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Uchiha Sasuke - Missing Nin

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Sasuke Uchiha



Missing Nin

Clan: Uchiha
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Once considered to be one of the most powerful clans in Konohagakure, the Uchiha clan (うちは一族, Uchiha Ichizoku?, "Uchiha family" wink is now virtually gone, with only two known living members remaining. Uchiha is another way of pronouncing "uchiwa", a paper fan, which is incidentally the Uchiha clan symbol. Uchiwa can be used to fan flames, making the flame hotter — referring to the fact that the Uchiha is a clan of fire-jutsu users.

The Uchiha specialize in fire jutsu like Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique and Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique. Clan members are properly recognized by the rest of the clan when they become proficient in these fire jutsu. Uchiha clan members also possess the Sharingan, a kekkei genkai which gives them the ability to copy their opponent's jutsu, among other benefits.

It is said that one of the ancestors of the Uchiha clan founded the Konoha Military Police, and the organization itself largely consisted of members of the Uchiha clan until recently. Currently, there are only two known surviving members of the clan: Sasuke Uchiha and his brother Itachi Uchiha. After obtaining the Mangekyo Sharingan by killing his best friend Shisui Uchiha, Itachi proceeded to slaughter the rest of the clan. He left Sasuke alive for reasons unrevealed as of yet. Itachi has told Sasuke that the Uchiha clan's Sharingan has some special and seemingly dark ultimate purpose.

Kekke Genkai: Sharingan
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The Sharingan (写輪眼, Sharingan? literally "Copy Wheel Eye," Viz "Mirror Wheel Eye" wink is a special type of pupil condition that naturally occurs in all members of the Uchiha clan, though not all of them gain the ability to use it. Itachi hints at some dark ultimate purpose behind the Sharingan, which both he and Sasuke apparently know, but the series has yet to reveal exactly what that purpose is. The Sharingan is thought to be descended from the Byakugan, but grants the user different abilities and a different insight.

The Sharingan's first and most well known ability is to memorize any technique that it witnesses. It can memorize ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as his own. In order to reproduce copied jutsu, however, one must have the necessary skill or ability to perform them. A prime example is Rock Lee's Strong Fist taijutsu. While Sasuke was able to copy some of Lee's moves, they put a much more significant strain on him since he hasn't trained nearly as hard as Lee has. In addition to physical skill, the Sharingan cannot allow the user to reproduce other kekkei genkai since the Sharingan user doesn't possess the same genetic trait. Additionally, Sharingan users cannot summon a creature which they have not made a contract with.

The Sharingan also grants the user incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to track fast-moving objects with ease and even predict the subsequent movements of those objects. The ability to track and predict movement is largely based on individual skill, as unskilled users have much more trouble tracking fast-moving objects. A fully-evolved Sharingan eye can track all but the quickest opponents, even if the user can't move at the same speed. This perception is also great enough to see through genjutsu, depending upon the skill of the user, and the ability to observe the movement and flow of chakra, but not to the same extent or clarity as the Byakugan. Additionally, the Sharingan grants the user exceptional analytical powers, allowing them to instinctively pick up on various visual clues with little difficulty.

Finally, the Sharingan is capable of a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent. When used in conjunction with the aforementioned aspects of the Sharingan, this allows the user to perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes, even before they do, making it appear as if the user can see the future. It also allows for other forms of hypnotism, such as putting an opponent to sleep or relaying memories to someone else.

The Sharingan does not automatically appear from birth in a user; instead, it will usually appear when the user is in a life-threatening situation, where the power of the Sharingan could save the user. After this first appearance, the user can then call up the Sharingan any time he or she pleases. The power of the Sharingan is judged through the number of tomoe in the eye, known as the "tomoe seal".

-Mangekyo Sharingan-
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Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan has different abilities than Itachi's and Kakashi's.

Ninjutsu Techniques:
-Body Flicker Technique-
This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily boost the user's reflexes. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance between the user and their intended destination.

-Body Replacement Technique-
This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise.

This jutsu channels a large amount of chakra into the user's arm. The amount of chakra is so great that it becomes visible to the naked eye. The technique actually alters the nature of the user's chakra, effectively converting it into electricity. As a side effect of the conversion process, the large amount of chakra, and the speed at which the user moves, this technique makes a loud noise similar to many birds chirping, hence the name (if the user is not in motion, it merely makes an electric crackling sound). Once the technique is completed, the user charges forward and stabs their enemy with it. The amount of thrust combined with the large concentration of chakra allows the user to stab through almost anything; as such it is usually fatal to the enemy. This technique is classified as an assassination technique because of the speed at which it is performed, despite the loud noise it produces.

-Chidori Current-
A variation on a regular Chidori developed by Sasuke during his two-and-a-half year training with Orochimaru, this jutsu allows Sasuke to cover himself in electricity, instead of just concentrating it in his hand. The electricity can be channeled anywhere, allowing Sasuke to enhance his attacks with it. Because it is channeled throughout his entire body and not concentrated, the electricity will only cause temporary paralysis instead of killing an opponent. While this is not a problem in one-on-one battles, it does allow others to save their comrade if Sasuke is outnumbered. Sasuke can also channel the electricity through his Kusanagi sword, increasing its overall strength and cutting power.

-Cloak of Invisibility Technique-
This jutsu allows a ninja to take a cloak or a piece of cloth and blend into an object, making them invisible.

-Clone Technique-
This technique creates intangible clones of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).

-Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique-
The user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object. While the technique is shown in the anime to be even larger and more devastating than Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique, in the manga it is shown to be nothing more than a small burst of flame running along a line of wire.

-Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Missile-
This technique exhales a long stream of incredibly hot fire from the user's mouth, not unlike that of a flamethrower.

-Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique-
Utilizing a large amount of chakra, a large ball of flame is exhaled from the user's mouth. When an Uchiha clan member masters this technique, they are recognized as an adult. This technique also seems to be fairly common amongst Konoha's Chunin-level ninja.

-Fire Release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique-
This jutsu sends multiple balls of fire at a target. It is also possible to hide shurikens within the fireballs, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. For the most part, however, this jutsu is used as a distraction.

-Flapping Chidori-
Using the power gained through the level 2 form of his Cursed Seal of Heaven, the Chidori that Sasuke Uchiha was taught to use as a "blade" to protect his comrades is warped into a dark version of itself that is used to sever his ties with them. In contrast to the usual chirping of birds that the Chidori is known for, this technique emits a noise much like that of a large number of birds taking flight. Its power far surpasses that of the normal Chidori.

-Hidden Shadow Snake Hand-
This jutsu allows the user to project a number of snakes from their wrist or sleeve as they make a punching motion towards their intended target. The snakes can be used to inflict multiple wounds at a distance or hold a target in place. The snakes are even capable of poisoning the victim.

-Hidden Shadow Many Snake Hand-
This jutsu is similar to the Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, but with far more snakes. In addition, these snakes can stretch to much greater lengths.

-Manipulating Windmill Triple Blades-
Utilizing the abilities of the Sharingan, Sasuke is able to control shuriken that have wire cords attached to them (two held with the hands and one with the mouth) and manipulate their paths to tie an opponent to a nearby large object, binding them. If there is no object, the shuriken will impale the opponent.

-Shadow Shuriken Technique-
The user of this technique throws multiple large shuriken in such a way that the first shuriken hides the subsequent ones by blocking the line of sight. To the target, it appears as if only one shuriken was thrown.

-Summoning Technique-
The basic form of all summoning techniques, this jutsu uses a contract, hand seals, and the user's blood to summon an animal from another dimension. As an alternative to the normal hand seals, the same contract that appears on the ground during the summoning can be drawn by hand and activated, producing the same result. The type of animal summoned is determined by the contract. The blood is used as a signature to make the contract, which can be written on a scroll or tattoo, valid. Once summoned, the animal can perform a task or help the user in battle.

-Transformation Technique-
This jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Konoha Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu.

Taijutsu Techniques:
-Leaf Rising Wind-
Using quickness and agility, the user will do a swift upwards kick at their opponent or at a weapon the opponent is wielding.

-Lion Combo-
This jutsu is a variant of Rock Lee's Front Lotus, which Sasuke develops after using his Sharingan to copy the first part of the move. Because Lee wasn't given the chance to finish the attack, Sasuke makes his own ending to it.

Like Lee, Sasuke gets to the point where he does Shadow of the Dancing Leaf to get behind an airborne opponent. Afterwards, his is different. He starts with a kick to the left side of his opponent (the easiest part to block). From there he does a backhand strike to the face, one straight punch to the gut to send the opponent towards the ground and finishes with a spinning kick that lands his left heel on the center of the opponent just as they both hit the ground. Sasuke tends to use different moves each time he does this technique, though the ending is always a kick to the chest.

-Shadow of the Dancing Leaf-
While the target is airborne, the user jumps in such a way as to appear below the target while following a similar trajectory through the air. Since the victim is airborne, he is in a vulnerable position to a more damaging attack.

-Peregrine Falcon Drop-
In this jutsu, Sasuke grabs a falling opponent by their ankles, wraps his legs around their waist, and drives them head first into the ground.

Genjutsu Techniques:
-Bringer-of-Darkness Technique-
This jutsu makes the target think that they are surrounded by total darkness, allowing the user to attack unseen.

-Death Foreseeing Technique-
This jutsu is much like the Temporary Paralysis Technique, but paralyzes the foe by showing them a vision of their own gruesome death. In addition to the paralysis, the enemy is overwhelmed with fear, and can suffer severe mental stress.

-Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique-
This jutsu changes the appearance of a nearby object or area.

-Demonic Illusion: Hellviewing Technique-
This jutsu causes the target to see a horrifying vision. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in.

-Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change-
Using the Sharingan's jutsu-copying abilities, Itachi can reverse any genjutsu back on its original user.

Cursed Seal of Heaven:
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(Sasuke in his final Cursed Seal form)
This seal consists of three tomoe, similar to the Sharingan. It is the counterpart to the Cursed Seal of Earth, and the two seals are the strongest of all the cursed seals that Orochimaru uses. The seal spreads over the user's body like flame when activated.

The early years of Sasuke's childhood were spent living in the shadow of his older brother, Itachi Uchiha, who had proven time and again that he was an extremely talented ninja. Because of Itachi's successes, most of the members of the Uchiha clan looked to Itachi as the clan's future, the biggest proponent of this idea being Sasuke's father, Fugaku Uchiha. Due to this focusing on Itachi, Sasuke did what he could to prove himself to his family, though no amount of training could help him in surpassing the milestones set in place by his brother. Itachi, aware of Sasuke's struggle for recognition, tried to shift some of their father's attention to Sasuke, even offering to train Sasuke in various fields of ninja abilities. Although Itachi succeeded in getting Fugaku to spend more time with Sasuke, much of that time was still dedicated to Itachi, and all the while Itachi never lived up to his promises of training Sasuke.

As time went by, Itachi's standing in the clan began to falter as his trustworthiness was constantly called into question. At this time, Itachi also began to create a more competitive relationship with Sasuke, challenging Sasuke to surpass him. Because of Itachi's changing personality, Fugaku began to take a more active interest in Sasuke's development, teaching him the Great Fireball Technique in less time than Itachi had taken to learn it, which also gave Sasuke proper membership into the clan. Most prominently, Fugaku encouraged Sasuke to not follow in Itachi's footsteps, the former prodigy of the clan having lost his father's confidence.

Soon after receiving the attention from his father that he had so yearned for, Sasuke returned home late one evening to find all the members of his clan dead. After finding Itachi standing over the bodies of their parents, indicating he was the one responsible for the clans' murders, Itachi informed Sasuke that he wasn't worth killing. As he left, Itachi repeated his encouragement to Sasuke to get strong enough to surpass him, and disappeared into the night. From that day forth, Sasuke lived as an orphan, longing for the parents that had been taken from him and allowing his brother's words to fester. Soon after the clan's annihilation, Sasuke's only goal in life became to gain power through any means necessary in order to kill Itachi and avenge the clan.

At the start of the series, Sasuke's desire to get stronger is the dominating factor in his interactions with others and takes precedence over all else. As such he is initially unconcerned with the concepts of socializing, be it with his teammates or the many girls in his age group vying for his affection. Likewise, Sasuke is uninterested in working with Naruto or Sakura for the good of the mission, believing himself to be much more talented and that working with them will only make him weaker. Soon after the three set out on missions together, however, Sasuke begins to discover that these perceptions are inaccurate; Sakura is a valuable source of information, and Naruto is an effective ally and incentive to get stronger. As a result of these revelations, Sasuke begins to value his teammates more than he did during their first meeting. While he tries to deny this, his willingness to risk his life to help them even if it could mean never getting a chance to kill Itachi slowly begins to manifest, although this is partly influenced by Sasuke's belief that if he cannot fight in this battle, he will never be strong enough to face Itachi.

During the second phase of the Chunin Exams, Orochimaru notices this change in Sasuke's ideals, witnessing first hand Sasuke's valuing of his teammates' safety over his own. Having need for Sasuke's craving for revenge, Orochimaru brands Sasuke with the Cursed Seal of Heaven to give him a taste of the power he can have and steer him back towards the more "favorable" path of vengeance. Although Kakashi does what he can to weaken the cursed seal, discourage its usage, and give Sasuke other means of getting stronger, Sasuke comes to realize the potential the seal allows him. To test his newfound power, Sasuke begins to seek out strong opponents that he can fight, believing each victory he obtains to be an indicator of his growth. As time goes by, however, Sasuke becomes dissatisfied with the progress he is making in getting stronger, largely a result of his quick defeat by Itachi during their brief encounter. All the while, Naruto, someone he finds to be of lesser skill, continues to surpass him in ability, creating a sense of envy within Sasuke.

Sasuke in Part IIUltimately, Sasuke decides to abandon Konoha in order to seek out Orochimaru and gain power. Naruto, sent to stop Sasuke from escaping the country, eventually catches up with him and pleads for him to return. Sasuke, believing Naruto to be his closest friend, decides instead to use the last bit of advice Itachi ever gave him: in order to gain the Mangekyo Sharingan, the highest power of the Uchiha clan, one's best friend must be killed. No longer valuing his teammates over his own self-betterment, Sasuke tries to kill Naruto and meets him in battle. Naruto, unwilling to let Sasuke go, fights with equal earnest, now willing to break Sasuke's body to bring him home. As the battle concludes, Sasuke attacks Naruto with his Chidori first while Naruto cannot make full contact with his Rasengan and merely scratches Sasuke's headband (in reference to Sasuke's claim that he couldn't scratch his forehead). As Naruto lies unconscious, Sasuke considers killing him, though upon realizing that that is what Itachi would want, decides to spare Naruto to find power in his own way. He goes to Orochimaru, ready to do whatever is necessary to gain the power he desires.

In Part II, Sasuke sees little change from his personality and mindset at the end of Part I, still craving power above all else. His lust for strength is such that, during his reunion with Naruto and Sakura, he claims to be willing to give his body to Orochimaru if it means killing Itachi. Sasuke has at least changed to a point that he no longer cares for his former teammates' well-beings, being more than willing to kill them since neither is of any use to him. His relationship with Orochimaru shows a similar lack of loyalty, as during their time together he applies no honorifics to Orochimaru's name, is somewhat rude to him, and does not express his allegiance with Otogakure by wearing a Sound headband. Of the loyalties Sasuke has, the only one he displays is that of the Uchiha clan, the symbol of which he wears on his back collar. Despite this lack of allegiances to those close to him, Sasuke seems to be unable to bring himself to needlessly harm those he has never met before, and makes it a point to prevent their deaths when possible.

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