• You do your best, and you’re told to die
    Loathed and shunned by people you’ve never seen
    Cursed by all, you are ostracized, believed to be unclean

    Yet you don’t lash out like they fear you will, even when you wish to
    You smile in its stead, a confused teenage boy with not a single clue

    You were born and raised as human,
    The opposite of your brother, oh so timid and mild
    You were stronger than most kids, and then you lost control,
    Many people thought there couldn’t have been anyone with such a savage soul
    So rumors spread, with lies untamed and wild
    At age four, labeled “demon child”
    Then avoided at age ten

    You were not all alone, in the dark was a faint glow,
    Yukio, your brother, and your father, Shiro Fujimoto

    He tried to protect you, the father whom you admire,
    But he was consumed within a sea of cyan fire
    To save you, he pierced his heart, and you destroyed the Gehenna Gate
    You sacrificed your humanity, but still were too late
    Shiro laid lifeless on the floor, and you had to accept your demonic fate

    His death was not your fault, for how could you have known,
    That he would die in your stead?
    Satan must pay for the blood that has bled
    You vow you will never sit upon Gehenna’s throne.

    So then and there, at his grave, your fate will unfold,
    As you dial the number on your little flip-phone...