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Roleplay s**t
Setting: the Battle Order Arena.

The Arena looks, from the inside, like the Roman Coliseum of old, but with seating for up to one million viewers. The floor of the arena is sand, but it can magically reconfigure itself to any type of setting the competitors wish, from desert, water, moonscapes, even to urban environments and cities. Underneath and surrounding the arena are classrooms, dormitories, training rooms, armouries, and instructors of all types. It also boasts its own shopping center, bank, vehicle dealerships, and is virtually a small city in its own right. Many people live and work there, and competitors often live there for the duration of the tournament. The Battle Order tournament has just gotten underway, with a fabulous prize of 100,000 gold pieces and a set of special items for the victor. All you have to do...is win.

A few notes about the features of the Arena and the surrounding areas.

Dormitories:They are a few floors high, and resemble a very nice, well kept hotel. The rooms are fully furnished, with all sorts of spacious amenities and luxurious furniture.

Armouries:Filled with training rooms, firing ranges, and virtually every type of weapon one could think of. Also has instructors.

Shopping Center: Basically, like the Mall of America times 100, filled with hundreds of stores, with any kind of store you could possibly imagine.

Teaching Center: Those who wish to teach skills to others can do so here is a well appointed classroom setting. They are well-paid, giving the contestant-teachers a good source of income.

Training Center razz ractice all forms of unarmed combat here, and learn from the expert intructors available.

Rules: Guild Rules.


Blood Type:
Race sad can be humans, elves, even aliens, and such)
Place of Origin sad can be another planet, reality, or dimension.)
Fighting Style:
Weapons sad if any)
Powers sad magical and psychic, if you pick one, you cannot use the other)
Appearance sad pic or very good description.)

After the 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the 30km zone around it has been sealed off, due to the high levels of radiation. When evacuated, nearly every resident was forced to leave everything of value inside the contaminated zone, and more then a few top secret Russian Military labs stil remain in the zone, along with a few military outposts and depots, as well as small towns, communities, and such, most notably the large city of Pripyat, whcih is still largely untouched by anyone yet.. With the black market demand for anything recovered from the Zone, paid professionals, mercenaries, thieves, and other shady figures have flocked to the zone either alone or in groups, scavenging whatever they can for large amounts of cash. There are dangers, especially the radiation, mutated animals, and other scavengers, both rivals, and mutated scavengers from previous trips into the Zone. Will you make a fortune selling items of interest to the dealers that skirt the edges of the Zone, or will the Zone's danger claim you? You are on the edge of the Zone, where the radiation and other anomalies aren't so prevalent. But as you get deeper, things will definitely change, most notably the radiation level and the amount of mutated animals.

Rules: Guild Rules.

Since we have somewhat of an economy in this roleplay, when you post your profile, roll a 6 sided die one time, and i will add in your starting cash based on the number.

Notes on the economy system:

Dealers, Traders, and just about everyone have things to trade and sell, but Dealers and Traders by far have the most, since they are who everyone goes to. They have large amounts of money(in Russian Roubles), and take items, artifacts, weapons, ammunition, and basically anything of some value in trade for all of the above, as well as cash. You can find and earn money and items, but if an item you have is worth less then what youre bartering to a Deater for another, you make up the difference in cash. (got it? if not, PM me, ill explain it better.)

Country of Origin:
Profession sad ie ex military, professional thief, mercenary, scavenger, etc)
What led you to your current profession:
Equipment sad radiation protective gear and detectors should be standard, plus whatever you may need. remember, you can sell items to Dealers later on and buy new items and gear.)
Artifacts sad you'll find these odd, irradiated objects in the Zone. you can carry up to 5. various ones will be listed in a future update of this first post, so keep a lookout.)
Appearance sad pic or very good description)

Map of the Zone: (you start at the bottom of said map.)
User Image

Setting: A large metropolitan area, a city that covers more then 30 square miles, with massive amounts of skyscrapers, big businesses, and over 10 million occupants, with an outlying suburb of over 5 million. Background: Founded in 1999 To combat the rising crime rates and terrorism in the city, Security Enforcers Inc. has over 100,000 active members in the city alone, and is a multinational business. It has 30 different precincts in the city alone, each supporting thousands of officers. They are often called upon to support regular police, SWAT, and National Guard deplyments within the city. Most members are part of one or more of the following departments: Paranormal Investigations Department K-9 Unit Private Investigations Department Security Enforcement Department Police Suppliment Unit SWAT Support Unit Military Enforcement Department Security Enforcers Freelance Division sad takes jobs from all departments and citizens) They have been active up until now, and the whole city depends upon SE Inc. Go forward and protect the innocent! SE HQ Building: This building is equipped with everything necessary for the War on Crime. It has dormitories for permanent residents, armories, gun ranges, explosives practicing blasting pits, squad training rooms, offices, recreational facilities, large bath and shower-room facilities, locker rooms, an underground parking garage, and much more. Officers spend roughly half of their time in the field, the rest is spent at their assigned desk or office, or doing leisure activities. Rules: Guild Rules Profile: Name: Age: Gender: Department sad Base) Other Departments sad optional) Short Bio: Skills: Abilities: Strengths: Weaknesses: Personality: Off Duty Job: Appearance sad pic or good description)

Setting: Modern Day. Five years ago, something happened that changed the world forever. Nobody is quite sure if it was a nuclear war, an alien attack, freak weather, or something else, but all that is certain is that over 3.5 billion or more people died. Governments vanished overnight. Soon after, mankind was reduced to the technology level of the medieval ages, and as such, started rebuilding in the fashion of the Middle Ages. Lords and Ladies, castles, feudal systems,knights, all came back, all across the planet. The onlt technology to survive, unsurprisingly, was guns, though they are quite valued, and bullets are rare, and even more expensive to make or buy. They have been integrated into the new way of waging warfare, so it is not uncommon to see the more well-off knights of the new noble houses to be seen swinging a sword with a pistol or submachinegun in the other hand, or archers with pistol sidearms, as well as snipers, heavy machine gunners, and other units alongside heavy cavalry, infantry, spearmen, and lancers in combat. Many of the surviving people in America are under the feudal system, working under the watch of the lords of their territory. But there are other groups as well, that have new life under this system, such as nazis, communists, racists, and religious groups. Surviving is going to be harder then ever. Note: With the reversion to older technology, improvements to old weapons have been made. Gunblades, belt-fed and clip-fed crossbows, and other new weapons have been created. Rules: Guild Rules. Profile Layout: Name: Age: Gender: Profession: Serf,Noble house member,or other group(such as a warband or relgious group, etc) Skills: Personality: Hobbies sad optional but would be nice to keep track of your proession-related skills and such) Abilities: Weapons sad optional, guns are very rare.) Military class sad optional, includes knight, infantry,lancer, spearman, archer, crossbowman, etc) Appearance sad pictures are very apreciated, modern things are hard to find though, like cloths and acessories)

Setting: Modern day, Bhizone Castle, Germany. A normal tourist attraction for decades, Bhizone castle has attracted thousands of people to its walls. It was the site of some of the most horrible things during the medieval era, most of which is still hazy in the recods of time. When a tour group gets locked in after dark, And the castle itself becomes whole, like the mouldering ruins were only for the daytime, and screams echo across the locked grounds, will the tour group be able to discover the secrets of the castle, as well as survive the night? Starting off in an abandoned maintinence shed used by the castle caretakers, obviously the only modern place left, they will have to explore the grounds, and uncover the mystery of the castle. Rules: Guild Rules. Note: The tool shed/maintinence building you start in is a small, prefabricated structure, filled with shelves of gardening supplies, tools, wood beams, rakes, hoes, nail guns, hammers, nails, etc, all sorts of equipment used to tend and repair the grounds and the collapsing ruins. A small laptop sits on a wooden crate, displaying a schmatic of the castle grounds, though with the castle restored to its original form somehow, will it be useful? Note 2: The characters will not know the castle is back to its original state until leaving the tool shed. Profile setup: Name: Age: Gender: Blood Type: Fears: Hobbies: Personality: Skills and Abilities: Items sad you start in a tool shed, will you take anything with you) Appearance sad pics, links, or good descriptions are helpful)

Setting: During the Air Gear Anime/Manga series.

With the new sport of riding with 'Air Trecks' which are highly customizable skates that allow riders to do amazing, daring stunt, usually costing around $1,000, it has turned into a serious sport. With many new users every day, and teams forming up to challenge one another, who will rpove they're the best?

NOTE: since alot of you may not have heard of this series, or if you have and just need extra info, here's a few helpful links from Wikipedia.







Rules: Guild Rules.

Profile sad 'borrowed' from the Air Gear: Endless Flight Guild)

Gaia name: Please put your Gaiaonline account name here.
Character's Name: The name your character goes by, first name first.
Stormrider Name: Does your character have a nickname?
Occupation: Student or employee? Please also include the school name or business name.
Appearance: What your character looks like, hair, eyes, skin.
ATs: Describe the look of your character's ATs.
Team or Solo: You may join or form a team if there are four other players on it with you. If your character is a solo rider, please mention that here.
Skill sad choose 1 to start.)
Flyer - a rider who likes to do jumps
Trickster - a rider who does tricks
Racer - a rider who is very fast on their ATs
Bully - A rider who harasses others and likes to fight
Casual - A rider who just plays around on ATs for fun

Setting: 1998, Raccoon City.

A small midwestern town of about 100,000, overtaken by a terrible accident. Nearly every human being in the city is now dead or a zombie, due to the viral outbreak caused by Umbrella Corporation. Mutated monsters and infected beasts roam the town, and only a handful of living humans remain. Within a few hours, the city was almost totally filled with undead and mutated creatures of science. With over 8 hours until dawn, the survivors must fend for themselves.

Notable Places in town sad note, every place is still around at this time of the night.)

Raccoon Police Department: HQ for the police in Raccon, which was almost totally wiped out in the first hours of the outbreak.

Umbrella Subterranean Laboratory - One of Umbrella's secret laboratories was located below an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Raccoon City. This lab was used primarily by William Birkin and his staff for research into the T and G viruses. It was here that Birkin injected himself with the G-Virus after being fatally wounded by Umbrella commandos. The laboratory contained facilities for viral research and vaccine synthesis, a station for cryogenic experiments, a smelting pool, and two train terminals (a rotating turntable elevator on the uppermost level and a freight train at the bottom platform). The facility is accessible through the Umbrella training facility in Resident Evil 0 where you fight Tyrant for the first time.

Emmy's Diner - This "greasy spoon" was Claire Redfield's first stop in Raccoon City. She was nearly killed by zombies lurking within, but was fortunately rescued by Leon S. Kennedy at the last moment.

Kendo's Gun Shop - A local armory surplus which was run by Robert Kendo. It was invaded by zombies and Kendo was killed in the onslaught.

Uptown - Uptown Raccoon occupied the southern city portion of Raccoon. This area, also called the Cedar District, contained Jack's Bar, Kendo's Gun Shop, a boutique, the Umbrella sales office, Dario's Warehouse, and the Raccoon City Police Precinct. The area is bordered in part by the Marble River.

Downtown - Raccoon's Downtown section was located north to the Uptown area. This part of the city contained a restaurant called Cafe 13, a movie theater, the office of the Raccoon Press, and City Hall.

St. Michael Clock Tower - Prior to the outbreak, the Clock Tower was a popular tourist site located in the north of the city. The site was a dedicated extraction point for the U.B.C.S., but was heavily damaged by a crashing helicopter.

Raccoon City Hospital - Raccoon's largest hospital was established in 1992, a few blocks from the Clock Tower. During the outbreak, hospital staff on Umbrella's payroll engineered a vaccine for the T-Virus. Unfortunately, the hospital was overrun before the vaccine could be produced in large quantities. U.B.C.S. supervisor Nicholai Ginovaef destroyed the hospital to eliminate evidence of Umbrella's experiments.

Raccoon Park - A large park was located behind the Clock Tower. It contained a forest path, a cemetery, and an adjacent cabin. The Park was connected by rope bridge to a Dead Factory which housed an Umbrella facility.

Dead Factory - This apparently abandoned structure was used by Umbrella for processing of unwanted or hazardous biological material. In the months leading up to the outbreak, this included an increasing number of destroyed zombies, which taxed the facility's capabilities. The site contained a small water-treatment facility, a large room used for chemically processing dead experimental subjects, an incinerator room, and a small helipad. At some point, U.S. Army forces attacked the facility, bringing to bear an experimental railgun. Umbrella responded by deploying several T-103 Tyrants against the attackers. Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira escaped from this facility by helicopter moments before the destruction of Raccoon City.

Umbrella Corporation Office and Research Facility - Umbrella's main corporate office was located in Downtown Raccoon City. This facility was Umbrella's public location. The laboratories contained Hunters and a T-103 Tyrant Unit. Umbrella researchers Linda and Carter developed a cure to the T-Virus here.

J's Bar - A bar located in the Uptown area. Many often confuse this bar with the bar seen in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. However, it is obvious that these are both different bars from the different layouts and different entrances.

The Apple Inn - Two fire fighters searching for survivors are killed when a faulty boiler explodes in the heart of this hotel. The resulting explosion spreads fire throughout the building and traps a number of survivors inside with the zombies and mutants roaming the halls.

Raccoon City University - A good-sized University was located on the east side of the city. As with many establishments in Raccoon, Umbrella's influence extended even here. Some of the faculty toiled at perfecting biological weapons. Others, somehow privy to Umbrella's T-Virus research, worked at a cure. In another parallel to Raccoon City Hospital, the University was destroyed by Nicholai Ginovaef.

Raccoon City Zoo - Raccoon City boasted a popular zoo near a main trolley hub in the northwest part of town. Its mascot, "Mr. Raccoon", was known throughout the city. When the outbreak spread here, it infected several exotic species including hyenas, lions, and a very angry elephant.

Raccoon City Subway - Raccoon's subway system was little safer than the surface at the height of the outbreak. Wrecked trains congested the tunnels and mutant fleas proliferated among piles of refuse, making the underground a dubious refuge. The line visited by survivors during the events of Outbreak File 2 ran underneath Raccoon St., a major road which passed through central Raccoon City.

Rules: Guild Rules.

Remember, this is Resident Evil. Guns and ammunition are hard to find, and must be conserved.


Blood Type:
Short Bio:
Skills and Abilities sad be reasonable, most people in town have no survival skills or weapon training.)
Infected/Injured? sad if infected, specify how long)
Appearance sad pic or very good description.)

Setting: Modern Day, Tokyo. An ancient prophecy reads: And those born without a soul shall be called the pariah, and they shall be shunned by man and beast alike, with no place to call home, until they find the true path that leads them to their rightful place within the SsS. Basically put, there are a few modern day young people, just having come of age, who have been rejected their whole lives. They must find the path to the Soul Slayer Society, and regain their souls, so that they bring order and balance to both this world and the spirit world. Notes on the SsS(Soul Slayer Society): They are an ancient order of the Light, dedicated to banishing evil from both the Spirit realm and the world of the Living. The all dress like samurai or priests of old, and wield various magical powers, swords, bows, polearms, or whatever weapon that their soul is chosen by. They all fight the evil on both worlds, as well as the Dark Reapers, the order that is the opposite, the negative, of them, whose goal is to unbalance both worlds in favor of evil. You are one of the chosen Pariah, and you must find your way to the Soul Slayer Society to join them. Rules: Guild rules. Profile Layout sad be very descriptive on all things possible.) Name: Age sad no less then 18, no more then 21) Gender: Blood Type: Short Bio: Profession: Education: Skills: Abilities: Powers sad not filled out until later) Likes/Dislikes: Personality: Weapon sad filled in later) Appearance:

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