Today went pretty well. In the morning, we worked on the social studies project...and to put it modestly...OUR PROJECT WAS BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE'S! scream sweatdrop
Art was pretty fun. We got to do the mosaic thingies. Unfortunately, since the class was talking too much, we won't get to finish them.
At lunch, we were finishing the project thingy. We did pretty good too. ^_^
Oh great, Emran's on his way home. -_-
I haven't seen Tsubasa Chronicle in a while until now. Episode 31. ^_^
I should finish it quick cuz I wanna get to finishing Furuba, Chobits, Gunslinger Girl, and I wanna start watching Air too. I really wanna watch Air. ^_^
The Spanish test, thank Allah, was easy! xd
Okay, that's all. Anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4laugh
Oh yeah...also, for the Mock Trials, only the prosecution team made it to the next round...
And if by whatever chance, that other team made it, I'M GONNA BE HUNTING THAT JUDGE DOWN... evil
And Shirley, remember... *shakes teeny shirley vigorously* YOU GUYS DID GREAT, SO DON'T BE DEPRESSED CUZ I WILL HIT U IF YOU DO. scream 4laugh Which was unfair, because the defense team did really good from what I heard that is, and the only reason they didn't make it is because the other team was so terrible, they didn't get so many chances to pick up points.

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