• As I am young I am also learning.
    With that comes yearning.
    But "want" is a disease if it gets out of hand.
    It becomes greed and we don't understand.
    "why can't we have it, why is it forbidden?"
    When we are answered, we disagree.
    For the answer we get, we do not fancy.
    So we refuse to help or do what's right,
    And all we recieve is a kiss goodnight.
    Years pass but we're still young,
    And now it seems we're liking someone.
    We want to touch, we want to feel,
    Until we're rejected and never heal.
    But I'm just young what do I know?
    I'll probably look back and laugh when I'm old.
    Yea, yea, that sounds good.
    So I do, I do, but not too soon.
    I'm of age where I have a job,
    He's getting on my nerves,
    My boss named bob.
    I can't take it, or so I thought.
    No wait... I lost my job.
    I hit him hard, square dead in the jaw.
    When I did, I realized. I saw.
    I did something that was hateful and cruel.
    Reminds me of myself, from back in school.
    Now I'm a jerk, and a fat fool.
    I hope, and I hope.
    I hope and pray, that maybe there will be a day.
    I don't have to worry anymore.
    I can retire at 64, no wait that's too early,
    But I'm a hard working man, I'm big and burly.
    I can take care of myself, I can do it all.
    That's also what I thought, when I was three feet tall.
    So time passes, indeed it does.
    I'm old and alone.
    I have no one.
    I start to wonder and ask myself why.
    The answer comes to me, then I cry.
    I was selfish.
    I was greedy.
    I wanted everything, like a pig that's not meaty.
    I stuffed my face while I was young.
    I even thought I was powerful.
    Like a smoking gun!
    But the truth is I couldn't get enough.
    I wasn't powerful. No. Not even tough!
    I was supposed to be the smoking gun.
    I was supposed to be someone.
    The only person who I became,
    Was an old grunter with an old cane.
    As I realize that I am not the gun,
    Little do I know the trigger starts to run.
    Slowly but surely, it makes it's way.
    It makes it's way to the very day.
    Yes the suspense, it nearly kills!
    It's growing, it's building,
    Like when you're I'll!
    Your waiting and waiting,
    For when it stops!
    It could make your veins pop!
    Yes, yes, you would like to know
    What happened to the man, who was so old.
    Well greed, and foolishness had a chase.
    They made it to the end, they finished the race.
    While the old man vanished... Without a trace.