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Notes From Gaia
Random thoughts from inside Gaia
Development Update / Gold Grants
Dev notices have really taken out the need for a journal, to some extent, but I did want to talk at some length about the economy and some of the changes that we're making.

Note that I'm not an economist, so anything here that is correct is as a result of discussions with Sagger-AT3, and anything that is incorrect is undoubtedly my fault. Also, to some extent I'm trying to get the main idea across, but with anything in economics there are all sorts of edge cases and caveats.

What Is Inflation?
Inflation is a general rise in the cost of goods; basically, the notion that you were able to buy more last year with 100g than this year. Note that inflation is different than appreciation, which is the tendency of an item to rise in price as it ages. From our point of view, the ideal situation is that a user can buy an item for 100g, sell it a year later, and come out ahead in real terms after adjusting for inflation.

Bad metaphor: One way to think of inflation is to think of gold as seed corn, and virtual items as birds. Throw more seed corn out there, and each bird is going to eat more (i.e., inflate). Throw more birds out there, and each bird gets less corn.

Updated: Apparently, a very confusing AND bad metaphor. Okay, the main point here is that inflation is actually controlled by two countervailing influences: adding gold to the gold supply is inflationary, while creating new virtual items in the world is deflationary. Note that anything user-to-user is either neutral or slightly deflationary.

Inflation and Gaia
The quick answer: We're trying to fix inflation because we want the user to feel like items are attainable on the marketplace. If prices are increasing faster than you can earn gold, then it becomes very discouraging.

The longer answer: actually, what we're really trying to fix is the balance between different features. BG and zOMG outshadow anything else in terms of earning potential -- which means that either a) you play BG or zOMG to earn gold for your items, or b) you don't, and you just watch the price of the item always be unattainable. With recent changes this ratio is better, and we're hoping to adjust it further still.

By adjusting the balance we're trying to make items on the marketplace attainable for people doing lots of different activities on Gaia.

Inflation and the Marketplace
The price of an item, ultimately, is influenced upward by a) the desirability of the item (i.e., cats tend to do well), b) the rarity of the item, and c) the amount of gold that people have available.

Desirability we have some control over, but really, our optimum course is to try and make the items as good possible. Rarity really all depends on how many users like and buy the item (and is therefore correlated with desirability).

Bringing down marketplace prices requires either marketplace manipulation (a la price caps, which we've said we won't do) or re-releases (which we've said we won't do) or... getting more virtual items out there to chase a decreasing gold supply. That's what we're working on.

Side note 1: many people hate the hoarders that put stuff on the marketplace for tens of millions, but really, that doesn't cause inflation. They'll either a) get someone to pay their price, in which case the item is actually worth it, and we deduct 2% of 10m from the gold supply, or b) it isn't worth it, in which case no harm is done.

Side note 2: the 2% marketplace tax, as hated as it is, is one of our most consistent, best performing gold sinks. If I ever get to the point where I don't have enough stress in my life, I'll propose raising it to 2.25%.

Inflation and Cash Shop
Also: Does Gaia Want To Reduce Gold Grants to Force People To Buy Gaia Cash?
There is some evidence that indicates that high inflation actually gives people a reason to buy. This is because cash is a non-inflated currency buying into an inflating gold pool. Nonetheless, it would be better for gameplay to balance everything out, so that's what we're doing.

Also: But Isn't Cash Shop The Cause of Inflation?
Cash Shop is actually a strong deflationary influence; if we didn't have Cash Shop then our problems would be substantially worse. Cash Shop introduces new virtual items into the system, so you have the same amount of gold chasing more items, leading to overall deflation.

Also: But RIGs Are The Cause of Inflation
Usually the focus here is sellback values for the fail items. However, consider the life cycle of a RIG:

- user exchanges RIG for a random item - deflationary
- user keeps - deflationary
- user sells on marketplace - deflationary
- user 2 buys from user, then sells on marketplace - deflationary
- user gets fail item, sells on marketplace - deflationary
- user gets fail item, sells back - inflationary

When you add everything up (i.e., 2% tax from marketplace), it is equal to or more than the amount of gold generated from a sellback; and, most of the time, you're left with another virtual item. As a result, RIGs are deflationary.

Why Are You Picking on BG / zOMG
Because, together, they represented 80-90% of the total gold generation in Gaia.

Why Pick On BG?
It turned out that 30-35% of the gold being generated by BG was botted gold. Botted gold is pretty harmful in a number of ways; it takes a lot of time from our staff to go after and clean up bots, and it impacts the community when someone has to have a trading pass revoked because they were involved in transactions with botted gold.

So, given a choice between botted gold and non-botted gold, we usually try to resolve botted gold first, because a) it impacts the community negatively, and b) you fix it, see the effects, and then decide if you need to fix things further.

(There are still issues with BG, with the main one being immortal fish -- but leave that for another journal entry, we're still doing an analysis on it).

Why Pick on zOMG?
So, the issue with zOMG was different. It wasn't a botting problem, but an issue with entirely too much gold being given out. So, what we did today was this:

- take everyone that played the game yesterday (about 12k people)
- sort them
- look at how much the top 1% made
- made that the cutoff, and reduce gold payouts once you hit cutoff

Picking 1% was perhaps a little arbitrary, but it makes a real difference. The top 1% made 25-30% of the total gold created by zOMG yesterday. We'll be looking at the results over the weekend and then decide how to proceed.

Why Pick On *my favorite feature*
Ah, this is the fun thing about trying to fix gold granting: everyone believes that you should try to fix inflation, but they don't want you to touch their feature. A frequent refrain: "You can't reduce the amount of gold I get, because I need it to afford the massive prices." The very reason those items are so expensive is because we're giving out so much gold.

So What Next?
We'll be doing changes constantly to grants to try and get them adjusted to where we want them. Goldsinks are unequivocally good, so we're going to do more of those. Don't expect prices to immediately drop -- it takes a while for economic changes to propagate -- but making these changes will make for a more stable economy. While your gold earnings may decrease, you'll still be able to buy the items you want with approximately the same amount of effort; however, you'll be able to reasonably earn it in many different ways, instead of just limiting you to just two flash games.

This was a super high level view. Questions below -- you ask 'em, I'll answer 'em.

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Damir Van Kalaz
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 04:58am
Hmmm... Your ideas so far are good... I will take some time myself and work on some ideas for solving this problem. smile

commentCommented on: Wed Mar 16, 2011 @ 07:10pm
Pan, you didn't actually answer the question regarding where the information came from to dump the 9 player full game, 1:1 split. I'm thinking it had to be customer complaints (?) which you will have with every new tweak you try. On paper the mid-tank owner (actually any tank owner) can't possibly lose with your last experiment. I can't help but wonder if people would have come around if left to find/develop other strategies to locate playable tanks because of a longer test duration period (it really isn't hard, but yeah it takes a little effort). Humphrey's chat thread did a poll and your experiment was overwhelmingly popular. Did you ever consider making a proposed change and telling the GA community to try it for 5 days or a week or ___ before commenting? I have learned that sometimes the ideas that at first seem outrageous, are often the best solutions for the problem being addressed. People just need to stick with it long enough to discover that. Please don't give up and I'm sorry you are the brunt of so many uncaring comments.

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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 03:00am
rely, pannagrammic, you wrote this at like one am!! sleeeeeeeep..... stop working....... even though you'll probably dream about drawing kanoko with really short red hair in a GaGa costume just to freak out brennivin or something................... than make a item like that cuz that wud b awesome....

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 10:25pm
~{{ Hello! =^o.o^= I'm a pretty new member to Gaia (!now 1 month old!) and have already had a lot of fun signing in 2collect my loot and create my resemblances in my high-energy-angelic avatar =^o.o^= i've desided to Quest for some expensive items, without relying on GCash, n by exploring/involving within the community,etc.~ What ADVICE Would You Give to New Members on Reaching Goals without spending all of the time playing zomg... ? ? ~ perhaps you've written it in previous journals, i'd like to hear what is the general consensus on this, with/after all of the economic changes and other game changes happening... = which i'm *exited* 4!!= ~anyway->> thanks ~ peace }}~ dramallama p.s. who do i ask to add that "dramallama" icon in zOmg, i thought it was there but not anymore/! i have llamas So... lol ~ ~^o;o^~ ~

✻✼✽✾✿❀❁^__^ Eco-cosmic*~Higher*Self-Directing arrow Conscious-Energi_<3 ☯☮
{Angel/ien}~ ` '*.--.* ' ` .
. ✦✧✩✪✫✬✭✮✯✰
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** "o;o" **
~ ~ biggrin }~{ : <3 : }~ ~Haraku-Ki Tenshi!☯☮~

Hakaru-Ki Tenshi
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Hakaru-Ki Tenshi
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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 19, 2011 @ 11:16pm
~{{ Hello! =^o.o^= I'm a pretty new member to Gaia (!now 1 month old!) and have already had a lot of fun signing in 2collect my loot and create my resemblances in my high-energy-angelic avatar =^o.o^= i've desided to Quest for some expensive items, without relying on GCash, n by exploring/involving within the community,etc.~ What ADVICE Would You Give to New Members on Reaching Goals without spending all of the time playing zomg... ? ? ~ perhaps you've written it in previous journals, i'd like to hear what is the general consensus on this, with/after all of the economic changes and other game changes happening... = which i'm *exited* 4!!= ~anyway->> thanks!!}}~ dramallama p.s. who do i ask to add that "dramallama" icon in zOmg, i thought it was there but not anymore/! i have llamas So... lol ~ ~^o;o^~ ~

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 20, 2011 @ 08:55pm
Hello Pan. I have a question for you.

What is the actual inflation rate? (per week? per day!!!)
and how much do you plan to reduce it, let's say: what is your target inflation rate?

I am very pleased with the new changes =D

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commentCommented on: Mon Mar 21, 2011 @ 07:25pm
3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding lol lol lol lol :lkool!ol: lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

commentCommented on: Tue Mar 22, 2011 @ 12:53am
So if Gaia actually wanted to control the money supply it would need to start conducting open-market operations through some kind of Gaian equivalent of the federal reserve. In order to decrease the money supply (aka lessen inflation) it would have to sell items in order to take gold out of the system, in order to increase the money supply, it would have to buy items from people. (Thus giving gold.)

My absolute recommendation would be to sell items with high demand that are greater than 100million gold through some account on the marketplace. You will need some information to make this actually work: the exact amount of money in the economy, how often it changes between users, (especially if there a lot of gold on dead accounts?), and then stuff related to the price and quantity of items.

Alternatively you could develop a system to scale gold granted so only a certain amount of gold is granted for a certain amount of time. This way you could lessen gold granting to an amount that causes deflation. Do note that inflation in this economy well.... not that bad of a thing. The normal costs of inflation are not apparent. So inflation generally means one thing: when inflation is high, people will buy (hold) more items (with variable cost e.g. non-store items) and use (hold) less gold. Conversely, when inflation is low, people will hold more gold and hold less items. To tell you the truth, a deflationary cycle, where it is much more valuable to hold onto gold than it is to hold onto items would be pretty amazing in this economy. To just see all the exchangers trying to sell their items as fast as possible because Gaia's announced a targeted drop in the money supply. Well, I'll put it this way: you'd find out who owns the items because they like them, and not because they're "valuable."

Got gold? Join the exclusive Millionaires' Guild! Don't? Vendors United!
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oId baIIs
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commentCommented on: Fri Mar 25, 2011 @ 09:58pm
Your having problems with inflation, so you give more gold for posts?
I don't get it.

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 27, 2011 @ 08:42am
This is... very informational. And I agree, after reading it, why you pick on zomg... and BG (which I don't really care about anymore.)
Yes, I never realized it. (One week passed. And NOW I decide to check out the zomg forum.)
And it's better than cancelling zomg and BG forever, or get rid of gaia. crying Little changes help. Like these gold curves.
It's biased, a bit cruel, but eventually would help the economy of gaia.

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Malicious Diary
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commentCommented on: Tue Mar 29, 2011 @ 07:08am
Would giving an incentive for being on gaia raise the economy?
Like x amount of years, x amount of purchases x amount of daily logins.
x amount of forum posts. divided by x factors of x.

Something along those lines?

commentCommented on: Thu Mar 31, 2011 @ 06:11am
I get this:

ERROR: Post (#32894677) not found. Click here to go back to the Journal.

Everytime i try to see the second page of comments on this journal entry :/

The stepfather of lies
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commentCommented on: Thu Mar 31, 2011 @ 11:07am
The ultimate gold sink would be a NPC shop that sells highly desirable items that are soulbound and have a reduced resale value if they are sold back to an NPC.

This would insure that all sales from that shop would remove currency from circulation permanently in the case of the gap between the sale and resale value and on a temporary basis in the case of the residual. And by making the items sold highly desirable the consumer would be reluctant to sell them back to the shop thus sequestering the residual value from the market.

commentCommented on: Sat Apr 09, 2011 @ 08:59pm
Just wanted to say, I appreciate all you have been doing lately, taking questions on, listening to us all, trying to make everyone happy & there's still complainers!!! So many people w/ different view points!!! I know you asked if there were any concerns on the glow button feature, although I see positive feed back where you are, there are still many, many people out here that don't like it one bit!!! The only thing I'm asking here is that I hope this option will stay as a choice, not as a demand to play!!! And yes, waiting impatiently for Phin Phang to open, hope we can honestly benefit from it!!! Ty

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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 11, 2011 @ 12:25am
I find that the super rare rig items are too discouraging for me to even try a rig item. Couple that with gambling in general, which can turn into bad habits, especially since real money is involved.
I would rather buy the item with cash. I feel like that would be voicing my purchase better, showing my appreciation toward the artist, and no guilt that I had to gamble my way to the item.
Now whether or not this reduces or increases inflation is not as important to me as knowing that I don't feel cheated out of a high quality awesome item because I don't have enough money or gold to crank out Rig items or millions of gold to buy it on the marketplace.

commentCommented on: Sat Apr 16, 2011 @ 11:21pm
beckygrendel, thanks for testing out the details about zOMG. I had been curious about how the cap worked for a while there.

Also, I agree with many of the users above in regards to the rerelease of RIG items. Many of the most expensive items, say, in the 10m range, originated from RIGs. Would it really not be possible to rerelease?

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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 18, 2011 @ 01:09pm
Side note 1: many people hate the hoarders that put stuff on the marketplace for tens of millions, but really, that doesn't cause inflation. They'll either a) get someone to pay their price, in which case the item is actually worth it, and we deduct 2% of 10m from the gold supply, or b) it isn't worth it, in which case no harm is done.

This is correct in that pricing items for extremely high amounts on the MP actually has no effect on the actual worth of the item if there are not users buying the item for said amounts (in which case, it's not what sellers are listing it for, but that's what the item is worth), but you're incorrect in stating that it's hoarders behind it. In a lot of cases, it's people trying to move botted gold or simply listing an item because somehow they think that one day it'll rise to that price.

I'm not entirely sure this will help the SWEEPING misinformation of what hoarding is (your post also contained it), but if you'd like... the guild I'm part of has tons and tons of resources of why hoarding is not what most people think it is. And, considering that our guild is the longest standing and largest guild on Gaia for hoarding, I think we have enough merit to be considered experts on the subject.

If you would like more information on it, feel free to reply to this and I can either comment here or shoot you a PM.

commentCommented on: Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 02:23am

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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 19, 2011 @ 04:05pm
Thanks for all of the hard work~ This was actually incredibly interesting for me to read through~

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 22, 2011 @ 11:07pm
Thank you for doing the tough thing, and trying to even out the playing field a bit. Obviously, the top gains will still be on top, but you're making it a little easier for those people who are stuck in that perpetual twilight between being a noob, and being one of the elite.

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commentCommented on: Sat Apr 23, 2011 @ 03:38am
This is how I'm reading it...

BG/zOMG produced 80/90% of the total gold produced from one day.
BG produced 30/35%
So zOMG should be producing 50/55% of the gold
If the Top 1% were earning 25-30%
Then a quarter of the gold was going to the Top 1%
Which if you lay it out against the total gold produced in the whole day, a group of 120 people were making 12.5% of the gold in that day.

Am I correct?

I'm quite baffled by this maths, idk if I'm correct, but it shows something. Also I knew most of the people in the top 1% and was a pioneer in making seb popular.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 25, 2011 @ 04:54pm
i dont get it 4laugh

Hi my name is callmemute

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Crystal Whitney White
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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 26, 2011 @ 11:19pm
i dont wanna sign up for stupid Auto cash just to get rid of the ads on here please get rid of them nobody cares, nobody wants them! stressed

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"I tame all these wondrous snakes, cause,... cos... I HAVE A WEAPON AND CAN DESTROY THEM IF THEY DON'T LISTEN!"... scream

Big ol' nasty fish... User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
commentCommented on: Sat Apr 30, 2011 @ 05:42pm
I just played a game with at least 5 glowing fish, 3 of them meats, and earned 511/511 with my bonus. Lag kept me from avoiding the red blobs or gaining all of the blue ones and from catching much of the gold (does what we visibly grab actually correspond to what we receive, or is that just a preset determination? I can no longer tell. It doesn't seem to me to correspond.) So I got a boring, frustrating game and not a great deal of reward WITH my temporary bonus.

Now why invest monthly cash in that? I can't see it. I posted two lengthy harangues in Site Feedback and Aquarium Bugs yesterday. Am not a happy camper - and made it clear both times that no bg guild should be blamed, I'm not in one, was speaking as an individual. Also answered 3 questions in Aquariums and sent 2 to this and Humphrey's thread for help on building up their newly dressed-uup tanks.

I don't see anyone here getting rich like people speculating in cash shop items - so even tho' I am no expert in econ, I can't see bg as the primary source of inflation on Gaia...And I didn't notice the getting-rich-on cash-shop item-resale connection here, it was when I saw the difference between appreciation of my beloved MC's and the cash shop items which rarely interest me, but do very, very well on the market. People have to work their tails off in bg or zOMG to match what others buy with cash. If gaia needs income, it needs to also recognize effort and pay-for-effort, instead of draining meaningful work of adequate compensation.

It was once explained to me that I really was not egalitarian, as egalitarian could very well mean that we could all be equally deprived....and I believe that a 1:1 ratio in bg will take us right there. The rationale is that tank owners wiill get the same amount. Never you believe it. If I get X per player per game either way, my 'cut' is the 'same' ONLY if plenty of players are playing...and why would players come rushing back to bg with a slower, less showier, less rewarding play? If fewer players play each game, the owner's take drops anyway, despite Gaia's specious reasoning. Bg is NOT as much fun, even for me with my lag problems. Before, I could sit out a game and just let the overseer grab what he could if I was called away from the screen...and still do well...but now I would probably not do well at all. And, even WITH the bonus, my earnings per game is WAY down. (Disgruntled player and owner, that I am. I am willing to pay for fish that will BOTH throw at least middle-trigger gold AND live for a while. And I DO NOT want a tank of everything alike, no,indeed.)

Not happy, Pan.

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commentCommented on: Sat Apr 30, 2011 @ 05:59pm
REMEMBER - that player's bonus is scheduled to play out over the next few weeks. My player's bonus is 250%, so if I got 2500 in a game (never happen), after the adjustment I would only get 1000. More realistically, if I get 1250 (and am not getting even half that), I will get 500 after the adjustment to 1:1. If I get 625 now (which I can get), I will get 250 later.

Now - you tell me, why would I want to play bg for 250g per game? Why bother?

Remember that the gold now showing as the owner's cut is actually what the owner is getting times the player's bonue. If that's 2505% like mine, the owner's current cut is actually the smaller of the numbers shown above, rather than the number showing. Pan's explained that.

Owner's are going to be working just as hard for less results - even if the old numbers of players show up (which I guarantee you they won't, with the less exciting play and less profitable results).

commentCommented on: Tue May 03, 2011 @ 01:32am
You might find it interesting to read in these threads:
Humphrey's Aquarium Chatting Thread
A Funeral For Our Friends. aka "Goodbye Immortal Fishies!"


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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 02, 2011 @ 03:16am
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This is a great explanation, and I wish more people out there would read it and except the facts for what they are. I've been a Gaian since somewhere in 04' when it was nothing but forums and MC's ran for 1-2.5k and THAT was a lot of gold in those days. Then came along towns and fishing, I remember how huge that was.

Since I've been here so long I can see how new features have different effects on the marketplace, so I always knew when BG came out it was a cause for a lot of the inflation. I like zOMG!'s grants a bit better when it first came out because i believed the payout was more reasonable but so many people were drawn to BG for gold, it became nice the higher gold grants got more people to start playing zOMG!.

Personally the route I would take is to scale down booty grab considerably (I think you have, but I don't know, I haven't played in a while) and scale down zOMG! just a tad bit more. (I still play that frequently) I don't mind the scale downs because it makes it more fair for Gaia so you got to do what you got to do, just know I've always been a loyal supporter of all your decisions and will remain one for many more years to come.

And my question for you (you don't have to answer this) is: Can you give me any hints as to if they plan on bringing back those flowers they released in towns but had to recall, or are they a dead and gone thing? (thought I'd forget about that did you?)

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 23, 2011 @ 04:58pm
I think a gold sink with frequent, small rewards and soulbound items might help a little.

Velvet Sins
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commentCommented on: Sun Jul 24, 2011 @ 03:25am
You should've used the World War 2 example where Germany tries to pay off their debt to France but actually the value of their money goes down instead ;o And when the value of the money goes down then the prices go up. The value of an item is still the same but the value of the money isn't. It's very understandable n.n

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 08, 2011 @ 06:06pm
Then why not just raise the difficulty in zOMG! up to the amount of gold you get? If you make it harder to get that amount then you could fish out those who go and get the gold easily from those of us (including me) who actually worked hard to get where they are.

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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 18, 2011 @ 02:49am
Okay, (if I'm not the only one looking at this anymore) so it's been about seven months since gaia started working on changes to bg and zomg also the increases to rig productions has increased. Gaia said at the time this started that this should help lower inflation.

So how has it panned out?

Has there been a noticeable difference in the economy because of changes to bg and zomg?

What about with the rigs?

I'm not saying these weren't solutions but I'm just curious about how well are they working. (In hopes that it is indeed improving gaia)

commentCommented on: Sat Nov 19, 2011 @ 05:53pm
I don't know if I'm in the right place to ask this but I wouldn't know where else I could get an answer... why won't gaia re-release Sweetheart?

Stroll Through The Waters
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commentCommented on: Sun Sep 22, 2013 @ 03:08pm
"Why Pick On *my favorite feature*
Ah, this is the fun thing about trying to fix gold granting: everyone believes that you should try to fix inflation, but they don't want you to touch their feature. A frequent refrain: "You can't reduce the amount of gold I get, because I need it to afford the massive prices." The very reason those items are so expensive is because we're giving out so much gold."

Now then, Gaia makes their move: nerfs gold grants to the ground, makes more gold sinks (this should be an added feature to the rich gaians who have over 100M gold like their MP tax being 5-10% or so) and then they come up with the super-uber-mega-one-time-only sales which are afforded only by people who can put quite a big amount of money under pixels, but oh since you nerf the gold grants, other people will be poor (and by other I mean the ones who CANT afford to buy GC), cant afford most of the items because it costs too much, and have to work REALLY hard to get the item someone bought with money, because as I have seen, people treat the prices like this: If I buy high, I sell high. And in this case they bought the item with 5K GC which is a big amount and thus the Market price might be up at 50M on this or that item or even higher than that. Now what? We work hard for the item, but what if it inflates even more? Oh wait, most of the people who dont have a decent income on gaia and dont have a decent or any income in real cant do much on this site.

Now tl;dr, I strongly believe you need to make gold sinks to those mega rich people and even raise the tax 5-10%. I believe that would make them sell less on the market, which might even reduce inflation, and take them more to the exchange, where people have a chance to bid on the item! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 29, 2013 @ 07:37am
^ Comment above. He doesn't work for Gaia anymore. We only wish he did. sad

cosmic fairytale
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xx I met my fate xx
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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 22, 2014 @ 02:46pm
I know you no longer work for Gaia Interactive but I just want to say that you and your views are missed.

We need your influence back...or really any staff member who actually cares anymore.

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 28, 2014 @ 10:26pm
I love this,and it explains so much of what is going on right now.
Admin is using all community suggestions to get gold sinks,and pirating everyone,trying to bring inflation and the extra gold down to normal.
It is crazy here, as at IA is scrambling trying to keep up with the Gaia corporation as they add on feature after feature to try and remedy the situation.
Then they realize they go overboard and try to back-step by increasing caps for earning gold and adding on new games.
Ahh,good times! rofl

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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 28, 2014 @ 10:37pm
I love this,and it explains so much of what is going on right now.
Admin is using all community suggestions to get gold sinks,and pirating everyone,trying to bring inflation and the extra gold down to normal.
It is crazy here, as at IA is scrambling trying to keep up with the Gaia corporation as they add on feature after feature to try and remedy the situation.
Then they realize they go overboard and try to back-step by increasing caps for earning gold and adding on new games.
Ahh,good times! rofl

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