• Time flows
    Faster everyday
    But seems to freeze only when...
    Only when i think of you
    My memories unsealed
    But only temporary
    so dont get any ideas
    Look at me
    Watch my eyes
    Listen to me
    Just open your closed ears
    And feel my love
    How could only you, who means so much to me yet nothing to another cause such a miracle?

    I am practically filled with you
    And only you
    My love brimming to the top
    Swiftly taking over me slowly
    How am i yet able to survive?
    To withstand your sweet soft absence?

    Slowly withering away
    Day by slow day
    Hour by hour
    Till dawn arrives as my blood runs dry
    My dreams you finally stay
    My soul has risen, my body slowly turning cold
    As i watch over you crying over my dead body from the love which we once had