• Things That Last
    by BlueFheiry

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    Tell me of things that last...
    Would the six-petalled daffodil last
    til tomorrow and would not grow fast,
    Like the maple tree turned its leaves red
    and from the river the blood had shed?
    Tell me, would not all things stay instead?

    Tell me of things that stay...
    Are the roots of the magnificient oak tree that grow by day
    with its unwavering steady trunk and branches that sway,
    Be gone suddenly tomorrow and never to be found,
    Leaving a bottomless pit on the savaged ground?
    Tell me, did you not hear when it had left a sound?

    Tell me of things that endure...
    Won't the great polar bear hibernate in due season for sure,
    but then, at new sight of spring be back to allure
    The one that he had loved and missed as he lays hollow
    in every single moment that he had been in sorrow?
    Tell me, would he not surely in his heart follow?

    Tell me of things that I can hold..
    when that day finally come and I shall be alone in cold,
    as new dawn comes like any other day, like any other fold?
    How can I ever tell myself to hold on to things that last
    when the only thing I've been holding on had elapsed
    And there's nothing I can do to stop a tear fall and wipe it fast?

    Tell me then, will this loneliness also last?