• When The Feeling is mad
    I feel it
    It's wrath is like hot biting water and a sad child
    Overflowing onto me
    Spreading it's poisonous sinful thought
    I'm like it's meal
    It eats me slowly so I begin to rot
    He starts at my heart
    Taking time to chew
    When The Feeling is happy
    It's beatiful like the morning dew
    Hugs me like the morning rays
    Strokes my cheeks like spring breezes
    I am happy
    But The Feeling is rarley happy or mad but freezes
    On the guilty feeling
    Parinoia is making me crack
    My eyes always sweep a room like a filthy broken broom
    It seems like wieghts are piled on top of me in a messy stack
    But relief will come
    As I pass the seven gates of Hell
    Then go to the Devil himeself
    Oh it's a story to tell
    As I admit my sins
    I then am judged
    As I see the gates of heaven I ask an angel "Why have I been brought here?"
    The beauty the smiled "It was a honest mistake"
    Then she embraced me and so did The Feeling, in the form of something I've never known before
    The Feeling was forgiveness and relief.
    And I thought I shouldv'e confessed a long time ago...