• The future bound;
    The present found.
    The past exhausts,
    In innocence lost

    A lover's kiss,
    Thy ignorant bliss.
    The arrogant cost
    Of Innocence lost.

    True love's delight
    Doth be my blight.
    Love's holocaust,
    My innocence lost.

    Thy crimson cheeks
    Doth make me weak.
    Your heart of Frost,
    Makes innocence lost.

    Your lips are sweet,
    My heart doth beat.
    My hope is crossed,
    Though innocence lost.

    An empty shell,
    My life is hell.
    My youth is dust
    My innocence lost.

    Thy sweet beauty
    Laced with duty.
    Your life is tossed,
    Your innocence lost

    Your promise to keep,
    Your heart to weep.
    Our love aloft,
    Our innocence lost.


    -continued from description-
    He loves me even through it, and wants to see me smile more, like I used to before all of this happened. This poem was written for him only, nobody else. I would like to make sure that it is grammatically correct. Any help would be much appreciated.
    In person, I find that I cannot convey the words I need to say to him or anybody for that matter, so I hope that these words I wrote can do that job. I want him to know that inside I am still the same girl he fell in love with, not the maniac that now resides inside me. Also writing is my escape to something more than the harsh reality of my life. Don't think I'm saying that my life is the worst, I'm just saying it's very difficult.