• I know what you fear.
    You fear those three little words that I am going to say.
    You wanted me dead.
    Yes, I know you hate me.
    Yes, I know you want me wiped of the face of the earth, never to be seen again.
    Yes, I know I broke your heart before you broke mine.
    Yes, I know I am the lowest creature on this planet,
    And that I should go away,
    And that I should walk off a cliff,
    And that I should drown myself,
    And that I should choke on a rock,
    And that I should throw myself into the fire,
    And that I should swim in a sea of glass,
    And that I should blow my brains out,
    And that I should never come back.
    But you don't really mean those things.
    But you don't really want me to leave.
    But you don't want me to die.
    But you don't want us to separate.
    Though now you are on the floor, begging for mercy.
    Though now I will say what you fear the most.
    I forgive you.