i see him when i pass
i hate my self for what i did
i cant take back what i did
i told him i loved him but the things i say arent true
its just lies all tied up
i dont know which way to go
left or right

i though i was with the one i love
now i found out the one that i love is girl
i try so hard to deny it but i cant
not even to my friends and family
everyone thinks i love him
but only i know the truth about all of this
why cant i just love him and be normal

i will never be normal but thats ok with me
i have a great life and good friends i can always trust them
but none can trust me
the one i like dont even know it so now i try to hide it even more
so she wont fine out but its so hard to hide when shes your best friend
stupid life why does love have to be so hard
just answer me that and i will give you my life for my grand dads honor