• Easter 2009,
    Thanks be to the Lord,

    Suddenly Ian and Rufus informed me,
    that there is to be a reward,

    Swiftly and surely I collected eggs to my hoard,
    Prematurely, I started to get real bored,

    So I thought to myself and had an epiphany,
    I shall 'booty grab' till I drop dead and
    create an Egg & Booty grabbin symphony,

    But then,
    I looked up and what did I see?

    Filled 3 out of 4 bastkets! Now you need 500 eggs...

    I did not give up,
    Yet still hundreds more to go,

    Yo, I'd love to tear them to shreds, Ready, set, go!
    Because I hate easter eggs now, more then my greatest foe,

    Yeh now you know,

    this isn't Edgar Allen Poe,
    or Vincent Van Gough,

    Either could outdo my creativity,
    Drunk and using thier left toe,

    Hours left to finish my task,

    If I manage to get them last eggs....
    I think I'll need an oxygen mask.

    The best thing about the event,
    Isn't the item reward,

    After booty grabbin like Clark Kent,
    Now way better stuff I can afford!

    Thanks be to the Lord.