The man in the strange hat, that covered his head, halted to a stop. His target in front of him, looked to be a normal middle aged man, and was rather pudgy, perhaps from drinking to much.
Looks can be deceiving. The man with the hat thought to himself.
"Who are you." The middle aged man asked.
"Just a man with a silly hat." he responded.
And, indeed, the hat was silly. It looked like a normal top hat, but slightly bigger, so as to fit over a persons head. It had two square like holes in it, so the wearer could see. Also, the hat seemed to float on mid air, following the mans head around, whenever it moved, and always turning, so the eye holed were always aligned with the man's eyes.
"Die human!" The middle aged man screamed. And at that, his flesh seemed to peel from his body. And underneath it, was some sort of abomination. It's arms were giant anacondas, fangs and all. It's head was that of an elephant, except with its tusks sprouting out of it's head, as horns. It's teeth were filed to a point. It's eyes glowed red, and black. And it's body and legs were that of a muscular ogre.
The abomination charged at the man, anacondas snapping, and horns lowered to impale.
The man with the silly hat, raised a white gloved hand to his hat, gave it a spin, and stopped the holes right at his eyes again. Smoke exploded from the top of his hat, and from the eye holes. The smoke seemed alive, as it squirmed, and wiggled. It moved toward the abomination. Wrapping around the monster, it quickly engulfed it. Not only had the monster come to a complete stop, but it's eyes were wide with fear, and unknowing dread.
"W-what are you?" The monster stuttered out, it's voice dripping with terror.
"I told you. A man in a silly hat." the man said slightly agitated. And with that, the man turned around, and began to walk off. The abomination open it's mouth to let out a scream, but the sound died on it's lips, just as it had died to the smoke, at that instant. The smoke flew back into the mans hat, leaving the abomination on the ground, dead, with a look of unimaginable terror on it's face.
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