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Notes From Gaia
Random thoughts from inside Gaia
So long, and thanks for the fish!
Quick update: Hey, just wanted to address some stuff.

It is not some evil plot that the company cannot talk about individual or cases. These are standard privacy rules for all companies.

That it was an execution. I think people are getting confused by the term that's used for it, but it's like "garbage collection" or "killing an object" -- sounds much worse than it is. Standard protocol for companies over a certain size is to get everyone affected into one room, everyone else into another. Nothing evil about it. I mean, it's not pleasant for anyone involved, but it's standard operating procedure.

Now: do you let people get closure with their friends afterwards at work? Usually not. I personally think Gaia is the exception, but they chose not to do it that way for whatever reason -- which is their perogative, it's the safe default.

Why doesn't Gaia say something? They just want to get the messaging right -- I mean, everyone needs to come up to speed on the new plan and get coordinated and whatnot. Give 'em a little bit.

Any bitterness? No, absolutely not. It's bittersweet: I loved working with the Gaian community, but I'm also really looking forward to something different. I have many friends still working at Gaia, and hope the best for them, and I'm sure that they'll do a swinging job at the new strategy.

If you want to do anything for me, you can leave a comment on this journal entry, and make this my most commented journal entry ever. biggrin


As always, I can be a little more honest and forthright in my journal, and I wanted to thank the community for the chance to interact and work with you over these past years.

Yes, another layoff -- bunch of senior people, bunch of artists, and probably the least important, me! Bunch of secondary stuff as a result, but I'll let the company make whatever announcement it deems fit on that.

It's part and parcel and endemic to this industry, unfortunately; the trials and tribulations of the technology sector, especially the social networking sector, mean that while you might continually have a job, it almost certainly will not be the same job.

Having been on both sides of this at various times, it's hard either way. On the one hand, you have people that are suddenly worrying about how they're going to make the rent (and, while CEOs might get the cushy layoff packages, the rank-and-file do not), and on the other hand you end up having to go to work and feeling a bit of survivor guilt and wondering whether it might not be time to look around.

It's sad leaving -- the people at Gaia are very special; to give you an example, during the last few layoffs, when everyone was told and the people that were staying were given the option to leave, many people stayed to help their friends through a difficult time. That's really unusual and really gives you the sense of the Gaia "family." (Unfortunately, for whatever reason, they did it this time with what we in the industry call the "gas chamber" method, which details I will not go into but should be pretty obvious).

The company is bound by privacy laws, and they can't legally talk about anyone that has left; anyone that gives specific details doesn't know what they're talking about (or is being really unethical, I guess) -- it's one of those things you just don't do. Like most industries, the ratio of pretentious blowhards to people that know what they're talking about is about 10 : 1, hah!

My big regret is not making it a user meeting, in all the years; I've had such great relationships with so many different people, it's really a pity that I didn't get a chance to meet you guys face-to-face.

And I'll miss especially working with the mods -- I didn't have a chance to do it recently, but I'll tell you that sitting in the Gaia #mod channel and reading their conversations is something that should be experienced by everyone at least once. You guys only see the tip of the iceberg for the work that our volunteer mods do -- they do 10x behind the scene, and they do it with a style and a passion and a sense of humor that is amazing.

However, you guys have made this place great (well, great any time I wasn't reducing gold payouts), and it was amazing to work someplace where we could push something and get feedback in 5 minutes.

You may still see me on occasionally -- I am going to wait for my few MCs to appreciate and then I will spend my golden years commissioning art, because while I have neither the funds nor the family nor the fancy monocle to be a patron of the arts in reality, I can definitely do it on Gaia!

But in the now, as I type this: I am sitting across the table from gracewar7 while drinking coffee at Paris Baguette in Palo Alto. I'm trying to block the sweet smell of carbs while we are planning out our new company and a new (educational) iPad app. Long shot? Definitely. Scary? Yeah. Will I be homeless after it fails? Potentially! But, it's something that maybe could take off, and maybe do some good for disadvantaged or disabled children, and doesn't that seem worth a risk? Life is short -- so why not take chances while you can? Why not try to change the world for the better?

But, if you're in the Bay Area, and see a homeless person, be extra nice to that homeless person: that homeless person might be me. biggrin

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 11:06pm
Nooo. crying This is madness. Wishing you the best, Pan. heart

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 11:11pm
back in the day we where always in the dark about Gaia and what was going on, you changed that and became a voice for us to connect with chaning that reputation and making us feel like we mattered. no lie Pan you will be miss and ******** Gaia if they think they will ever get a dime out me and no I refuse to white list them after this we go to all this trouble to give to the site and show our support and valuable people are shown the door.
unacceptable. ******** the blowhards.

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n o i r i s t
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commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 11:21pm
Please accept my appreciation for all you've done for Gaia and us users over the years, and my best wishes in your future endeavors. I hope your new company really takes off. x

commentCommented on: Thu Apr 25, 2013 @ 11:31pm
You have given so much to Gaia over the years.

I wish you and gracewar7 all the best with your new venture; I hope it turns out to be something as amazing as Gaia is.

Chocobo Princess
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Tiana Luscinia
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 12:09am
Good luck Pan. heart

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 12:21am
We'll miss you, Man. Thanks for everything you've ever done for us. . Gaia won't be the same without you.

I Sinistro I
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Krissim Klaw
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 12:31am
*Hugs* You will be missed. The thing I have always loved about this site was the way you staffers made an effort to make it an extended family with the userbase. Things shouldn't have gone down like this.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 12:43am
Well this is bad news.
I hope you and JK can find something else to do.
I really do.
Good luck with your life Pan n JK!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 12:55am
Dear Pan,

Thank you. I'm so sorry this had to happen to you, of all people.

All the best for your future, please have the most awesome of lives!


commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:02am
I don't want you guys to go! crying

Little Dead Soldier
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:20am
I'm highly disappointed with the decisions that was made to let you go.

You and many others are so very important to us users and it's saddening to see this happen. Please keep us updated on how you are doing!

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:25am
Personally, I have shared a special bonding with you and your work and I shall take away with me cherished memories. I still remember when hoc started and I sent you a pm, altrough you had a lot of work you would always find the time to respond and interact with us. I will never forget what you did to the community. I wish you succes with your app and hope your art commissions do well...

Free Killz
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:45am
If there's a fund for homeless tech workers of the Bay Area, I will certainly donate. Sorry to see you go.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 02:17am
I am really sad right now. You were always my favourite staff!
Good luck, Pan! I hope your company is prosperous, you deserve it.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 02:35am

Hope everything works out for the best.
(My 2nd comment b/c I couldn't see the 1st but it's still true!)

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 02:35am

Oh my God, noooo....

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 02:39am
You were, are, and will always be the s**t, Pan. Wanting to help out kids, and focusing on that when you've just lost your job even!, makes me like you even more. Sorry to see you and really, sincerely good luck to you.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 02:41am
I am a sad to see all these old faces go. Gaia is starting to become not Gaia and it is just depressing to me. I Hope everything works out for you. Good Luck!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 02:47am
Shocked and sad to see you go. Thank you for all you've done for us, and good luck to you and the others on all your future endeavors! <3

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 02:59am
Sad to see you go. Good luck with your future endeavors.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 03:01am
So sorry to see you go. I wish you nothing but the best and success for the future.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 03:22am
What a lousy end to a lousy day. crying

I feel awful for you Pan, and I feel just as awful for those others who were layed off today.
I know I've been pretty rough on you guys from time to time with regards to HoC, (regret that even more now gonk ), but as cranky as I got at times, I always appreciated and respected the way you were always willing to discuss things with us directly.
Your passion for the site and it's people was always obvious, and I hope you know that it's that passion that has kept so many of us coming here year after year.
I honestly don't know what the future holds for any of us, but I wish you nothing but the best of luck and I do know that whoever has the wisdom and good fortune to add you to their crew will never regret it.

Take care Pan.
You'll be sorely missed. emotion_hug

Erogenous Jones
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 03:30am
I have to admit that out of all journals I have ever read, this one was most honest one. Thank you for posting. Sigh... Sad to see you all go... loosing interest in Gaia already sad but, I have to agree, Gaia is the only place you can afford to patronize art cat_whee

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 04:08am
When you feel commissioning some art, drop me a pm 3nodding

I will miss you so much, your approach to us , the community is something that i will not forget because reminded me wht used to be gaia on 2004, a closer community and a family.

Now, i would also be happy to get the app you are working on 3nodding i can't help you to get a job or giviang a place to stay if you need it, ( unless you de ide to change your country of residence emotion_awesome ). But i can support you with the app 3nodding and i'm sure it will be awesome, anything that you make will be amazing.

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Metropol Rubbish
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 04:37am
I'm very sad to see you go :c You were an amazing developer and you are the driving force that helped me not give up on Gaia. Thank you for everything and just for being so great in general!

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 04:49am
Noooo!!!!! You were my favorite staff member here, bar none!

If it wasn't for you, the standard of the staff members keeping in touch with us would not have been met! You were the best when it came to that! SF loves you for all that you've done!

I'm going to miss you bigtime!

My favorite person is leaving! emo

Please, I hope someone else sees your talent and hires you right away! My best condolences and luck to you, Pan!

You're nothing short of awesome.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 04:54am
Aw, Pan! You were the best Dev, I'll miss you!

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 05:07am
Pan I'm going to miss you immensely, I knew something was up with the last few guild announcements I got. I hope there's a way us members can still follow you and the work you have planned. I think for all the years you have been here you did your best to interact with the community and work on any issues that may arise with features or anything that would be coming out for the site soon. I wish you and gracewar7 luck and success with your new endeavor and hope to see you again biggrin .

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Esdella Vie
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 05:21am
I never said much to you, or anything at all really, but I always enjoyed reading your updates. I'm very sorry to see you go, but it's a nice thought that I might see a grand thread of yours requesting art, with monocle AND cane. God bless you and everyone else, you will all be missed.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 05:35am
I'm so sorry to see you go. crying

I don't like how it was handled... but god.

We hope to see you around! You were here from the beginning- it's hard to imagine Gaia without you.

Of course in the end, the greatest loss is Gaia's.

Only Gray
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The Trancy Brat
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 05:44am
It's so sad to see you and so many others leave like this, but hopefully everything works out for everyone in the end. I wish you the best of luck with your app idea, no one here would want to see you homeless ;w;

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 05:47am
Best of luck in your future endeavors.

Don't Panic
....and always carry a towel. heart

Tragic l2abbit
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Rya Dracosin
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 05:56am
Oh this is the saddest gaia moment I've had since shadow dragon left. *sobs*

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 06:23am
I'm going to miss you a whole lot, man. Thanks for all that you've done for the site. I wish you luck and hope for the best in whatever you do from here.

Razumi Yazura
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 07:37am
I rarely go on Gaia anymore, but I'm happy I was able to jump on in time to wish you well. I will pray for you, I hope you have great success.

Thanks for the memories.


commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 07:41am
Well. I'm somewhat furious at the people running Gaia now. ******** idiots. Whatever.
If they don't replace you community faves with worthy people, it's gonna bite them in the a**, and I hope they're ******** aware of that. mad
It'll be terribly sad not to see updates from you anymore.
:'D I am just filled with ever growing rage and hatred for Gaia right now, so I just won't say any more.

Best of luck to you and your endeavors!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 07:47am
Pan. I've always loved how funny and good natured you were. And the level of involvement you showed with the community while developing HOC was astounding and very commendable. I really hope you'll do well with your ipad app. Or find a job somewhere else if it doesn't turn out well. I can't imagine someone with your talents on the streets. gonk

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 08:05am
...... I am now very sad....

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cosmic fairytale
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 08:21am
No, Pan! Not you too! crying ! Good luck in the future, you'll be sorely missed...

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 09:05am
I am bummed!
Thank you Pan for being one of the few staff that bothered to communicate with us on issues. Thanks for your help in trying to find compromise on aquarium / fish stuff and the communication issues.
I wish you all the best in your new endeavor.

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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 09:39am
Much luck~

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 10:11am
You'll be missed. heart

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Darc Nightgale
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 10:31am
User Image

It really is a sad day. For anybody that works or worked there and all the members of Gaia. I want to thank you all for your hard work, and the time that you guys put into this site. You will be missed by a lot of Gaians, and I wish you the best of luck.

User Image

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 11:04am
Oh Pan!!! crying

Dont sell yourself short! You've made a ton of great things on Gaia! I'm sure everyone here in these comments have given you all of the praise that you deserve. Now you're on the market - which means that all of those companies are going to try to get a hand on you! wink

I hope your next job is as fun as this one has been. If you're ever in the SoCal area, stop by Anime Expo and hang out! I met various staff completely randomly, I saw an artist draw an OMG hat and I was like "Do you...?" "I'm VO!"

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Ping of Death
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:05pm
You probably read this many times already but thank you for all the great things you've done for the Gaia community.

I'm one of the many people you don't know yet are greatly saddened about this but remember that we know and appreciate the things you have done for Gaia. Thanks and I hope you succeed in your future plans! emotion_hug

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:07pm
+ 1 to journal entry count? emotion_dowant

Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING. We will miss you. crying

Community Member
Gaia Staff
commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:31pm
I am really sad that I did not get to know you very well, even on the uncommon occasions that you could make it to our neck of the woods on IRC. I can say that you were definitely a major asset to the team, and do not think your long hours went unnoticed.

Your plans for the future with gracewar7 and the app sound awesome, and I really hope to see it take off. I wish you the best of luck.

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:32pm

Sorry to hear you've been removed. Just wanted to say thanks for all the time, effort and energy you've put in over the years. It was certinally noticed and appreciated.
As for all your future endeavours I wish you success and inspiration!
+1 comment

Miss Perfection
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commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 01:47pm
.... I don't even...
Bye :'<

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 26, 2013 @ 03:26pm
ͽᴥͼ T h e H a r d c o r e P a n d a s a y z

They made a HUGE mistake letting you (and a few others that I know of) go! This will be something they regret down the line.

Thanks for being a responsible party to your projects and making sure things were addressed in a proper fashion.

If you need some help looking for work - I know quite a few individuals at RIOT who would love to see your resume.

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