(stolen from Dawnswrath. because I'm bad like that~)
What is your full name?: Elizabeth Larkin
Your birth date:: 25.5.92
What color is your hair? Is it short, medium or long?: dark brown/almost to shoulders ( it needs to be longer!)/bangs
What color are your eyes?: green/hazely
How tall are you?: 5'6"
Single or Taken?: Single
Do you have pets? If so, how many and what kind?: Pfft, no. My mom and me both want a dog, though. One or two dogs.
Who do you live with?: Parents and older brother
What do you do for school and work?: Sophmore in high school -does dancemove like 'yeyah!'-
Any kids? If not, do you want any?: No kids, plan on adopting
What music do you listen to the most?: Rock
Do you like to read? If so...favorite book(s)?: Yeah! Fiction mostly..
Virgin or not?: Virgin X3
Name your 3 closest friends.: MT (Mary Therese. She hates her name!), Kaitlin and Sarah
Which one is your very best friend?: Too hard to pick!
Your skin...is it fair, medium or dark?: Fair
How often do you really "go out"?: Mostly stuff with the youth group..
Have you ever lost anyone you loved?: not really
Ever been in love?: Yeah, who hasn't?
On a scale of 1-5 how organized are you?: 4.5ish
Do you excercise regularly? If so, how often?: Yep, a while each day. not sure how long, but over an hour.
Zodiac sign?: Gemini
Have any nick names? If so, what?: Larkinator, Psychotic Monkeyfaced Child (from MT xD), Magie.
Name a couple of T.V. shows you watch a lot.: Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Naruto.
Movie(s) you can watch over and over: Harry Potter 4, All Dogs Go To Heaven (my favorite movie when I was younger), pirates of the caribbean 2.
Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many and where are they?: None..
Any piercings? If yes, how many and where are they?: None.. but I'd like to get my ears pierced..
Wear glasses?: Nope
Have braces?: Nope
Do you have siblings? If so, how many?: one older brother
Are your parents still together?: Yep
What is/was your worst subject in school?: Dunno, I'm pretty good at school
Your best subject?: Science
Do you currently play any sports? If so, what?: Soccer, Basketball and Tennis
Do you like to dance?: Yeah, and I'm getting better at it.
Sing?: Kinda.. sometimes in the church choir..
Favorite color?: Blue
Favorite Holiday?: Halloween
Where, outside of the U.S. would you like to visit?: Ireland
Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?: Sometimes older
Ever have an imaginary friend as a child?: Yup, her name was Shadow.
Ever been skinny dipping?: Nope
Did/Do you enjoy highschool for the most part?: Heck yeah!
Do any drugs? If yes, what?: Nope
Drink? If yes, how often?: You mean alcohol? Nope don't plan to.
Smoke?: Nope
Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with?: Nope
Have you ever cheated in a relationship?: Nope
What's your definition of cheating?: Dunno
Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house?: Yup
Have you ever stolen anything from a store or from someone?: Not really
Ever cheated on a test?: When I was in elementary school, once.
Ever been in any legal trouble?: Nope ^^
Do you regret anything?: Yup
Name 5 of the most important things in your life.: Friends, School, God, Internet, Art.
How many languages can you speak and what are they?: English, some Spanish.
Are you a touchy feely person?: I hug people a lot
Do you take showers in the morning or at night more?: Night
Do you trust easily?: For the most part, yeah.
Any phobias?: Not really
Are you a heavy or light sleeper?: heavy!
When did you make your myspace profile?: Myspace is for noobs, man. I don't go on there.
Any disorders you've actually been diagnosed with (O.C.D., A.D.D...)?: ADD!
Are you a morning person?: Sometimes
Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset
Ever had surgery?: Yup, getting my Adnoids removed when I was in the 4th grade.
Ever come close to death?: Not really
Ever broken any bones?: Yup, wrist
When you die, would you rather be burried or cremated?: Don't know
Play any instruments? If so, what?: Used to play the flute
Have you been told you can sing well more than once?: A few times..
3 physical features you get complimented on a lot:: Eyes, freckles and short height (yeppers, I get complimented for being short!)
Your least favorite feature:: eck, hair. it's too short.
Clothing store you shop at the most:: Hot Rags.
What is/are your heritage(s)?: Here we go.. -deep breath- Irish American French German Itallian Polish Russian Austrian.
What is your religion or do you not really have one?: catholicism
Ever been cheated on?: Nope! Never been in a relationship 3nodding
Ever had a one night stand? If so, how many and do you regret any of them?: Never had one
Current friend that you have known the longest:: Kaitlin
Name someone you can tell just about anything to.: Not MT she's got the biggest mouth in the world.. probably Sarah.
Sweet or Sour?: Sweet
Where were you born?: Arlington Heights, Illinois
Do any of your close friends have children?: Nope
Are any of them married?: Nope
Have you ever taken any antidepresants or anxiety medication?: Nope
Ever seen a therapist?: Nope
Did/do you transfer schools a lot?: Nope
Favorite animal to have as a pet:: German Shepherd
How many floors does your home have? How many bedrooms and bathrooms?: 2 floors, 4 bedrooms (4th bedroom is the computer room), 2 bathrooms
Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere?: Neighborhood
Favorite food:: Chow Mein
Do you like to shop?: Not really, normally I don't have very much money.
How often do you go online?: Way too much x3
How sexual are you on a scale of 1-10?: I'm not allowed to be in a relationship until I turn 16, man.
Something or someone you miss the most from childhood:: Andrea Cebulski. She was my best friend from pre-k until 7th grade.
Have you ever slept with somone 10 years or more older than you?: Nope
Over 10 years younger?: Yes, I slept with a five year old. [/sarcasm] Nope
Are you usually late, early or right on time?: Early
Are you happy with your life for the most part right now?: Yup
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The flying bunnies will come.
Don't you mean flying monkeys? ...no.
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