this isnt one of those poems
begging you to come back to me
...though sometimes i wish it were
And its not a sonnet of shoulda coulda woulda
i should have, i could have, but i didnt.
its not some love letter to you,
the perfect man
dreamin and schemin of ways this could have turned out.
its not going to be long and drawn out
an internal process of getting
"over you"
because of my mistakes
this isnt an apology
im not sorry for what we went through
and you shouldnt be either
this aint no
beat her like a dog
treat her like a dog
and leave her like a b***h
i aint one
u aint none
baby my tears have dried
i love you
no shame there
but this isnt my pity party on paper.
this isnt me
reminisng on old memories
the good times
the love
and the laughter,
no this isnt none of that
this aint no final boo hoo.
im not cryin over spilled milk,
nor am i cryin over you
this isnt a last plea for your heart
im going to survive.
dont i always?
this is a goodbye.
this isn't
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