The day I first met Amy
Was in the Second Grade
I ran up to her a recess
And asked if she would play
She told me that she couldn’t
And just to leave her be
When I asked why she wouldn’t
She said she couldn’t see
I told her that was silly
Everyone could see
I took her hand and showed her
The world that I could see
I showed her the birds and trees
And the color of the grass
We talked all through recess
And on the way to class
When others first meet Amy
They don’t know what to say
They act surprised that she is blind
But we don’t think that way
The thing is Amy isn’t blind
She simply cannot see
Amy is my friend
That is all she is to me
Amy holds my hand
When I am lost in fear
She holds on when I cry
To let me know she’s near
Amy has to have things
Just a certain way
So Amy can make it safely
Through school everyday
Amy doesn’t have a cane
Or dog to help her see
Amy doesn’t need these things
Because Amy has me
She leans on me for support
When things are strange and new
I help her through her roughest days
Because that is what friends do
We help each other live our lives
And stand on our own two feet
Because what are friends really for
If not to make you complete?
When people first meet Amy
They only see her eyes
But I see all the other things
Behind her blind disguise
Meeting Amy
For the record, Amy doesn't exist. This was one of those ideas that wouldn't leave me alone, so I wrote it out in PSY 220 (we were discussing visual disabilities). Sorry if it's a bit long, I can't seem to write anything short lately.
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