• I stand here unknowing of my future that lies ahead
    I am like a ghost as people walk by unknowing of my existence
    Bestow me with a true friend
    Please help me
    This life is nothing but loneliness
    Without you, I am but a hollow shell
    Let my friend find me

    People claim the world is full of fake and true friends
    Friends who leave, then friends who stay
    Will I ever find this “true” friend?
    Please help me
    This life is nothing but loneliness
    Without you, I am but a hollow shell
    Let my friend find me

    Fake friends lie
    Fake friends abandon you
    Fake friends choose to never stick up for you
    Please help me
    This life is nothing but loneliness
    Without you, I am but a hollow shell
    Let my friend find me

    True friends are honest
    True friends stay with you until the end
    True friends stand by your side forever
    Please help me
    This life is nothing but loneliness
    Without you, I am but a hollow shell
    Let my friend find me