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Maybe high school won't be so bad ^_^ ...though, going to school over the summer is still pretty bad. -__-
Song of the Day: Falling Away, by Marion Raven heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Status: biggrin
Song of the Day: Falling Away, by Marion Raven heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Status: biggrin
Today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I saw Rahima in the morning today, usually it's hard to find people when there's so many. xD
Art was pretty fun too. I made another firend there today, Zoe. ^_^ We were both the only ones done with the stippling project, so we got to start picking fabrics for the sewing thing, and then we just started talking lol. ^_^ Also, for Art, since I'm doing my sewing thing on a Pakistani outfit, and I have outfits like that, my teacher told me to ask my mom if she has any shawls or anything that i can cut up for my outfit. xD
Music was also pretty fun, I also made another friend there. That actually happened when she asked for my sharpener, and I told her that I got it for 1 cent, and then we just started talking too. xD And in Music, for the final project presentation, we get to do a group project on our fav type of music. ^_^ So my group is doing rock of course. We chose Plain Whtie T's as the main band for the presentation. ^_^
In health, we were just kind of talking about how sleep affects people and if school should be shortened or startened one hour later or something. I was just doodling on my notebook though. ^_^
After that, my dad picked me up, and yeah, so here I ma. xD ^__^
Summer school is okay, I suppose, but I'm still not liking the whole "school in summer" thing. -__-
Anyway, that's all for now. Now maybe I can squeeze in some music. ^_^

Happy Thursday. See? This time I mean it.
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