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Not bad...not bad...
Song of the Day...Sora, by UVERworld heart heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Song of the Day...Sora, by UVERworld heart heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Having friends makes summer school a lot easier to go through ever day, so I'm glad I met some nice people. ^_^
I'm still not so happy about waking up every morning to go to 3 periods of classes, but having friends makes it better.
Today was okay. I started my sewing project in art finally. I got half a pair of pants done. ^_^ I might finish the other haslf at home today. ^_^ Music class was pretty good. Basically all I really do there is pretend to pay attention, occasionally take notes, and talk to Sharemla. xD
I was kind of worried in Health cuz I lost my notebook on Friday, and when I asked her for it, she said "Yes, I'm gonna talk about you in just a minute." I thought she was going to talk about a certain something I thought I had written in there, but thank god I left that paper at home. No need to say what I actually wrote hehe. But no, lol, the only reason she wanted to talk abbout it was cuz my homework and notes were together so she was saying that you shouldn't be as unorganized as me. She didn't mention my name though lol. But I thought it was going to be something serious or that I'd be in trouble, but it was just that I was unorganized. xD
The commercial thing went pretty well. xD It wasn't as funny as my group had intended, but it worked out. The funniest one was the one with the 3 jogging guys, one with soda, one with water, and one with gatorade. And 2 of the guys flopped down and like spazzed out, while the guy with the Gatorade was like "Yay!" Hehe, that one was good.
And also Adam's group's commercial was good, it was like the most professionla looking one, not just corny and funny like everyone elses lol.
After that, Buffy picked me up, and here I am. Hehehe.

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