this point,I'm going to ignore you every day or until when am I supposed to give up on ignoring you.
    Hope we'll be fine soon,
    But for now, I NEED TO IGNORE YOU sad neutral rofl