well umm...blih blih blih the story will come shortly I hope
look haya-sama
heart heart I love my haya-sama

but anyway to the story
The leader smiled.
"well....?"he asked
Zetsu stared at him his gaze unflinching..
"Fine....but don't you dare hurt her understood"
The leader nodded.
"I have no intetion too..inless you go aginst my orders.."
Zetsu nodded and walked back towards Kiname's med.room but stopped and he relised he caouldn't bring himself to go in.
He hit the wall with his fist.
"damit"he mummbled.."why..why do I have to do it?"
sorry but nopw I have to go..so more on poor zetsu later..and stuff and will eh actully fufill..what he was told to do?