• Caught within the brambles The blood dribbles to my feet,
    Surrounded by blood I step on the body, the body I've dropped.
    The night worker, called by the forest I make the sounds you hear at night.
    I play the songs of ruin.
    Listen, for the panting voice... Fast, quick, panicked.
    Haunted by the din of my footsteps, shadowed even at night. cover your ears child, less you hear the screams.
    Look, for the black against black... Search for the heart darker than the night. For he prowls. Close the curtains child I warn you of my gaze.
    Feel, the pickles as you feel a gaze painfully dawdling on your skin.
    The gasp of air as you see a flight in the night.
    Get back in bed child, for you may be next.
    Taste, fear, the fear of prey. The red that stains your lips, bitten.
    Choke on your last chance, You did not listen to me child, now you are hunted.