• This is a story,
    Of a man born not a man,
    Of a boy born not a boy,
    Who struggles harder than anyone I know.
    This is a story,
    Of a girl born to love girls,
    Of a woman born to love women,
    Who struggles harder than anyone I know.
    It’s not just them that this storie’s about,
    There are many like them who all suffer,
    Who take the blows day by day driven,
    And they struggle harder than anyone I know.
    I hear people call them a disease,
    But I just think they should all freeze,
    And take a look at our society,
    And see what it expects of me.
    I wasn’t built to love a woman,
    As much as to love man,
    But I can’t just sit here and watch,
    As they judge what’s in your crotch,
    Because I feel love for everyone,
    Who takes the suffering and turns it into fun.
    I can promise you in ways I can’t my actions,
    That someone who changes what society so says they are,
    At first they feel the pain,
    And they struggle harder than anyone I know.
    But it’s with love that they survive,
    It’s with support that they arise,
    And a world free of this hate,
    Seems like a great idea,
    You would just have to buy a lot of fencing to keep the ignorance out.
    I want to tolerate your anger,
    I want to tolerate your beliefs,
    But as soon as you speak against my brother,
    I’ll take time and get blood on my sleeves.