Looks like I'm back in buisness baby!
And now, its time for Hybird's Home-Made Mythology! [Insert Applause here]
Today We're looking at the "Fox-Knight" breed: Fox-Knights is a powerful, and extreamly quick and agile breed of humanoid Fox-men. Since they are so in tune with Nature, and are able to study, and adapt quickly to their surrounding enviroments, many of them worked as Ninja's, or "Field Mages" (Field Mages will be explained another time kiddies!)
Sadly, this race has dwindled dramaticly due to humans, and many other speicies fearing due to a few renegade, murderous Fox-Knights that went around, destroying everything in their sites. Now a days, Fox-Knights that live in the open (the ones that did not, do not, or will not go into hiding,) full or half breed, are often victems of racism from other races, often Humans.
This is a Fox-Knight:

Well, that's all for now, see ya later Bung Wipes, and Bung Wipetts!
[Hybird, Signing off]