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My story

Community Member
This is chapters 1-6 of my story...and as of right now I'm too lazy to edit it...

A young woman stood on the edge of a steep craggy cliff that overlooked the ocean. The soft wind teased her long chestnut hair into flowing away from her finely featured face. Her tall thin frame was revealed only as her loose fitting gown fell against her skin. As her pale blue eyes scanned the ends of the ocean, she called out with a soft sweet voice.
“Return to me my love…”

Chapter 1
Sana’s blue eyes opened slowly as she awoke to the sound of her alarm. With a small groan she sat up and stretched as the warm covers fell from her body. When she got up and looked in the mirror she laughed at how her long mud brown hair had frizzled.
She briskly walked to the bathroom with her uniform in hand. After a short 15 minute shower, she got out and dried off. Her hourglass shape showed, even though the uniform was a tad too large for her. The short green skirt had always bugged her so she constantly wore a pair of gym shorts underneath. After she finished getting dressed she tied back her hair so that it hung in a ponytail that ended at the nape of her neck. Her wavy hair was usually a pain to deal with, but on this day it fell just right and she had a hunch that today was going to go really well. As she stepped down the stairs she was greeted by a young man.
His short charcoal hair and slate grey eyes complimented his dark skin well. Though he wore a baggy grey shirt and jeans it was still very apparent that he had a well built body. The part that she could never resist, however, were his cute bobcat ears. For he was a demon after all.
“Good morning, Sinfuu!” She said cheerfully.
“Morning, Sana, did you sleep well?” He asked.
“Of course I did!” She said happily, “Is breakfast almost ready?”
“Just give me another minute and it will be.” He said right before he gave her a morning kiss on the cheek.
As he turned to finish breakfast she caught the small satisfied smirk that he had on his face as she blushed. Sana sat at the table and watched him move quickly around the Kitchen. A few minutes later he set a plate full of delicious smelling food in front of her. On the plate were eggs, scrambled the way she liked, two slices of toast, and a small bowl of applesauce. He then set a tall glass of chocolate milk in front of her to drink. As he went back into the kitchen, she resisted the urge to dig in and waited until he sat with his own plate before eating.

Through the grasslands of an unknown land a lone warrior rode through on horseback. The dark cloak he wore prevented others from seeing his features. The only sign of what he was, was the Katana that he wore slung over his shoulder. He stopped his horse suddenly and looked to the sky.
“Something’s coming,” he said in a deep rich voice, “I can sense it.”

“Thank you for breakfast, Sinfuu!” Sana said before getting up. “Well I’m off to school!”
“Be good and stay out of trouble!” He yelled after her.
“Don’t worry I will!”
As she walked out of the house, she started towards the direction of the school with her bag over her shoulder. By the time she reached the large building, the warning bell went off.
“Oh no! I’m going to be late!” She yelled dashing off to her classroom
Luckily she made it in and to her desk just in time for the second bell to ring.
Before she knew it, school was over. Now, it was time for the drama club to get together and practice the upcoming play. The play was based on a story that takes place on a distant planet outside of our own solar system. The main characters were Sayrani, a young female shape-shifter, and Rokun, a young male demon who could control the powers of fire. Sana had scored the role of the shape-shifter almost instantaneously due to the fact that everyone thought she could change costumes extremely fast. What they didn’t know however was that she was an elven warrior who could use the power of transformation.
After three long hours of rehearsal Sana sat near the prop room with a bottle of water in her hand. That’s when a faint glow caught her attention. After walking into the room she noticed that the ancient clothes that Sayrani once wore emitted a faint glow that seemed to call out to her. With caution she walked up to the outfit and touched its soft fabric. The second her fingers made contact with it, the glow grew to the point that she felt blinded. All of a sudden it felt as if she was being sucked through a vortex hole. By the time she landed at her destination, she was out cold.

Chapter 2
The warrior that had stopped before saw a flash of light come from inside a small abandoned shack that stood near by. Curiosity took over and, with a lot of caution, he walked up to one of the old broken windows and peered inside. When he saw Sana’s body laying there a sudden feeling of concern and worry flooded him. With a sigh he went inside, picked up her body and carried her out. Once he placed her on his horse’s neck, and got on himself, he rode off to his home.
When Sana woke a few hours later, she sat up and looked around in utter confusion. Instead of waking in the prop room, she now lay in a soft bed with silk sheets, and a frame constructed out of oak. As she continued to look around, she realized that she might not be on earth anymore. Though the furniture seemed modern enough, she noticed that there were absolutely no electronics around and there was no sign of a door in the doorway. The walls were painted a light green and the faint smell of fire smothered everything. When she looked down, she was shocked to find that she was wearing Sayrani’s clothes. As she got up and looked in the mirror she realized that the clothes, though slightly uncomfortable, fit her rather well. After turning, to walk out of the room, she collided into a tall man. She stepped back a bit and craned her head back to look up at the mysterious man standing before her. From under the cloak his deep brown eyes gazed into hers with questions that didn’t need to be asked. He took off the hood of the cloak so that she could at least see what his face looked like. As he did so, his long flowing black hair fell to his shoulders thus accenting his pale skin and fine features.
“It’s good to see that you’re finally awake.” He said softly.
“Who are you?” She asked confused, “And where am I?”
“My name is Kiro Kiyazaki and you are in Airlana” He said looking down at her.
“Oh…I see…well, my name is Sanasha Fuamorie, but you can just call me Sana” She said with a smile.
“Sana? Well that’s an odd name…” He said tilting his head
“Is it?” She asked, “Well, I can’t say yours is any less so.”
“Oh, do you now?” He said in an amused voice
“Yes, I do.” She said teasingly.
She looked up at him grinning and laughed. Suddenly, he picked her up with both arms and tossed her gently onto the bed. She gasped when he did this sudden action, and looked up at him wide-eyed. He laughed full-heartedly as he sat next to her. With a tilt of her head she looked at Kiro with question. Why was it, when she had a crush on Sinfuu, that she felt butterflies and yet at home with Kiro, even though they had just met? The reason was unknown but when she noticed that he was looking back, she looked at the floor. Without warning he stood quickly and walked out the door. A few minutes later, he walked back in without the cloak on. His loose red tunic was cinched around the waist by a large white belt and his baggy dark grey pants were tucked into his black boots. With a raised eyebrow she looked him over and then decided that though his clothes were rather strange they couldn’t be as bad as hers. The loose tan shirt she wore was sliced at the shoulders and was cinched around her waist with thick brown string. Her pants though loose were of a murky brown and the soft leather sandals she wore laced up her leg underneath.
When he noticed her looking over his outfit he could tell that she’d never seen anything like it before. With a small chuckle he, again, sat next to her on the bed.
“I take it that this is the first time you’ve ever seen clothes like these before, huh?” He asked curiously
“Honestly…Yeah it is.” She said softly
“So where exactly are you from?” he asked inquisitively
“Well the last time I checked I was from Earth.” She said to him as she looked out the window
“Earth?! But that planet was destroyed!” He said to her in shock
“Well that’s where I came from” She said to him “I wouldn’t lie to you!”
“I know it’s just that the last time Earth was still around was one hundred years ago!” he said
“One hundred years?!” She said with shock
With her eyes open wide she stared at him with disbelief. He looked at her worried and felt a pang of sorrow for her. In his mind Kiro wished there was a way that he could reduce the shock that she felt. Without much thought he began to rub her back in a comforting way. She looked up at him startled for a moment but then smiled warmly. Unknowingly she began to purr like a kitten. When she realized what she was doing she stopped quickly. After he heard her purr he let out a deep laugh. Hearing his laughter, Sana couldn’t help but smile, even if it was just a small bit.
“I never knew that I was housing a lost kitten.” He said highly amused.
“There are many things you don’t know.” She said with a smirk, “But what do you expect? We’ve only met today!”
“That is true...”he said
Suddenly, a small dog jumped onto the bed behind them. His soft red coat shimmered from an unknown force. Seeing Sana he started to sniff her clothes. Sana turned and looked behind her with curiosity in her eyes. When the small dog saw that she was a real person he jumped into her lap and started to lick her face. Her laughter filled the room as he continued this action.
“Sana, this is Ifrit, my spirit ally.” He said referring to the dog in her lap
“Hello, Ifrit.” She said looking down at him with a warm smile
Just then they herd a knock on the door. After getting up, Kiro told Ifrit and Sana to stay put. Moments later Sana poked her head out around the doorway. When she saw Kiro talking to two guards she thought that it might be best if she stayed out of sight. She sat right next to the doorway and listened to what they had to say.
“We heard that you took someone in last night.” One of the guards said
“So what if I had? It’s not a crime to treat an injured person is it?” Kiro asked them
“No sir, that’s not it, we just wanted to make sure that the person you took in wasn’t a spy.”
“If you must know it’s not possible for her to be a spy.” Kiro said “Besides even if she was she isn’t anymore. She has a case of amnesia.”
“Oh Kiro…”she whispered as she rested her head against her knees
Suddenly a guard’s head looked in the window. Though she didn’t see him she knew that he was there and pretended to be asleep.
“Sir, I saw the girl. She’s in his bedroom asleep.” The man said
“Is she in his bed?” The guard asked
“No sir, she fell asleep sitting against a wall.” He said as they turned to Kiro
“Is there anyone else in that room with her?” The guard asked
“Only Ifrit, my companion.” Kiro said
“May we talk to him?” He asked
“You can try.” Kiro said with a smirk
Kiro whistled and soon Ifrit came padding out of the room. When the guard saw that Ifrit was just a dog they apologized for the inconvenience and left. When Kiro walked back into the room he saw Sana against the wall.
“It’s okay now they’re gone.” He said to her
When she didn’t stir he checked to see if she was alright and found that she had actually fallen asleep. With an unknown smile on his face he gently picked her up and put her in the bed. After making sure she was tucked in, he softly brushed the hair out of her face. When a small moan escaped her lips he chuckled and walked out of the room, before the sudden and strange urge to kiss her took over. With a soft sigh he turned and looked back at her, only to be surprised to find that Ifrit had curled up next to her. He shook his head slowly as he went into the library. After picking up a book and reading the first few chapters he soon fell into deep slumber.

Chapter 3
The next morning Sana woke from what she thought was a blissful dream. As she opened her eyes she saw something furry laying next to her. When she finally realized that it hadn’t been a dream she smiled. Ifrit realized that Sana was finally awake so he jumped up and immediately started to lick her. After finally getting him to calm down, she wondered what had happened to Kiro. She quietly got out of bed and explored the small house until she found the library. When she saw Kiro sleeping in the chair she smiled warmly. Just before leaving the room she turned back and looked at him.
“Sleep well Kiro.” She whispered
Once she was out of the room she headed to the kitchen, which was located on the opposite side of the house. Before long, she had a simple breakfast cooking. The breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, pancakes, pan-fries, bacon, and toast. As the smell of the food started to flow throughout the house an hour later, she realized that she never ate anything yesterday. She looked down at Ifrit and knelt next to him.
“Ifrit will you go and wake Kiro for me?” She asked
“There’s no need for that…”Kiro said
When she heard him speak to her she jumped. Turning around she saw Kiro standing there yawning.
“Damn dog…he thinks to loudly…” He said looking down at Ifrit
She chuckled softly when she heard the sleep that was still in his voice. When he heard her soft chuckle he looked up at her and started to look at her strangely.
“What is it?” She asked with a tilt of her head
“It’s just…the way the light is shining on you makes you look like you’re glowing” He said scratching the back of his head. “It’s just that you look really nice that way.”
Due to the unexpected complement she blushed and turned back to the food. The last thing she wanted was for him to catch her blushing. But he had already seen how red her face turned.
“Awww…how cute…” He said coming up from behind and hugging her around the shoulders.
As he stood behind her, she realized how tall Kiro actually was. She could feel him bending over just so that he could rest his head on top of hers. Suddenly she could feel him sniffing her neck. She felt shivers tingle down her spine. He then stopped and whispered in her ear.
“Please forgive me for doing this….I just can’t help myself.” He whispered
Just seconds after he said that he bit her gently in the nape of her neck. Her eyes widened and she gasped loudly as a strange sensation shot through her body. When she looked at him she saw a small satisfied grin on his face.
“It’s just that you smell so good that I had the overpowering urge to see if you taste as good as you smell.” He said softly explaining himself as his gaze went to the ceiling.
When he looked back at her he saw that her face had turned so red that even the tips of her ears had started to turn. After the shock had worn off a little bit she got the breakfast she made for the both of them. As they ate at the table she couldn’t look him in the face and so they ate for a bit in silence.
“I’m sorry if it offended you.” He said softly
“You didn’t offend me…it’s just that you caught me off guard.” She said finally able to glance at him. “The only reason that I reacted that way was because…well…it kinda felt weird…but in a good way.”
He laughed loudly as she sat there rubbing the spot on her neck where he had bitten her. When he looked at her he had a strange look in his eye.
“Would you like me to do it again?” He asked playfully.
Eyes opened wide with shock she quickly shook her head as her face turned to a bright shade of red once more. Seeing her reaction he laughed again and made a mental note to keep that move, just incase he ever needed to use it as her weakness. As soon as breakfast was over, and the dishes were cleaned, Kiro took her on a tour of the nearby village. As they rode through, the people of the town waived.
“It seems like you’re very well liked, here.” Sana said to him
“Yeah well looks can be very deceiving.” He said to her softly.
As they continued they made a few stops so that they could stock up on food and herbal supplies. While they were in the store Sana roamed the herbs and, after getting permission from Kiro, gathered some various herbs in their own bags. By the time they returned to the house, the sun had already set.
“I’m starving…” Kiro complained
“I’ll go and…” Sana started to say.
“Oh, no you won’t. I’m gonna cook this meal.” Kiro said setting the supplies on the counter.
“Are you sure? I mean it’s the least I can do after you saved me.”
“Positive. Now I want you to go into the library and don’t even think of coming out until I tell you too.” He said as he shooed her out of the room.
With a shrug she left the kitchen and headed to the library. Once she was inside the room, the smell of old books overwhelmed her. With a new calmness, she roamed the shelves until she found a book entitled “Destiny.” With curiosity, she sat in his large chair, her legs curled under her, and began to read.
The story was about a young couple and the fights they encountered in order to find their destiny. But when Sana realized who it was she was reading about her heart started to pound wildly, for it was the tale shared by Sayrani and Rokun. She had just finished the fourth chapter when Kiro came into the room. She did not notice him at first because of the fact that she had gotten so into the book. However, as he leaned over her shoulder to see what she was reading she finally noticed him and jumped in the seat. With a hand over her heart she sat there trying to calm down as his uproarious laughter filled the room. As he calmed down from the laughter he, again, looked over her shoulder.
“I see you found a good book to read.” He said. “So which book is it?”
“It’s called ‘Destiny.’” She said as she placed a bookmark in her spot.
“Well that’s odd…” He said with a tilt of his head.
“Oh? How so?” She asked as she tilted her head back to look at him.
“Not many are drawn to that book…They all start to read it and once they get to the second chapter it’s like they aren’t able to read it anymore.” He said as he took the book into his own hands and placed it onto the table next to the chair.
When she realized he was leaning over her to put the book down she found that she couldn’t move. As she looked at him, he noticed how uncomfortable she was feeling. He stood up and looked in a different direction.
“Sorry.” He said
With a shake of her head she looked up at him. When Kiro looked back he noticed that he knew what she was trying to say by the way she smiled up at him. Looking down he smiled back then realized that he was forgetting something. Suddenly Sana’s eyes opened wide.
“Is that smoke I smell?” She asked
“Crap I forgot about dinner!!” He yelled.
Running into the kitchen they found a pot on the stove had boiled over. Grabbing an oven mitt Kiro quickly took the top off of the pan. As the water settled they looked at each other and started to laugh. Once they were able to stop laughing they sat across from each other at the table. After a few minutes in silence Sana finally spoke.
“About that book that I was reading…I think that the book chooses who is worthy to read its story and who is not.” She said quietly.
“Are you saying that the book is able to choose? But how?”
“I’m not to sure about it…”she said “But there has been one thing that I’m curious about.”
“And that is?...” he asked
“Hang on and I’ll be right back to give you an answer.” She said as she stood.
Moments later Sana returned with the book in her hand. Kiro looked up confused as what she was trying to do. After sitting back down she opened it to the first page and read aloud the passage that was written there.
‘Call it doom or call it fate. The choice is yours to make. One girl from a land so strange. One boy of whom will change. Their paths sure to collide. But it is their choice to choose the side. Will the darkness take over, or will the light win. Only they will know when their story shall begin.’
She looked up at him, and he at her, both had question in their eyes. With time passing in silence they went about the rest of the night in thought. In the guest bed, Sana lay awake and thought that if she were to go into the library and read more of the book she would find the answer. She quietly made her way to the library and sat in the chair to read. As she did so she didn’t notice the hours that passed. After reading a long 12 chapters she finally put the book down and made her way to bed.

Chapter 4
A couple of weeks passed uneventfully as Sana and Kiro went about a daily routine. What neither of them noticed, however, was that they were slowly starting to be a bit more than friends. Luckily, they set aside a good hour or two a day to read and Sana was finally able to finish the book. As she read the last few chapters she was able to find the answer she was seeking.
‘Though years will past before they meet again it will not be under ordinary circumstance. Taken from a world unknown the descendents of the two shall meet again and fight for love once more. When the two shall touch here as one their truth shall be revealed.’
Sana quickly called Kiro into the library and read the passage aloud to him. Shock showed in his eyes as he understood what it was that she was trying to tell him.
“But how do we know for sure that we are the chosen two the book was referring to?”
“Well, apparently we have to touch the cover of the book as one and see if it works.” She said looking up at him. “But I’m stumped as to how we’re supposed to do that.”
“Well I might have an idea…” He said. “Here, let me take your hand.”
As he took her hand in his she looked up at him inquisitively. With a smile he crossed his fingers. As they both stood there holding the book he placed both of their hands on the cover. Unfortunately, nothing happened. They looked at each other in confusion, both wondering why it didn’t work.
“Looks like that failed miserably.” She said looking up at him
She looked down at the floor long enough for Kiro to realize that she was blushing slightly from him holding her hand even after the experiment had failed. When he finally released her hand it was only so that he could hug her a moment later.
“Sorry I couldn’t resist.” He said with a warm smile.
“Liar…” She mumbled “I know you better then that.”
“Perhaps but you never know what I may do next…” He said to her as he placed his head on top of hers. “Besides, you make a good headrest.”
She laughed warmly at his little joke. Just then he sat in the chair and motioned for her to join him.
“One small problem” She said to him. “There’s no room for me to sit next to you.”
“Then why don’t you just sit in my lap?” He asked her teasingly
Blushing at the thought she shook her head quickly and instead sat next to the chair. As he saw her sit he looked at the bookshelves that were in front of him. Thinking back he counted how long it had been since they had first met. As he thought about it he realized how close the two of them had become in such a short amount of time. That’s when he realized that he had already started to change just by being around her. He looked down at Sana who was starting to space out again. He wondered what she was thinking about, when she looked up at him. With a warm smile he decided that even if they weren’t the “chosen two” that it was time to tell her what he was feeling, though, after a moment or two, he decided that it would be best to tell her another time. Getting up he went to the door and looked back at her one last time before leaving.
“Sana, I have something that I’d like to tell you…But not till after supper.” He said quietly
Dinner was just about ready shortly after and as he set the table Sana couldn’t help noticing that Kiro continuously looked from her to Ifrit, who lay on one of the seats of the chairs. Though she tried to ignore it, after a while it began to wear on her nerves. Finally Kiro served the food to them and sat on the other side of the table. While eating they chatted about small things. She told him about her life back on Earth while he told her of his past. Once the food was gone and Sana had finished cleaning the dishes, she noticed that Kiro was still sitting at the table. She sat opposite to him and as he saw her he smiled.
“Sana, I have something that I want to tell you.” He said quietly.
“What is it Kiro…I can tell its been on your mind”
“The other night I was contacted by a friend of mine. After I told him about you he said that he had a mission that would be perfect. Unfortunately there’s a small catch on my part.”
“I’m listening.” She said after a long pause
“We have to go and defeat a powerful entity. And this particular being has killed many before us.” He said as his tone got softer. “This being also killed one of my close friends.”
“Well then we should give him no mercy should we?” Sana asked him with a gleam in her eye. “Anyone who kills for evil does not deserve to live.”
As Sana said that, Kiro flinched inwardly. But somehow seeing her so confident helped him feel better. Ifrit jumped up onto his lap and looked up worried. Now pumped up for the up-coming mission Sana stood and walked to the doorway.
“I think I’ll go train for a bit before going to bed.” She said “If your asleep by the time I get back in then I hope you have a good sleep.”
“You never know…I might just wait till you get back and scare you.” He said with a smirk
“Well if you decide to do that then it wouldn’t be my fault if I hit you.” She said chuckling.
After she went outside, she walked to the edge of the woods and set up targets. Looking around she made sure that no one was around before transforming into a cat demon. Inside Kiro leaned against the frame of the doorway listening to her practice for a few minutes before heading for bed. After changing into a pair of warm pajama pants he lay on his bed and continued to listen until the sound of her rhythmic movements put him to sleep.
The next morning Kiro woke slowly to the sound of Ifrit whining. Trying to pretend he couldn’t hear Ifrit he turned over to his side and tried to fall asleep again. However, Ifrit was persistent to get his master’s attention and jumped on him.
“Okay, I’m up what do you want?!” Kiro said irritated.
After Ifrit saw that his master was up he ran out of his room and paused in the hallway to look back. Once Kiro saw that Ifrit wanted him to follow he got up and put a plain shirt on. Once outside he saw why Ifrit wanted him to follow. Leaning against the tree was a young female wolf demon. Her long blue hair fell softly over her tall slim frame. The features of her face made her look kind and understanding. And she wore long blue robes.
Coming out of his trance Kiro leaned down and picked her up. As he did so he noticed that there was something very familiar about her. Once inside he took her to the guest room knowing that Sana wouldn’t mind too much that it was being used by someone else. Once she was in bed he stood up to leave. Just as he reached the doorway a soft glow illuminated the room. Turning to see what was the cause of it all he watched stunned as the glow surrounded her body and, once it disappeared, left Sana laying there in her place. With disbelief in his eyes he briskly walked to her side and shook her shoulders until she woke. Opening her eyes slightly she looked up at him puzzled.
“Kiro?…What’s wrong?” She asked as she rubbed her eyes.
“Who are you?! What have you done with Sana?!” He asked fully concerned.
“What are you talking about? Why do you think I’m someone else?” she asked confused
“You can’t possibly be Sana! I saw you change from wolf demon to her form!!” He yelled at her angrily.
Putting her hands over her ears she flinched in pain and started to tremble in fear. Seeing what he was doing to her he groaned angrily then turned and punched the wall behind him. Seeing him react this way she immediately jumped from the bed and held his arm back. Seeing that he couldn’t punch the wall with that hand he started to punch the wall with his other hand.
“Stop it! Hurting yourself is not the right thing to do!” She yelled at him
Startled that she had yelled at him, he stopped and looked down at her wide-eyed. When he saw the tears that had started to form in her eyes he walked over and sat on the bed. Looking down at his hands he realized that he was bleeding. When he looked up to tell her he found that she had already left. She walked back in a few moments later with bandages in her hand. Sitting next to him she took one of his hands and began to wrap it. Once she was done with that hand she took his other one and wrapped that one. When she left again to put away the supplies she hadn’t used he inspected the quality of work she had used on his hands. With a smile he thought of how gentle she had been wrapping them and realized that he was an idiot for thinking that she wasn’t herself. But he also knew that when she came back that she had some explaining to do.

Chapter 5
As Sana walked back in she sat next to him with a sigh and looked at the floor. He looked at her waiting patiently.
“It seems that I have a bit of explaining to do.” She said softly
“I agree completely.” Kiro responded softly.
“Remember how I told you that there were many things about me that you didn’t know? Well you just found out one of them.” She said “The truth is that I am a descendent of a clan who had the ability to transform into any kind of being. However, I am also a descendent of an elven tribe.”
“How is that possible? Those two kinds of people have been at war for ages!” Kiro asked
“Well during a certain dispute my mother, who was the daughter of the chief and in the form of a wolf, met my elven father and revealed her true self to him. Strangely enough, they fell in love and soon well I’m sure you can imagine…”
“So what happened? According to what you told me neither is alive now.” He said softly as he looked at her.
“When my grandfather found that my mother had married my father, he had a party go out and hunt them down…during that time we were constantly on the move.” Sana explained. “But one night, they found us. Fortunately for me they didn’t know that I even existed so I was spared.”
“And what about your parents?”
“They were slaughtered before my very eyes…I can still hear their screams for help to this day.” She said as images flashed through her mind.
As the images continued to flash before her mind she doubled over in pain and started to tremble uncontrollably. Small moans escaped her mouth and as Kiro saw the suffering she was going through pulled her close to his body and rocked her until she stopped trembling. Looking down he realized that he had put her right to sleep. Laying down he rested her head on his chest and smiled slightly. This girl truly meant a lot to him, though she didn’t know it yet. As the time passed Kiro soon found himself thinking about what the future might hold for them and what other powers she might have. Eventually, he felt Sana starting to stir. Sana opened her eyes slowly and noticed where her head was resting. Sitting up quickly, her face a bright shade of red, she didn’t realize how close she was to the edge of the bed and ended up falling off with a solid thud.
“Owwwww…”she groaned
“Sana, are you alright?!” Kiro said as he leaned over the side of the bed.
“Other than a sore butt, yeah I think I’m okay.” She said
Now that he knew that she was alright he started to laugh. Looking up at him she pouted angrily that he would laugh at her like that.
“Evil jerk…” She muttered softly.
With a smirk he held out his hand to help her up. Once she was standing, he sat up and patted the bed next to him. Sitting down she turned and looked at him with question in her eyes. Pulling her close he hugged her and rested his head on hers.
“You really do make a nice headrest.” He said with a grin.
“Yes, well you should be happy about that ‘cause you’re the only person that I’ll allow to use me as a headrest.” She said looking up.
He then took his head off hers. Noticing how suddenly he had moved his head from hers she looked up at him and wondered if she had said something wrong. Kiro opened his mouth as if to say something when he suddenly noticed an attack coming their way. He rolled off the bed with Sana and lay on top of her to protect her. Moments later the wall exploded and fragments of the bed flew everywhere. Above her, Kiro groaned in pain as a rather large piece of metal embedded itself deep in his back. She quickly put up a barrier before crawling out from under him and, after placing her hand on the metal, looked at the wound he had obtained.
“Kiro, this is going to hurt really badly but only for a few minutes.” She said to him softly.
He looked over at her only to see that she had her hand on the piece of metal and realized what it was that she was about to do. Clenching his teeth tightly he prepared himself for the pain that was to come. With a deep breath, she quickly pulled out the large piece of metal and moved in quickly. The feeling of the pain was so extreme that it caused Kiro to grunt in pain only seconds before passing out. Placing her hands on the wound, she sent her energy through him and healed him. Just to make sure that he wouldn’t open the wound again and bleed, she placed a bandage on his back. Once she was done she looked down at him with sadness in her eyes. After sitting against the wall, she gently placed his head in her lap.
“I’m so sorry Kiro but I didn’t know what else to do.” She softly whispered as a silent tear fell down her cheek.

Chapter 6
That evening Kiro woke to find his head resting in her lap. Looking up he found that she had fallen asleep but noticed that she had a tear stain on her cheek. That was when it all came back to him. Touching his back gently he was surprised to find that he was no longer hurt. Yet as he stood up he felt as if his muscles were stiff. Looking around the room he estimated the amount of damage that had occurred. Behind him Sana opened her eyes. She saw Kiro standing in front of her with his back to her.
“Kiro?” She said still half-asleep.
“Hey you’re awake.” He said softly.
“How are you feeling?” She asked rubbing her eyes.
“I feel like my old self.” Kiro said with a grin “How bout you?”
“Tired, but okay.” She said standing up. “So how bad is it?”
“Well we’re both okay so the damage isn’t too bad.” He said pulling her into a one-arm hug
Sana leaned into his hug and rested her head against his arm. With a smile he looked down at her, thankful that she had been there to save him. Noticing that he was looking down at her she looked back. Smiling softly she turned her head and nudged him. Chuckling softly he picked her up and carried her out of the room in his arms. Not use to this kind of thing she panicked slightly and wrapped her arms around his neck. With a smirk on his face he carried her through the woods and walked until they came upon a small building that sat on the edge of a large peaceful lake. After setting Sana down he opened the door and walked in. After turning and motioning her to follow she walked in and looked around. The small place looked much larger on the inside then it did on the outside. It had a small library that also doubled as the dining room, a quaint kitchen, a cute little bathroom, and a large bedroom. Feeling completely at home, Sana sat in one of the plush chairs. Walking over to her, Kiro took the seat next to her. As their eyes met Sana turned away blushing slightly.
“So what will we do now?” She asked him quietly.
“We still have to go on with the mission so I think the best thing we can do is start out tomorrow…” Kiro said thinking out loud.
“Will it just be the two of us?” She asked
“It might be but I’m hopping that two others will—”
Just then a soft knock came from the front door. Kiro stood quietly and walked to the door. Upon opening it he smiled slightly and allowed the person in. A tall young man, with medium-length dark blond hair, walked in wearing a long dark red shirt and slim-fitting blue pants. His shirt was synched by thick pieces of brown cloth both around the arms and the waist and the bottom of his pants had the brown cloth embroidered on it. When he turned Sana noticed that his skin was rather tan and that he was of a certain kind of cat demon. His grey eyes met hers as he noticed that she was looking him over. Kiro also saw and quickly started the introductions before anything bad happened.
“Sana this is my good friend Moken, Moken this is Sana.”
“Ah, so you’re the girl Kiro was telling me about.” Moken said in a kind voice after bowing slightly “You know, you are much prettier then Kiro described.”
Upon hearing the complement Sana blushed slightly and Kiro gave Moken a warning glare. When Moken saw Kiro’s glare he chuckled slightly.
“Oh come now Kiro, I wouldn’t do that to you! After all she is your woman.” Moken said putting his hands up defensively.
When Sana heard his remark she looked away bright red while Kiro glared even more at Moken, though he was also slightly blushing. With a smug smirk Moken went outside, leaving Sana and Kiro alone. Sana sat in the chair staring wide-eyed at the floor in front of her. She could feel his eyes as he looked at her in silence. Though he tried to move quietly, she could still hear every footstep as he slowly walked towards her. Closing her eyes tightly she hoped that he wouldn’t say something awkward. When he was finally standing next to her he looked down at her before kneeling. With a soft whisper he spoke to her.
“I’m sorry about that…I should have warned you that he has a habit of doing that.”
“I understand, he just caught me off guard that’s all.” She said still unable to take her eyes off of the floor.
Seeing that she still wouldn’t look at him, he crouched down in front of her and looked up into her eyes. Because he had done this so suddenly, she leaned back quickly and stared back at him wide-eyed and blinking rapidly. Feeling that she was starting to blush from him being so close she looked away. With a soft look in his eyes, Kiro gently took his hand and turned her face to his. As she looked back she noticed how soft his eyes were and felt a sudden urge to kiss him. Leaning forward, he slowly came closer to her face. When he was almost touching his lips to hers in a kiss he paused to looked in her eyes. When she looked back he smiled slightly and ever so gently kissed her for what seemed like a long time. After their lips had parted and he had moved his head away, her hand came up and touched the spot where he had kissed her as her face turned a deep shade of red.
“Wow…” She said in a horse whisper.
Kiro smiled softly and stood up next to her. Just then Moken came back and looked around in confusion when he saw that Sana was blushing and that Kiro looked rather odd. After clearing his throat the two of them realized that he was there.
“Kiro our fourth member has arrived.” Moken said bluntly, “She…hey where did she go?!”
Going outside again Moken returned moments later pushing a girl in front of him. She stood around 5’5 with long red-orange hair that cascaded to the middle of her back. She had large soft brown eyes that only made her face look even more childish. The girl wore a long golden jumper that had an intricate design on the front of it. Underneath the jumper she wore a white blouse that had puffy sleeves. As Sana stood softly the girl’s eyes darted to her then away quickly.
“Sana this is Anion. She’s another good friend of mine.” Kiro said.
“Hello Anion, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” Sana said softly as she extended a hand.
Instead of shaking Sana’s hand, Anion hid behind Moken. When Kiro saw this he decided that it might be best if they all sat down and discuss the plans for their mission. Kiro and Sana sat on the couch while the other two sat in the chairs. Sana leaned forward and rested her head in her hands as she listened intensely to what Kiro was planning.
Once they had finished planning, Anion and Moken walked out and went their separate ways. As Sana watched out the window she noticed that instead of going to town, Anion went further into the woods. Growing suspicious Sana told Kiro that she was going for a walk and started to follow her.
Carefully, Sana followed her and transformed into her wolf form so she wouldn’t be caught. When Anion finally stopped Sana realized that she was in an open field. Checking to make sure that she was fully hidden in the bushes she lay down and waited. Anion sat in the middle of the field with her eyes closed, almost as if she was meditating. A long silence drew and Sana’s patience was starting to wear thin. Just as Sana was about to give up and go back an evil voice erupted over the field.
“I see you have returned my little servant.” It said
“Yes, my lord, I have new information regarding the newcomer.” Anion said
Sana’s fur stood on end. ‘So Anion was putting on an act to fool us’ she thought angrily.
“What is the news you have brought me?” It asked
“Her name is Sanasha. She’s taller then I and has blue eyes and long brown hair.” She said before pausing. “Plus she wears the robes of your old enemy Sayrani. It also seems that she is Sayrani’s true reincarnation.”
“How can this be?!” The voice seethed, “I thought they had all perished!!”
It was then that Sana was able to realize who this being was. Using the full potential of her stealth she crept out of the woods and, after transforming back, bolted for Kiro’s place.

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