[blah blah blah.. hold on..]
.Im gonna need help with this one so friends, i would appreciate it and love you forever.
.i will also put you on my pro.

Total Value: 745,221 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Demonic Anklets
Ancient Katana
Black Stockings
Buttoned Down Fauna Skirt
Buck Teeth
Nitemare Bustier
Guitar of Demona
Prism Butterfly Mantilla
Charred Tundra Boots
Dark Halo
Maid Headband
.Donaters so far.
.Kyle Hndrix ~ Pixie.
.Bleached Ninja ~ 5k.
.Blueshadowbird ~ 2k.
.Icy_-Magic ~ 2k.
.princess troph ~ 30g.
.Im gonna need help with this one so friends, i would appreciate it and love you forever.
.i will also put you on my pro.

Total Value: 745,221 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Demonic Anklets
Ancient Katana
Black Stockings
Buttoned Down Fauna Skirt
Buck Teeth
Nitemare Bustier
Guitar of Demona
Prism Butterfly Mantilla
Charred Tundra Boots
Dark Halo
Maid Headband
.Donaters so far.
.Kyle Hndrix ~ Pixie.
.Bleached Ninja ~ 5k.
.Blueshadowbird ~ 2k.
.Icy_-Magic ~ 2k.
.princess troph ~ 30g.
[...my head fell off ]
Community Member
.comments?? concerns??.