• She walks along the lake
    where the moon gently shines
    Like she walks every night
    Gently kneeling before it
    She fills it with her tears

    A million tears for a wish
    She closes her eyes
    Shutting out the light of the moon
    The darkness is where
    You are

    She lifts her head gently
    Her words but silent screams
    From her heart
    As she makes a wish
    Upon another star
    For the million before it didn't work

    She lifts the knife
    Carved with grace
    Formed by care
    Pampered with attention
    And laced with love
    Running it through her heart

    She smiles as she falls
    Into the lake
    Made of the million pieces of her heart
    As the gentle fingers of darkness caress her skin
    So cold and unfeeling
    Like the traces of her life she left at the surface

    Then she saw him
    He smiled at her from the surface
    In the reflection of the moon
    Her words but bubbles
    That swam eagerly to the surface
    To whisper I love you

    He watched her
    As she watched him
    And as the light started to fade
    He slowly turned away
    But to see his face was enough
    If only she knew in the beginning
    He was only
    a million tears and a tattered heart away