uhh lets see..what was I doing...oh yeah
lets see..
todays random anime girl is...
Sakura off of Da capo

and teh boy is
okay what ever people

and I am listening to legend of zelda why? I don't know I'm bored out of mind and I have nothing better to do..*sigh*..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
stare WTF THIS SONG IS WEIRD it makes no snese it's being so freaken random it's annoying *sigh*
and lets see what was I doing again
oh yeah the story
but heck now I'm listening to the waka laka song..yay the ramdoness is fun 4laugh blaugh

say waka laka when you need a flight of fanstey,ecstay... stare what I like the waka laka song fine I'll start the story
uhhhh I have ot get fof so my sis can go on but I promise I'll wright more when I get back on kay kay so don't hurt me
I'm gonna make this short so I can get to aprt 17 kay kay..
Zestu,with the still worried tobi behind him,continued down the hall towards the med room.
If anything he had to warn deidara and sasori.
He reached teh room but it was empty expect for kiname who was sitting up looking out the window her nails tapping her lips
"Kiname?"He asked
Kiname turned and looked at him.
"whats wrong zestu?"she asked
"where's Deidara and Sasori?"He asked laying Sazuna down in a bed beside kiname.
"oh they went on a mission..orederd by the elader to find someone called Sabuku no gaara or something,he has a demon the leader needs.."she pasued as she looked back at the window.
"I have a bad feeling about this Zetsu..I wish they didn't go."
Zetsu looked at her.
"Well their are at the top of the akatsuki..I'm sure they'll be fine"