A.D.H.D 4 me and Uncle movin in=Dad movin out, HELP ME PLZ!!
iv been recently been diagnosed(sp) with Attention Depisphan Hyperavtive Dissorder (A.D.H.D or A.D.D.) well i have 2 take medicin 4 it, i took streatera and that helped but it made me have a short fuse(i got really angry really fast) scream so i tried some other stuff were one of the possable side effects was anerexea(sp) and it happend emo i didnt eat at all i wz never hungry and couldnt sleep, i lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks cz i wouldnt eat confused so now im on somethin else that works but makes me feel......like im under water and just dont care and i can tell its hurting 1 crying of my friends. i got off it wile it wz gettin r-filled so a week or 2. now im back on it and its hurting my friend that i seem 2 be in a bla mood. crying crying
and yester day my uncle moved in2 my house takin my little nook that i hung out in. neutral
and my dad is movin out and im stayan here w/ my uncle(who in my book qualifyes as a big puppy) my nana and my g-pa 2 see my dad and stay at his home i have 2 ride my bike 4 about 2 miles, so thats not bad at all. but when he moves out i dont really no what i shuld do, stay here most of the time or go w/ him. question sad question sad question sad i cant stay w/ my mom and step dad since theyar in another state and have no leagle costity of me. neutral as if that wasnt enuf im a 13year old grl, which is bad 4 me... cry my dads havin me think bout collage or army, grl stuff is goen on, puberty, zits, getting a job so i can make my own money 4 collage, my friends tounting me cz i think i like someone alot, sweatdrop man pls help me