• Girls,
    So beautiful in every way
    But you all distort that by what you say
    How you act
    And how you dress
    Show every men and female who you are
    You may think it really doesn't
    But it truley does
    Girls wear the hottest trends
    But that doesnt mean you have to be a ....
    We get it you want to be beautiful
    But look no further then in a mirror
    Because without the make up and the clothes
    You are beautiful
    And please dont let other break you down
    Be strong
    Be you
    For you are strong
    Stronger then any force of tide in the ocean
    More majestic then all the birds that float on the ponds
    In your neighborhoods
    You try to be beautiful
    By surrounding your self with slezzy men
    Who only like you to get inside you
    Truth is you like the men who are worth nothing
    And you give up the men who would die for you
    My understanding is girl's today have not learned a thing
    And for the men leave women the way they were created to be
    Not your blow up doll you can use for your pleasure
    Because women hold the key to life
    Without where would we be
    If you would not treat your mother as you treat other women
    Why treat them like that at all
    Girls stand up for yourself
    If any man dare lay hands on you let them be slain
    By the worst possible death
    Because when they touch a women
    They destroy such innocence
    Which men seek to find
    In young women who dont know the world they step into
    They think the world is not filled with pervs, and rappists,
    And people who do want to hurt you
    Truth is while your wearing these "Trends"
    These people that want to hurt you
    Brand you and your clothes say
    That you want to do the things they want to do with you
    That you want to be scared for the rest of your life
    If you dont please
    Be yourself