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Okay i've been hit with a really random burst of inspiration to write a story... And because i know that the chances of it being good enough to be published are nonexistent this would be the only way that any of you could read it... So now that i've gotten a semi-decent amount written i figure i'll post it... I'll continue to update this entry with more of the story as i get it written even though i'll probably post new entries about other things so if you like what you've read just let me know and i'll send you a PM whenever i update this particular entry. So without further ado:

By: Kassie Spagnola


"What do you mean you can fly?" She asked incrediously
"Its really quite simple Kaylee. I. Can. Fly."
"But, how?"
"Because i believe i can."
"That's rediculous. You can't do something just because you believe you can."
"Why not?"
"Because it... Because... It just doesn't work that way okay?!"
"Says who? Have you ever tried it?"
"No... I can't"
"Because it would mean that everything I ever thought I knew was wrong..."
"So? Come on Kaylee.... Believe."


Kaylee Sanderson was the stereotypical ideal. Tall, thin, blonde, doesn't appear to have a brain in her head most days. She got by on her daddies money and didn't think anything of it. She dated the jock, was friends with the backstabbing socialites, and although she got the good grades and was the teachers favorite student, and appeared to have the picture perfect life something wasn't right. There was a small part of her subconcious that realized this fact. But because it was only a small portion of her mind and because she didn't know to be any other way than the materialistic robot she had been raised as, it didn't bother her. Every day was the same. She'd walk with her small group of barbie clones to her first period geometry class and work her a** off quietly trying to maintain the high B average she held in school, during lunch she'd sit with a guy that she knew she didn't love but pretended to like for appearance reasons, and then she'd walk home making small talk on her cellphone to her supposed best friend Lindsey Garling and then sit down, do her homework, and lounge about until she had to go to bed. It would start all over agian the next day. It was a sad existence, but she knew no better. She attached a price tag to everything and everyone and decided on who she talked to based on that, she picked on the less expensive people with her "friends" because it was what she did. She had a routine. And despite how messed up that routine was she stuck to it. She was the girl in highschool that everyone loved to hate and hated to admire.

It started that Monday. Brittany, Kaitlyn, Lindsey and Kaylee were walking to geometry just like the days prior. And like usual Kaitlyn, the groups gossip, was regaling them with updates on all of the latest news from the football game that they had all attended on sunday.

"... and then just as Rick was about to ask her out. Amy's boyfriend walked up behind her, and oh my gawd you should have seen the look on his face! Well i technically didn't see it either but Jamie said that it was priceless..." She said with all of the vigor and energy of a practiced storyteller. Usually the other three girls would listen politely to what she had to say going through the appropriate motions to make her think they acutally cared, letting her babble because they knew if she didn't she'd explode.

"Kaitlyn? Who are these people and why do we care? In fact, no, don't answer that because we don't care. Or at least I don't. Can we please talk about something else?" A shocked silence followed Kaylee's statement. But it only took a moment for her friends to latch onto an idea and start up agian.

"Whats wrong Kaylee? Are you and Jason having troubles again? I told you to just dump that boy. He's no good for you..." Lindsey started.

"NO! Jason and I aren't having problems! And you just want me to dump him so you can steal him. Everyone knows that Lindz. All I'm saying is that i'm tired of spending my Monday mornings listening to stories about the petty backstabbing between people that i've never met before in my life. Is it too much to ask to talk about something interesting once in awhi-OUCH! Who the heck?" In a whirl of papers and text books Kaylee fell to the floor sitting half on top of someone. She looked up into a pair of startlingly blue eyes. She paused, an insult half formed on her lips, you could drown in those eyes. So many emotions raced around in the icey blue depths that she found herself transfixed. It was only when they took on a slightly annoyed expression that she realised she was being talked to.

"Excuse me, but would you mind getting off? It is particularily difficult to get to class on time when one is being sat on." She blushed even though she could hear the humor in his voice and scrambled off his lap, grabbing her books as she went. By the time she stood up agian he was gone.

"Wh-who. Was that?" She said, shaking as she dusted herself off. Now when this question was asked of anyone in Kaylee's group usually a report was spouted off from some random member complete with back history on everything from who the person had dated to what their middle name was. But for some reason,

"I don't know..." Kaitlyn said, shocking everyone as she said this, Kaitlyn knew everyone.

"Me either..."Lindsey said. Brittany shrugged.

"I think his name is Michael... or Mason... or... i don't know, something starting with an 'M' though..." She muttered. Shaking off the last of her nerves from the strange encounter, Kaylee strode forward toward her geometry class with what she hoped looked like confidence.

"Hm, oh well who cares. Lets hurry up before we're late." Her friends shared a glance and then followed suit entering the classroom only a couple of steps behind her.

"Oh no..." Lindsey said upon seeing the white board. New seating arrangements. And of course mrs. Harrison had separated the four most talkative girls in the class, seating them on opposite corners of the room from eachother. Kaylee sighed. She was almost happy for the break, it was impossible to get her classwork done sitting next to those three. Spotting her seat on the chart she headed toward the middle of the room dimmly aware that she was sitting next to a guy named Matthew Richardson. Something starting with an 'M' though. She shook her head to clear it of those thoughts but when she sat down she couldn't help glancing at him. He was stretched lazily in his seat, managing to appear tall even sitting down in the schools too small desks. His dark hair fell slightly over one eye and looked softer than anything Kaylee had ever seen. In fact he looked kind of soft, even sitting there with a slightly agitated look on his face wearing the long black trench coat, like he would give great hugs. She couldn't see his eyes but somehow she knew they would be a peircing blue that could freeze her insides and melt her self control in a single glance. She gave an involuntary shiver and sat down in her seat, avoiding looking at him though she could feel his presence like she was sitting next to a bonfire, her entire side was burning and she swore she could smell smoke. Mrs. Harrison walked to the board and Kaylee pushed these thoughts to the back of her mind as she prepared to work

"Okay students," She began, Kaylee had always hated how she adressed the students like they were in kindergarten. Mrs. Harrison had actually admitted the one day in class how she had wanted to be an elementary school teacher. Kaylee looked at her, she didn't look like an elementary school teacher. Too strict. The polyester business suit and dimestore haircut all topped off by what was obviously fake 'tasteful' jewels. The look screamed cheap and honestly Kaylee pitied any poor little kid who had to come in contact with her. "-and now its time to choose your partners."

Kaylee looked, shocked, around the room. She had no idea what was going on. It wasn't every day that good B student Kaylee Sanderson tuned out what the teacher was saying, usually it was her that had to explain it to her friends, who usually spent the class texting eachother. She looked over at those friends, who had somehow managed to finagle their way into sitting next to eachtother. None of them appeared to have even heard this last part about partners. Still confused and starting to panic she looked almost frantically around the room, looking for a friendly face. None came, but before she could hit full meltdown she heard a low chuckle behind her and a paper was slipped onto her desk. She unfolded it curiously and in small, untidy handwriting was written: The project is on the triangle symmetry theorems we studied last class. She looked wildly behind her, wishing to thank her saviour. Then, in the thoroughs of her whiplash, her eyes locked with those ice blue orbs of Matthew. They were twinkling with laughter as he slid into the computer lab, watching her.

No, she thought staring after him, It couldn't have been. Just then her friends descended. They gathered around her, each looking like she was the only thing standing between them and certain demise, well, certain failure at least.

"Kaylee, what are we supposed to be doing?" Brittany asked fervently. "Can you help us?"

"Yeah," Kaitlyn said. "You should partner one of us and help." Kaylee stood up, and was backing up into the computer lab, wracking her brain for a way to get out of working with any of them. She knew that if she did she wouldn't get any work done because all they would want to do is talk.

"Now hold it a minute!" Lindsey said from the back of the group. "If ANYone is partnering the smart gir- i mean Kaylee, its going to be me, her best friend." Kaylee paused, looking incrediously at Lindsey, did she really just almost call her the smart girl? In shock Kaylee continued to back up, not noticing that she had already passed the teacher.

"No, Linds, i really think... given the circumstances.." She stuttered trying to think up some plausible excuse. "That it would really be... in everybody's best intrests... I mean of course you'll have to find someone else... because i really think that it would be better... If instead i worked wi-" In her haste to back away from the approaching clique Kaylee had once again managed to run into something and fall over. Damn, i MUST be having an off day, I'm not usually this clumsy am I? Hello my name is Kaylee Sanderson and yes I am a natural blonde... She looked up at her friends from her current position which she realized was once again someone's lap. "Him." She finished looking Lindsey straight in her eyes, shivering at how cold and bottomless those grey depths looked. Said eyes widened in shock as the implication of Kaylee's words sank in.

"Him?" She asked increduously. Kaylee nodded, still unaware of whom she had just declared her partner, vowing to kill herself if it was who she thought it was. "Okay," Lindsey said suspiciously. "Your funeral..." Then the three girls turned and walked across the room whispering and shooting alarmed glances in her direction. Kaylee sighed, temporarily forgetting where she was sitting, until she heard a slight cough next to her ear.

"Not that i'm not used to having girls fall all over me on a regular basis but is there any reason you seem so determined to sit on my lap?" A deep voice half murmered in her ear. She could hear the grin in the words but that didn't stop her from turning bright red and jumping off him with a yelp, landing on the floor about three feet away, looking up at him again. He stared at her for a moment, those peircing blue eyes appearing to x-ray her, then laughed. It was one of those good, deep laughs that you couldn't help but smile along with. It filled the room and Kaylee found her embarrassment lessening. Just as she was starting to smile and half-laugh along with him he stopped, still smiling at her. "Okay then, partner, don't just sit there on the ground. Pull up a chair, i don't bite... much." She smiled nervously at him she'd seen what looked vaguely like fangs when he had laughed, but chastising herself for her own sillyness, grabbed a chair and sat next to him, leaving plenty of room between the seats. He noticed this with a smirk and asked, "Did you get my note? I know my handwriting can be pretty hard to read..." She smiled.

"Yeah," she said in almost a whisper. " I got it." She had once again turned bright red. Matthew, realising that she was going to be of little help in her state of embarrassment, chuckled again and started up the math program they were going to be using.


Two weeks. Kaylee let loose an internal scream. Mrs. Harrison said the projects were going to last for two whole weeks. And at the end of those two weeks they would be giving oral presentations on their projects. She could barely think while sitting next to Matthew, how the heck was she going to formulate a coherent thought long enough to speak about it in class with him? All she could think about were his eyes and smile. It was driving her to distraction, even in her other classes, none of which he shared. She punched her locker, hoping the pain in her hand would keep her focused. What she needed to do was go talk to mrs. Harrison. Let her know there was a mistake and that she needed to be permanently placed a full classroom away from this mysterious guy. She sighed as the very thought made her sad enough to cry. Leaning her head against the locker she sighed. What am I going to do?

"Hey, babe, whats the matter?" Said the rough voice of her boyfriend, Jason. She looked up into green eyes that were feinging concern. And sighing again, wondered why she was dating him. They didn't really like eachother. It was mainly for appearances sake. Everyone told them they would make a cute couple so they had obliged. There were no real feelings there and she often thought that he was cheating on her. She sighed again.

"Nothing. Just having a bad day." She said dismissing him with a wave of her hand. He grunted in response.

"Oh, well, I was just going to remind you that theres only a month until the first dance of the year and we still need to pick out our outfits." He said looking at her slightly rumpled clothing with distaste. Ah, yes, she thought. I forgot... Jason was as materialistically minded as they came. He would make her try on hundreds of dresses until he found one that matched his designer suit properly. There were many dances that she watched jelously all of the freaks who had came in jeans and a t-shirt. They always looked like they were having so much fun, while she was forced to play arm-candy for jason as he talked sports with his other brain-dead friends.

"Hm..." She said intelligently. "I don't know Jason. I was kinda hoping to go casual this year. The last time I wore heels I twisted my ankle remember?" He wouldn't remember. He was too busy staring at Lindsey in her skimpy number to remember that he had backed into her, knocking her into the beverage table, twisting her ankle.

"Well then maybe we shouldn't even go. It'll look odd if only one of us is dressed up."

"Yeah okay, I guess." she shrugged.

"But its the first dance of the year, we have to make an appearance." He said appearing to have an internal battle. Kaylee knew he was faking it, like everything else he did concerning her. Sometimes she suspected he was gay.

"No." She said desicively. "I don't think i really want to go this year." She slammed her locker shut. "See you around, i've got to get to class." And she stormed off.

Leave it to Jason to piss her off today. Now she'd told him she wasn't going to the dance. One of the few things she ever actually enjoyed about school. She sighed, it would almost be worth it to go anyway. Dressed how she wanted to, on the arm of someone who wouldn't mind dancing like an idiot and having a good time, without stuck-up preppy Jason. But she knew she wouldn't. She didn't have the guts to rebel like that. She sighed again as she passed the cafeteria, She stopped as someone caught her eye.

He was sitting over by the big bay windows that looked out into the courtyard. He appeared completely absorbed in the book he was holding, his trenchcoat hung lazily next to him on the bench. He stretched in an almost catlike way, closed the book and was turning to put it in his backpack when he saw her staring. He paused, tilted his head to the side, and then grinned at her waving a little with his free hand. Kaylee turned crimson, and quickly ran to class, though she swore she could hear his raucous laughter following her through the halls.

She collapsed onto her bed the moment she got into her room. Relaxing all of her muscles and sinking into the ultra soft memory foam matress. Talk about the worst day of her life, first she loses it and snaps at kailtlyn, then she runs into this strange matthew guy, who she later falls all over agian and gets stuck partnering in math for a week, then a fight with her boyfriend. She sighed, all she needed now was for someone like Lindsey to call and ask her what was wrong with her today.

The phone rang. Kaylee practically sobbed into her pillow when she read the caller ID, but being a good best friend picked up the phone on the third ring.

"Hey linds." She said, doing her best to sound chipper. "Whats up?"

"WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" Lindsey practically shouted through the phone, Kaylee could almost feel the disdain in her so-called-friend's voice.

"What do you mean where am I? I'm at home.. am I not supposed to be?" Kaylee asked, trying to stay calm.

"YOU FORGOT?!" She screamed over the line. "She forgot! I can't believe she forgot! The most important moment of the year and she forgot!" Kaylee could hear her pacing as she talked to herself. "Okay lets see if this jogs your memory. What day is today?"

"Uh... Monday?"

"The...?" She prompted.

"Twenty second of Septembe- OH s**t! The finale of that reality t.v.
show you like so much!" Kaylee slapped a hand over her face, she had completely forgotten that she was supposed to go over there to watch the latest episode of Lindsey's new obsession.

"Yeah... thats right... Look you still got almost fifteen minutes before it starts.. If you hurry you can still make it." Kaylee rolled her eyes at the phone. She had never been one for reality t.v. and this latest one was the stupidest of them yet.

"Oh i'm so sorry Linds! I just started my homework and you know once I get started I have to finish before I can do anything!" That was a lie. Her backpack was still sitting across the room unopened, staring at her.

"What?!?! You think homework is more important than this?!" Uh yeah Linds I kinda do..

"No. But you know how it is..." She feinged regret.

"No, Kaylee I don't know... Kind of like how I don't know you anymore. First you spazed out at Kaitlyn then you started an obsession with that guy. And then Jason says you were bitchy to him too... What is going on with you Kaylee?" Kaylee threw her pillow across the room, hitting her Fall Out Boy poster and knocking it down, again. This was exactly what she didn't want to have happen.

"I am NOT obsessed with Matthew! How could you say that?!" She asked, grimacing at the decidedly defensive tone in her voice.

"Matthew?!" Lindsey snorted. "His name is... Matthew?! HA! He even SOUNDS like a nerd. You KNOW he's not the type we socialize with, Kaylee." Kaylee found an irrational anger burning inside her, she hated how Lindsey always emphasized certain words to make her sentences bitchier than necessary.

"You know what Lindsey? Maybe I don't care who you would socialize with anymore. Maybe i'm done judging everyone just on how they dress. Huh? Have you ever thought there might be more to a person than what they look like? Because in the past five minutes i've kinda noticed that even the most well-dressed people can be some of the most bitchy, materialistic, snobs i've ever met!" And with that she hung up the phone, threw it at the charger and threw herself back on her bed, sighing into her pillow and drifting off to sleep, forgetting to do her homework for the first time ever.


Kaylee stood outside of North Hampton High staring at the large orange entrance doors, dreading what would happen behind them the moment she stepped inside. She sighed, yesterday had gone downhill really fast and it was going to take some serious groveling and apologising to get things back to how they had been. She stared at the school some more. Did she really want things to go back to how they were? Were things really that great that she should face public humiliation and possible torture just to get them back to how they were? For the first time in her life she wasn't so sure. These questions plagued Kaylee as she stood there unmoving, now glaring at the school that was making her life so complicated.

The warning bell rang, telling her that she only had five minutes to make it to first period Geometry, and cutting short her internal battle forcing her to enter what was going to be a very strange day indeed.

She walked into her geometry class, avoiding looking at the corner where her doom sat. She practically ran to her seat and was just about to sit before she heard giggling across the room from her. Without glancing at the source of the giggling she looked at the seat of her desk. There, sitting on her seat, was a peice of pre-chewed gum sitting on a peice of paper. She sighed and picked the paper up, carrying it over to the trash can, realizing as she did that the word "loser" was written on the back side in purple marker. An extreme sadness overtook her as she realized this wasn't going to be the worst of what happened today.

As was going to be the usual for the next few weeks, upon starting class mrs. Harrison ushered the students out into the computer lab. So Kaylee wasn't surprised as her 'friends', after glancing at her, ran out into the lab ahead of her and stood waiting in a group, near the computer she and Matthew usually worked at. She sighed as she gathered up her stuff, not looking forward to the tirade that she was sure was awaiting her out in the lab. She was so caught up in worrying about what was going to happen that she startled when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"You ready to work?" A crooked smile asked her cheekily. She stepped back in order to actually see Matthew, how he had gotten that close to her without her noticing was beyond her.

"Uh.... um?" She replied intelligently. Blushing as she did so. He laughed.

"I guess not." Shaking his head he walked briskly toward the door, a flustered Kaylee following in his wake.

As they entered the computer lab, Kaylee was beckoned over by Lindsey. Matthew shook his head in exasperation as Kaylee walked over, her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Eh... Hi guys!" She said, grasping at cheerfullness, failing miserably.

"Don't you even dare to pretend that nothings wrong Kaylee" Lindsey snapped, glaring at her.

"Yeah," Kaitlyn agreed. "How dare you try to just act like nothings wrong after what you did." Kaylee shook her head in awe.

"What I did? What I DID?! All I DID was decide that doing my homework was more important than some silly reality T.V. show that i've never watched before in my life!" She couldn't belive this was happening.

"No. Kaylee." Lindsey said, still glaring for all she was worth. "What you did was go back on a promise and personally insult me. Someone who's supposed to be your best friend." Kaylee snorted.

"Best friend?"

" YEAH BEST FRIEND!" Lindsey roared. "If you weren't my best friend do you think i would have given you this?!" She reached acrossed and grabbed the necklace around Kaylee's neck. They each had one. It was a small frog charm holding a sign that said 'best friends forever'. It was a cheap item but they had bought them when they had first met in 7th grade.

"Well.... no..." Kaylee stammered, losing some of her indignancy that had held her up until now.

"Exactly. NO. I wouldn't have. But now i'm not so sure you deserve this." And with that she pulled, breaking the chain on the necklace. She then marched over and threw it into the trash, spitting on it afterward. "Consider yourself out Kaylee. You were never one of us. All we ever needed you for was to copy your homework." And the three girls stormed off to the other side of the room, Brittany shooting slightly apologetic looks at Kaylee over her shoulder as they walked away.

Kaylee was too in shock to notice though. She floated back to her seat in dizzy unawareness. She was alone. Her only three friends in the world had just ditched her. Made it very clear that she was unwanted in the circles that they traveled in. She was lost as she sat down next to Matthew. He turned, with the intent of slamming her with another witty comment. But upon seeing the mixture of sadness and shock on her face, turned back around without another word and worked silently for the rest of the class period.

The bell rang. Kaylee was barely aware of this fact. She gathered her stuff up, still in a daze from the attack. It wasn't unexpected, them being upset, but she was sincerely shocked that it had gone that far. Lindsey had actually said that they had only needed her for her brains. She had always had her suspicions but to have it thrown in her face like that. She choked back tears as she walked to her next class.

She wasn't halfway there, walking down one of the junior's locker hallways, when she heard her name called out from behind her. She turned around to see her boyfriend running down the hallway, looking like he was on an unplesant mission.

"Hey, Jason." She greeted him haltingly as he approached.

"Yeah, Kaylee? We need to talk." Leave it to Jason to use the typical dreaded pre-breakup sentence.

"About?" She said, knowing what was coming next.

"Well, I heard what you did to Lindsey yesterday, and I really don't think we're going to work out. I can't date someone that treats her friends like that." Kaylee could feel the tears well up behind her eyes. "And honestly, I didn't really like you to begin with, I just dated you because you seemed nice and everyone said we should." A few tears made it past her barrier and slid slowly down her face. "But honestly? I really like Lindsey and now that I'm not dating you anymore I think I'm going to ask her out. So yeah, sorry, but it's over, guess I wont be seeing you around." And he turned, and left.

Overwhelmed, Kaylee slid down the nearest locker, collapsing in a puddle at the foot of it, bursting into tears. She wasn't even crying because he'd left her. That she really couldn't care less about, she had never really liked him in that way. It was more that now she had nobody. She was completely alone. All of her friends, and now her boyfriend, had all turned against her. And each of them had said that they had never actually liked her. People she had considered her friends since middleschool had all of a sudden up and decided that they had never liked her. And she wept, not for the loss of them, but for her own stupidity at thinking them actual friends.


Matthew stood, paused, at the end of the hallway. He was staring at the base of his locker in a mixture of shock and annoyance. For there sitting curled up at the foot of his locker, was the annoying blonde preppy girl he was paired with in geometry. He needed to get into his locker to retrieve his chemistry book, and she was crying. He sighed, why him. As if it wasn't bad enough that he had to deal with her in Geometry. Sure she was fun to pick on with how easily flustered she got around him but the fact that she was making him do all of the work on the project just like any other stupid prep would when he knew she had more brains and capability in math than most people in the school, pissed him off. He was just about to go to class without his book, claiming to have forgotten it at home, when he heard her sniffle and his curiosity got the better of him.

Gathering his wits about him he walked over to the distraught creature and cleared his throat loudly. She didn't seem to hear him. Looking nervously to either side he leaned down and put his hand on her shoulder, shaking her slightly. She jumped and looked up at him, startled, tear tracks running down her face.

"Wha-? Oh no. Not you." She said, hiccuping softly. He smiled.

"Oh no not me? Well you did pick my locker to collapse in front of." He gestured behind her. She promptly turned bright red and hid her face again. Still making no move to get out of his way. He sighed, this was going to take awhile. "What's wrong?" He asked sitting down next to her. She sniffled in response. He sighed. "Seriously, Kaylee. Whats going on? I know you don't know me that well but you obviously need a friend right now..." She snorted, leaning back and wiping the tears off with her sleeve, a derisive look on her face.

"Yeah. Right. Friends... Look what happened last time i thought i had friends eh? Mess up one time. Don't listen to them ONE TIME and get told how stupid i was to think that they really liked me. You know? ******** em. I don't need people who 'only hung out with me because i was smart." She leaned her head back against the locker. "Gods, how could i have been so blind. I mean she even referred to me as 'the smart girl' multiple times on accident in class. Stupid. Stupid STUPID!" She yelled, hitting her head against the locker to accentuate each word. "And Jason... Hahaha.. Stupid, airheaded, pretty boy, Jason. That relationship was doomed from the beginning. Well Lindsey can have him, the stuck up b***h, i hope she's happy hanging off his arm like a ragdoll at this next dance." She sighed, another tear rolling down her cheek. "You know?" She looked at Mathew for the first time since she started her tirade and he was struck at that moment, by just how pretty she was, and was filled with an immense hatred for whatever assholes had made her cry. Shaking his head slightly he tuned back in to what she was saying. "I'm really not sad that they're gone. The fact that i'm no longer associated with Lindsey, and Kaitlyn, or Jason, really doesn't bother me. It's more... now I have noone. They were my only friends. Crappy friends, sure. But they were all I had. And now? They're gone... And i'm alone." She said this last really quietly and Matthew could almost see the absolute despair and misery overtake the righteous indignation. Before she could start crying again, however, Matthew stood up.

"Get up." He said as levelly as he could. She started a bit as though she had just realised where she was.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" She said, hurriedly scrambling out of his way. "I should
have moved... Blocking your locker... What was i thinking? Telling you... I mean... sorry.." She tried backing away from him, looking at her feet. But as she was stepping away an extrodinarily strong hand clamped around her arm.

"Just stop a moment will you?" Matthew said, the note of exasperation clear in his voice. Kaylee looked up in time to see the look of utter incredulity be replaced by one of determination. Incredulous? About me trying to get away or about him stopping me from leaving? She wondered as she was steered by that iron grip to stand right in front of him. "Now let me get this straight." He said capturing her gaze again. "Those girls you talked to in math today. They're your friends?" She shook her head, anger flashing over her features. "Okay but they WERE your friends. Right?" She nodded, sighing in defeat. "Okay. And you did something that upset them. So they told you that they only liked you because you were smart and could help them with their classes. Correct?" She nodded again. "And then this, this... Jason guy. Dumps you because you're no longer part of their group?" Kaylee slumped forward unable to bear it put like that. Nodding, Matthew pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her.

Kaylee was frozen in shock. He was hugging her. Matthew. The extremely cool and mysterious guy that had been occupying her thoughts for the better part of two days was hugging her. Trying to make her feel better. It was mind blowing. And oh, he gives the best hugs in the world. Just as she relaxed into his embrace he let go, leaving her disgruntled and staring at him in awe. He smiled at the look on her face. His adorable crooked smile.

"Okay, so what. They're assholes. The people I hang out with have known that those people are assholes their whole lives. So. What you're going to do. Is after this next class, which by the way we're both late for, you're going to come find me at lunch and you're going to sit with me. And me and my group will make you forget those assholes ever existed okay?" Her eyes widened in shock, still numb and unable to process thought from the hug, and she nodded. He smiled again. "Good, now run along to class so i can get into my locker." She nodded again, and turning around, left the hallway in the opposite direction of her class. He watched her round the corner and shook his head in surprise. "What have I gotten myself into now?"


For the second time that day, Kaylee stood in front of a pair of orange doors, shaking in fear. This time it was the doors that led from the library hallway to the cafeteria. She had spent the entire class period in said library, not able to face a class full of her ex-friends, worrying about what they were going to try to do next to hurt her. Now, however, she wasn't thinking about them. Instead she was frozen by the thought of going to sit with that enigma, Matthew and his friends. She still wasn't sure if she hadn't imagined the whole thing. She sucked in a breath and pushed open the doors. Well I guess we're going to find out...

The cafeteria at North Hampton was possibly the most clique oriented and organized in the world. There were literally student designated sections of the garish orange and grey tables. Sure the room was loud, but there were never any inter-clique conversations unless the preppys were picking on some 'lower' group that day. The math geeks stayed over by the back doors, the ravers played their metal near the ala cart line, and the senior jocks played catch with a football over underneath the bulliten boards. The only group that ever left their designated area and wreaked havoc in the other groups was the misfits. Possibly the largest group in the school, it was compiled of all of the loud and obnoxious people that had decided they were too good for the groups they would otherwise belong in. They were considered both the low lifes and the coolest people in the school because not a single one of them gave a s**t about what everyone thought of them. At the heart of this group of strangers Matthew was sitting, beckoning Kaylee over, that adorably lopsided smile playing across his face. She smiled timidly in response and walked over, sitting quickly in what she was imagining as Matthews bubble of protection. As she sat, the room went quiet around her. Well not literally, but thats how it seemed. Everyone in the immediate vicinity, including Matthew, fell silent as she sat. Oh no! OH NO! Her thoughts scrame I was wrong. He DIDN'T invite me to sit with him. Oh no! What am I going to do? Before she could reach full panic attack, Matthew wrapped an arm around her shoulders and said.

"Wow I honestly didn't expect you to show up. You're braver than i thought." She blushed and went to hang her head in embarrassment but her head's downward travel was halted by a hand being shoved in her face.

"Hi, I'm Katy." A medium height, red headed girl announced, a slightly pompous tone in her voice. "Are you this mysterious Kaylee girl that Matthew was just telling us about?" Kaylee blanched.

"Um, yes, I'm Kaylee." She shook the girl's hand, then turned to Matthew. "You told them about me?"

"Yeah. He hasn't been able to shut up about you since lunch started." A short brunette slid into the bench across from them, glaring at Kaylee as she did so. "The name's Bethany, by the way." She continued to look at Kaylee in half admirement, half annoyance. Kaylee nodded at her, but before she could say anything in response another girl slid in next to her, another brunette.

"Oh Beth don't act like that just because he still is ignoring you're humongous crush on him is no reason to get pissed at the girl who's finally caught his eye." She smiled a very toothy smile. "I'm Sunny." She proclaimed, hugging Kaylee.

"Kaylee, and what do you mean caught his eye? He's just being nice because i collapsed in front of his locker this morning." She was slowly turning red again. Sunny shrugged.

"Eh whatever works. Right Beth?" Bethany grunted in response, looking put out. Sunny laughed. "So whats your story? Matthew managed to get out a few things about your crisis before Andrew got him talking about what you looked like." And so Kaylee began to explain. You would think that given the circumstances Kaylee would be nervous around these overly friendly people and their probing questions. But oddly, Kaylee felt she belonged here and found herself telling these people, who she had just met minutes ago, more than she had ever told her old group. It was only when she had finished that she realised that Matthew had left the table.

"Uh. What? Where did Matthew go?" She asked looking wildly around. Katy shrugged.

"He does that occasionally. Erm... I think he's... Uh..." She squinted toward the courtyard. "Over there talking to Andrew, Slimeboy and Midget." Kaylee looked at her increduously.

"Slimeboy and Midget?"

"The other two Andrew's... Somehow these three idiots ended up with the same name, and are now best friends because of that and their love of video games. But yeah. I'll let Matthew do any further explanation if its needed." Kaylee nodded and stood up, heading over.

"Soooo, you like her?" A tall brunette boy was asking Matthew. He shrugged in response.

"I don't know Andy just leave me alone about it k?" Kaylee reached up and poked him in the shoulder. He jumped slightly and turned around.

"You ditched me." She said a slightly accusing note marring the joke. He smiled.

"You seemed to be getting along with them pretty well without my help." She nodded.

"What are they? Your harem?" One of the other Andrews snorted.

"They wish. Especially Bethany." Matthew chuckled.

"Nah, they're just friends." She smiled.

"Yeah i figured as much. But still..." She leaned over and gave Matthew a hug. "Thanks." He hugged her back.

"Any time." And the bell for lunch to end rang.


A couple of days later in Geometry, Kaylee was feeling pretty good. She had been hanging out with Matthew and his friends every chance she had, and she finally felt that she had friends that liked her for her rather than her brains. She had actually discovered that some of the people she had met shared classes with her where before she hadn't known anyone. The girl Katy and the blonde Andrew especially seemed to get along with her. Smiling, she leaned back in her chair, just enough to see Matthew's desk. It was nice, now, she no longer felt awkward and shy around Matthew and was actually able to speak semi-intelligently with him in class. She still got embarrassed when he had to correct her mistakes but in his own stand-off-ish way he appeared to like her too. So she decided that he was going to be her new best friend, wether he liked it or not. She had noticed something about him when hanging out with his group. They all seemed very connected to one another. Really dependant on and open with one another, except for him. He always appeared reserved. As though he was actively trying to convince them that he was being as open as they were while really forbidding himself from getting close to them. It confused her. Why someone as cool and interesting as Matthew would be so, well, scared of getting close to these people who were obviously more caring of one another than most families. Admittedly she thought that if Bethany got the chance to get close to him she might never let go again, but the others seemed safe enough. The teacher spoke.

"Okay, class. I would like you all to get into your partenrs and discuss the vverbal presentation part of the project. Remember, this includes discussing what your visual aide will be." Kaylee smiled, grabbing her belongings. She turned around to find Matthew completely sucked into something he was writing on his desk. Curious and realizing that he hadn't heard the teacher, she snuck the long way around the desks and peeked over his shoulder.

It was beautiful. An almost lifelike portrait of a faerie-like creature with long brown hair, a cute pert little nose and absolutely gorgeous brown eyes that betrayed a high amount of energy. It was flawlessly drawn and so realistic that it almost appeared real. As Matthew put the finishing touches on it this realistic vibe was intensified as the picture looked up at Kaylee, and winked. She gasped audibly, causing Matthew to jump and stuff the picture into his pinder, looking around at her with fearful eyes.

"Kaylee." His voice had risen an octave. "What's up? What did you see?" She stared at him for a moment, still not comprehending what had just happened. The picture had moved, winked at her. She was certain it had. But drawings don't move. She thought in desperation.

"Huh?" She said intelligently in response, finally realising that he had asked her a question. "Oh, nothing. Just tripped... Stubbed my toe..." She sat down, for some reason thinking it wise not to say what the picture had done. "Nice drawing, by the way. It was freaking amazing. I had no idea you could draw." He gave her a suspicious glance but replied.

"Thanks but it wasn't that good. Anyway, I obviously wasn't paying attention, what are we supposed to be doing?"

"We're supposed to be discussing the presentation." He nodded.

"Sitting around and bullshitting because we're done with all of the work. Okay then." And they were soon occupied, Matthew telling her another random tale of his friend's escapades. All the while, Kaylee pointedly ignoring the little faerie-like creature with long brown hair and wise eyes, that she refused to admit was sitting on the corner of Matthew's desk, staring at her knowingly.


"She can see me."

"Who? Kaylee? No... Impossible."

"She saw the picture wink and she can see me. I'm positive."

"That's perposterous, she would have said something."

"Matthew, you are so naive sometimes. She tried to. She just didn't want you to think she was nuts for thinking that doodles could move."

"Whatever, Di, follow her if you want but i'm telling you. You're wrong."

"You mean you hope I'm wrong because you're afraid of repeating what happened last time someone found out about us."

"Am not. But like I said, follow her around. Talk to her if you must. But leave me out of it."


This is not happening... This is REALLY not happening... Kaylee thought these things as she ran down the main hall, following the faerie from Matthew's drawing. The little creature was hopping from corner to corner down the hall, beckoning her to follow with one of her over-loong fingers. Kaylee shook her head as she ran, nobody else appeared to see it. Even when it hopped and landed in the ahir of the librarian who was pushing a cart of books toward the office, nothing. The creature hopped again and dissapeared around a corner. Kaylee followed, and again saw it jump into the girls restroom, smiling as it did so. Sucking in a breath Kaylee followed, hoping that she'd wake up soon but knowing somehow that she wouldn't.

To her dismay the creature was sitting on the sinks, her legs swinging joyfully, grinning from ear to ear. As Kaylee walked in, the creature let out a high pitched squeal.

"I knew it! I KNEW IT!" She said, very quickly. "Oh I LOVE it when he's wrong. He's right so often that its such a NICE reprieve when he's wrong..." Kaylee, who was scared half to death by now, spoke.

"E-excuse me?" She asked. The fae-like creature blinked rapidly at her.

"You CAN see me right?" it asked.


"Good, good. For a moment there I was worried that Matthew was right and that this was just a coincedence."

"Matthew? So.. he can see you to?"

"Yeah, he's kind of like a big brother to me... but thats beside the point. The point is i was right!" It started to laugh again.

"I'm sorry, but what are you? I mean, who are you?" It paused, looking at her incrediously.

"So rude of me! My name is Di. I'm a twink." Kaylee, now even more puzzled, replied.

"A... twink? Is that kind of like a faerie?" The twink, Di, froze. She stared at Kaylee as if she was trying to prevent herself from gauging out Kaylee's eyeballs with her long fingers. Kaylee stepped back. Di took a deep breath.

"Yes, twinks and faeries are both types of Fae. So technically we are similar in that respect. But I am of no relation to those air headed, bubble brained, twinkly ditzoids, thank you VERY much." This came out in a growl that was vaguely rediculous with the twink's high pitched voice.

"Okay... Sorry?" Kaylee replied quietly.

"Its... Its okay." The twink said, still calming down. "The point is, you CAN see and hear me. Which means Matthew will have to know." It sighed. "He is not going to be happy about this."

"Matthew... this is the second time you've mentioned him. Is he like your leader or something?" The twink grinned again.

"This one catches on fast. Or something... Or something..." She said with a wink. She then, in one fluid movement stood up and dissappeared from the counter in a wisp of green smoke. Kaylee heared someone mutter. "Fluch i still can't do that without the smoke..." Then the sound of tiny footfalls ran out of the room. Kaylee looked in the mirror, her slightly pale face stared back at her. It smiled and waved.

"You're going insane Kaylee." She said, it stopped smiling and went back to imitating her.

"I was right. I was right. You were wrong and I was right!" Di danced in a little circle at Matthew's feet as she sang this. They were standing down a hallway off of the cafeteria. It wasn't very traveled and those who did walk down it were used to seeing Matthew talk to himself so they were fairly well protected. Di continued dancing. "Call the papers! Matthew was wrong about something and his faithful friend and sidekick..."

"Loralei Antoinette Bellanut..."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Di turned on her heel and, red faced pointed a finger at him. Being only three feet tall, this wasn't that threatening.

"Oh yes, thats right. Its Princess Bellanut to all of us common folk... Or do you prefer, Your highness?" Di was shaking with rage. "Besides we've already covered that i knew she could see you. I believe you said I was in denile abou it..." She glared.

"Killjoy. Ich lehne Sie stark ab. Sie..." She didn't get to continue though, due to Matthew's frantic silencing motions. Easily distracted, she stopped and listened curiously. After a moment she heard it.

"WHERE IS HE?" She yelled loudly in the cafeteria. Kaylee was standing at the edge of a booth in the cafeteria, staring at three frightened Andrews and one bemused Sunny.

"Where is who?" Sunny asked in faux innocence. Kaylee just glared. "Oh that who... He warned us you might be looking for him." Sunny started to laugh, but the Andrews, who were practically squirming under Kaylee's death glare, all spoke at once.

"He's down that hallway." The tallest pointed, middle nodded. And the smallest found it crucial to add. "Please don't hurt us." Sunny sighed.

"Yeah he's down there. You three are hopeless you know that?" They all pouted and looked sad at her. Kaylee stomped off without another word.

Matthew looked down at Di.

"I think i recognize that voice."

"Gee, ya think?" A twinkle lit his eyes.

"Hey, Di, hide yourself." She looked at him, puzzled, but jumped and dissappeared in another puff of green smoke. "Ha! You still can't do that without the smoke."

"Du Arschloch." She replied.

"Cross species is ill advised Di... remember the Dwarf Ogre?" He heard the twink cringe and Kaylee rounded the corner.

"YOU!" she said in a deadly tone.

"Me?" He replied in exact replicance of Sunny's innocence.

"Yes you." She glared. "I want to know what the hell is going on. Pictures are moving, small creatures that shouldn't exist are popping up and talking to me, my reflection waved at me when i wasn't moving, and I'm SURE you have something to do with it all." She took a deep breath. "Explain." Matthew struggled for a moment to repress his mirth.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said with a straight face. She stared, openmouthed, for a moment and then collapsed to the floor. She sat there for a moment just staring at a space in front of her.

"Maybe I am going insane." She sighed defeatedly. "Its almost sad. For a moment there I was completely excited to believe that there really were creatures like that tink... or squink or whatever she was called. Its something i've always dreamed of." A slight popping noise sounded behind her but she pretended not to notice.

"The term is twink." The high pitched voice of Di said from behind her. "And Matthew? That was really cruel of you." She walked up and put an arm around Kaylee's shoulders. Kaylee stared at her sadly.

"And now its touching me. And he probably doesn't even know what I'm seeing or that whatever hallucination I'm having is addressing him." Matthew masked his giggles with a look of puzzlement.

"Who are you talking to?" He asked. Kaylee sobbed. Di glared at Matthew and walked over to him, grabbing his leg and digging her fingers into it. "OW! Damn Loralei, don't do that... It hurts!" Kaylee looked up at them.

"Well you were being an a**. Making her think she's delusional. You DO remember what happened last time don't you? Or do you need reminding?" Matthew's expression turned stony.

"I remember." He said darkly. Kaylee found her voice.

"Loralei? You told me your name was Di." She adressed the twink. Matthew's eyes widened.

"You mean you didn't tell her? Oh yay, that means its up to me for introductions." Di smacked herself in the forehead.

"Oh Scheiße."

"Kaylee, I would like you to meet. Loralei Antoinette Bellanut. Princess of the twinks in the Mapel Leaf Court." He said with a flourish and pompous air.

"Who prefers to go by her chosen name: Di." She growled, glaring at Matthew.

"Of course, your highness." He leaned over and whispered to Kaylee. "Twinks are very vain creatures and they love it when you mention how pretty they are." Kaylee's eyes widened slightly.

"Well she is very beautiful. I've thought so since I saw your drawing of her. So dainty. Very regal." She had given up trying to understand and was just playing along at this point. Di glared at Matthew, and when she spoke her voice was as icy as possible for someone who talks with such energy.

"If I didn't know that Matthew had just put you up to that I would have probably scratched your kneecaps off for saying that." Kaylee took three frightened steps backwards. Matthew laughed.

"Princess Bellanut here..."


"... is renowned among the forest as being the most beautiful Fae to walk the earth since medeval times. She hates this because of the sheer number of suitors that show up at the most innappropriate times to try to win her heart." He smiled at Di, who was now pacing.

"..All hours of the day and night. Some don't even bother knocking... One actually broke down the door when i refused to open up at two in the morning... But I digress. The point that we should be getting back to is that, as you now have proof of, she can see me. And from what she said I guess mirrors have been attempting to interact with you since you saw the picture as well?" She said speaking so fast that Kaylee had a hard time keeping up, not that she was going to be able to anyway since her brain had given up trying to figure out what was going on.

"Yeah. They have." Matthew sighed and slid down the wall.

"Which means that you'll have to be taught or else you could become a huge threat. Great." He rubbed a hand wearily over his brow. Kaylee sat down next to him.


"But where to start?" He muttered.

"The beginning is always a good idea." Di put in sarcastically.

"I ment where as in location Di." He said sounding even tireder. He moved his hand and stared at Kaylee for a moment. She locked eyes with his and refused to blink. In the midst of their staring contest the bell rang signaling the beginning of 4th period. Matthew sighed. "I'll think about it and send Di to you with directions to the meeting place during 5th. Okay?" Kaylee nodded, gathering up her stuff again.

"Just one question." She said as she got ready to leave. "Why me?" He stared at her.

"Maybe you're the one we needed." He said, brushing past her and heading toward his class. She stared after him, confused for the umpteenth time that day.

"The one they needed for what?" She murmered as she finally headed back out into the main school.


Kaylee waited by the bus stop at the corner of the school, right where Di had said to. She had followed instructions precisely for fear of messing up and having something go wrong. She had called, left a message on her mom's phone saying that she was going to her new friend Matthew's house. She had taken everything electronic and put it in her backpack which she had sent home with her driver. And she was now waiting at Matthew's stop. Di had said 4:20. It was 4:19, not that she expected him to be on time, Jason had rarely been on time, it was a guy thing. She looked over at the clock again and just as it changed to 4:20 she heard a loud popping noise and someone grabbed her from behind, causing her to squeak and jump about a foot in the air. She turned to find Matthew almost doubled over in laughter, shaking.

"That was the most adorable noise ever." He laughed hugging her. This calmed her down and made her smile, it always did. There was a second pop and Di appeared on Kaylee's shoulder.

"I told you to wait for me! Arshloch!" She said disgruntled. He grinned, his slightly lopsided smile showing off his fangs.

" I said to go on three. Its not my fault you thought I ment to go after I said three instead of as I said it." Di jumped off of Kaylee's shoulder and glared up at Matthew.

"Whatever." She began to pace. Kaylee shook her head and laughed.

"So are you two like an item or something?" She managed to ask over her giggles. Both turned and stared at her.

"She's kidding. Right?" Di asked incredulously.

"I think... Well I hope so." He replied. Kaylee shook her head.

"I'll take that as a no. So how are we going to get to your place?" She asked, still laughing. "You gonna poof me there like you did to get here?" She chuckled. Matthew smiled.

"All in good time. For now, though we're just going to catch a ride with my mom okay?" He pointed up the road to where a blue SUV was driving toward them. Kaylee giggled again.

"Okay. Whatever." She was nearly in hysterics by the time the car got there.

"I think she's a little nervous don't you?" Di asked of Matthew.

"I would have to agree with you on that one." He replied.

Kaylee sat in the back of the SUV as quietly as she possibly could.

After a few nerve wracking moments before she realised that Matthew's mom couldn't see Di, followed by some awkwardness as she tried participating in a conversation with his mom which ended up more like an interrigation, she was happy to just look out the window watching the countryside fly past. She hadn't been this far outside of town since her grandmother had passed away the previous January, it was amazing the memory trip just seeing these feilds caused. Thankfully the sad ache in her chest didn't assert itself in the form of tears and she snapped out of her trip down memory lane in time to watch the car pull into possibly one of the most rusticly gorgeous places she had ever seen. It was completely picturesque. A weather-worn wooden barn stood against a backdrop of lush green feilds backed by a forest that could only be described as ancient. The smallest of trees had to be at least 30 feet high and even in the car you could feel the life of the forest overwhelming the property, it was almost like magic.

Kaylee smiled as she exited the car, suddenly full of some sort of lethargic power, thanking Matthew's mom for the ride she faced the woods and breathed as deeply as she could reveling in the ominous presence that the trees had. It was only when she heard him chuckle that she remembered that she was being watched, and that she was probably going to be met with the mocking smile that never failed to make her blush and feel like an idiot when she turned around. She was, however, shocked. For although he was smiling, it wasn't the charmingly jovial one she was used to. It was more somber, mirroring the feeling she had upon first seeing the forest.

"You can feel it too, huh?" He said in an almost whisper. "I guess you are the one." He sighed, tearing his eyes away from the enchanting woods. "Come with me, then. I've quite a bit to fill you in on." As hard as it was to do so, Kaylee managed to follow Matthew into the house, pausing only breifly at the door to look back, shivering excitedly as she did so. The house was just as amazing on the inside as it was out. All hard wood floors, stairs, walls and celings. It was the perfect western farmhouse only better. Smiling, Kaylee followed him through the maze of halls, rooms and clutter until they reached what was quite obviously a teenager's room. The typical 'DO NOT ENTER' sign was hung on the door and the pile of laundry was placed 'strategically' outside the door. Kaylee got the impression that it was all for show though, Matthew didn't seem the type to have a typical room. It was more like he'd placed preliminary masks in front of his door to fool his parents into thinking that he was typical than anything else.

As she entered the room, Kaylee realised that her deduction was correct.Two of the walls were completely covered in hand-drawn sketches of fantastical creatures that Kaylee couldn't have imagined even in her most far-fetched of fantasies. Life like Centaurs stared at sketchy skies, faeries flew over meadows of wildflowers, and still creatures she couldn't begin to assign a name to ran rampant across the walls. All of them flawlessly drawn, all of them moving. The other walls were scarcely decorated with a variety of diagrams and knick-knacks that looked like they were made out of foilage. She walked in and sat on the edge of the bed, staring around the room, trying to soak it all in at once, like a child at an amusement park she was giving herself whiplash trying to see everything the busy room had to show her. Matthew laughed.

"A bit distracting is it?" He was back to his usual mocking grin. Kaylee smiled, so overwhelmingly happy that she didn't care that he was laughing at her.

"It would help a bit if they'd stop moving, but I'm not sure I want them to. They're so amazing." She stood up and walked to one she recognized, it was the picture of Di that she had seen earlier. It was smirking at her with a knowing look in it's eye. Matthew chuckled again.

"Well I think I'll have them sit still for a bit anyway since I kind of need your full attention for what I'm going to be telling you so...." He flicked his sleeves back and with a slight twitching of his fingers, a silver light shot from his palms and snaked its way around the portraits halting each in mid move as it passed. Kaylee's eyes were as big as saucers when she turned to face Matthew.

No. Way. Her inner mantra began, He did not just do MAGIC of all things. I mean first pictures start moving, then creatures that only exist in farietales start popping up now MAGIC?! I have got to be dreaming... Wake up Kaylee... DAMMIT wake up! Matthew was almost on the floor he was laughing so hard.

"You... should see the look on your face...." He straightened up, a smirk on his face. "And no Kaylee, you aren't dreaming, but stop that infernal mental screaming... its giving me a headache." Kaylee went ghostly white. Magic was one thing, reading her mind? Oh no.

Next thing she knew Kaylee was staring at the celing. She had been moved from her place on the floor and was lying on a very soft bed. Vaguely recalling what had happened she sat up and glanced over in the corner where Matthew was having another argument with Di.

"i told you it would be too much for her all at once Matthew!" Di was yelling, Kaylee loopily thought she must be part Italian with the way she liked to yell and wave her hands about in a very flamboyant manner. "I told you to take it slow, introduce her bit by bit, said it would be easier on her mind. Keep her from getting scared. BUT NO! You just HAD to go completely overboard, what with the forest and the mind reading. SHEESH MATTHEW! Do you WANT to create another Alex?! Our world can barely live with one monstrous human terrorizing the land. We don't need two antagonists trying to destroy our simplicity!" Matthew rolled his eyes, though the comment about Alex appeared to sting him just a bit.

" Lighten up Di. She's not going to turn on us just because of one incedent. Don't worry, she's not the same as he was. She'll get it. I'm sure of it." He, however, didn't sound as sure as he said, so to prevent the furthering of Di's tirade Kaylee coughed loudly from her spot on the bed.

"Oh good, your awake!" Matthew said, rushing to the bedside. Kaylee nodded slowly, backing away from him wide-eyed. "Are you okay?" He said, sounding concerned.

"Explain." Kaylee ordered, her voice shaking. Matthew sighed, seating himself on the edge of the bed.

"Okay....Well... Where to begin?" He frowned

"How about at the beginning?" Di asked smirking as she climbed up the bedpost. Matthew glared and flicked her off again.

"Stay out of this you... Its your fault that any of this happened remember? Besides, it would take too long to start at the beginning." He sighed again. "Well, Kaylee, I guess you could say it all centers around belief." She raised an eyebrow. " I can do magic because I believe I can. I can see creatures like Di because I believe they exist. Does that make sense?" Eyebrow still raised, Kaylee shook her head. Matthew frowned even deeper.


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  • User Comments: [20]
    Community Member

    Sat Jul 21, 2007 @ 09:39am

    wow nobody cares enough to comment... that makes me cry inside....

    Community Member

    Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 01:24am

    Hey I care. Jeeze...
    I am commenting... I think it is really good but I have a few critiques...
    User Image
    ok for this part... mebe if you are going to talk about hugs... mention his arms... something like... "his arms lean and strong... they looked as though they could wrap around me and hold me forever... keeping me safe and warm..." I dunno... or something.... ya....
    User Image
    Oh and here... you kindof dropped off on the end of this paragraph... ya...

    Other then that It is really good...
    Like I said. I will publish it and get it all soft cover formed and on bookshelves... if you dont manage to get it published in other places...
    Anyway ya... I really am exited as to where this story goes.
    (ps. "..." doesnt meen bad... it just meens I am not sure of what to say...)

    Community Member

    Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 01:31am

    lol thanks... and i agree that sentence is a bit awkward... i might take it out and re-incorporate it later... and as for the paragraph? i realized after posting that theres supossed to be either a semicolon or a colon there (i'm not grammatical enough to know which) but yeah... thx for the help! ^^

    Kakashi the annoyance
    Community Member

    Mon Jul 23, 2007 @ 06:13pm

    wow, I'm impressed....

    Community Member

    Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 07:36pm

    really? i-i dunno... it just... isn't turning out how i thought it was going to....

    Kakashi the annoyance
    Community Member

    Thu Jul 26, 2007 @ 06:44pm

    I know it's not, and I know why, but it's still really amazing writing... it reminds me of some of mine actually.... s**t maybe I can write...

    Community Member

    Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 12:14pm

    lol told you so...

    Kakashi the annoyance
    Community Member

    Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 09:26pm

    wow, love the new instalment...

    Community Member

    Tue Aug 07, 2007 @ 08:51am

    thanks... i've been particularily nervous about the character interaction between kaylee and matthew... i'm half worried that it'll seem a little too idealic and not close enough to a reality to work... I mean nobody really just straight out becomes friends like that... but i'm going to have a hell of a time trying to write in conflict... so any input is greatly loved

    Kakashi the annoyance
    Community Member

    Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 12:11am

    ask for any specific help, especially concerning Matthew, over the phone and I'll help.

    Community Member

    Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 10:01am

    Actually just talking to you over the phone makes it easier to write matthew because i'll have your unique essense and way of talking fresh in my mind. What i mean is if you see anything wrong or have any suggestions please write them down... And constructive critisism on the other characters just kindof in general is helpful

    Community Member

    Fri Aug 10, 2007 @ 12:20am

    *GLOMP* I LOVE IT!!! But you need to work on your capitalizations like "I" and on names...and why the hell am I a prep!? jk

    Community Member

    Fri Aug 10, 2007 @ 09:57am

    Well it seemed fitting... lol actually those three characters are based off of three horrible "friends" i had in middleschool. Kaitlyn Patterson, Lindsey Cohen and Shannon Davis... I'm not sure why i changed 'Shannon' to 'Brittany' but it just happened... She's actually the closest thing Kaylee has to a real friend.. but you'll find out more about that soonly

    Kakashi the annoyance
    Community Member

    Thu Aug 23, 2007 @ 07:23am

    nice addition, and had you been a prep that would have been exactly my attitude. not bad.

    Community Member

    Thu Aug 23, 2007 @ 09:57am

    thanks... i'm trying.. and this next part is going to kill me to write... i've already gone through three different versions of it and had to delete it because it just didn't fit right

    Kakashi the annoyance
    Community Member

    Tue Sep 04, 2007 @ 02:45pm

    so.... Amanda's new nickname is Di? lol, just kidding, nice work. fairly acurate to, more than you know, though it's other arts, not drawing...

    Okay, class. I would like you all to get into your partenrs and discuss the vverbal presentation part of the project. Remember, this includes discussing what your visual aide will be." Kaylee smiled, grabbing her belongings. She turned around to find Matthew completely sucked into something he was writing on his desk. Curious and realizing that he hadn't heard the teacher, she snuck the long way around the desks and peeked over his shoulder.

    It was beautiful. An almost lifelike portrait of a faerie-like creature with long brown hair, a cute pert little nose and absolutely gorgeous brown eyes that betrayed a high amount of energy. It was flawlessly drawn and so realistic that it almost appeared real. As Matthew put the finishing touches on it this realistic vibe was intensified as the picture looked up at Kaylee, and winked. She gasped audibly, causing Matthew to jump and stuff the picture into his pinder, looking around at her with fearful eyes.

    Community Member

    Wed Sep 05, 2007 @ 05:01am

    yeah slightly... you'd have to read the description that i've drawn up for di to really see the differences... or just wait until i update again...

    Kakashi the annoyance
    Community Member

    Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 02:04am

    actually to my memory I never introduced you ti fi because of what happened last time I let her talk to people, but I must have been wrong.... "Ha! You still can't do that without the smoke." love it. once again I found 2 spelling mistakes.

    Community Member

    Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 06:16am

    eh they were two in the morning typos... nothing unreadable... besides i'm doing all of the editing later... And its getting quite intruiging that every new character that i've introduced so far, even though they're all based off of parts of people that i know, you somehow seem to know someone exactly like them with only minor name changes, often times none at all... Its almost suspicious if you know what i mean... I'm just waiting until i introduce the next one to see what you come up with then....

    Community Member

    Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 10:16am

    ZOMG AWESOMNESS KASSIE *puts two thumbs up*

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