Heh.. I actually just came back from the festival!
It was great!
A whole bunch of cool stuff happend.
I'm gonna try to make this really short 'cuase I'm tired.. so screw the small details]....
We went around 7 p.m.
And since I really did NOT want to be with my mom and her friends the whole time.. acting like the retarded dufuses that they are.. I decided to split up.. so i got the cell phone..
I walked around a whole bunch and finally got to a place where i could relax..
It was the Irish Thunder stadium.. where they played the music n stuff..
I sat down and decided to stay for the next act..
Which I'm really glad i did 'cuase it was so cool!!
They were called the Step Crew.. i beleive..
they played from 9:30-11:00.. and I stayed thw whole time..
I didn't know i was going to.. but they ended up being to friggin awesome!
They were friggin hilarious too!
Ah! It was so amazing what they did! I absolutely loved it!
So after about 2 hours of staying there.. i sorta wanted to go meet the crew in the back.. especially my favorite peeps! [there were 7 step dancers/viloinists..] yeah..
but I didn't.. 'cuase my low self esteem issues.. if i did.. that would have made my day!!
oh well..
After trying to contact my mom for like 30 min.. i finally found her.. and we then left.
While we were walking back to the car.. the people walking behinde me were probably drunk.. because they kept singing the..
"do re mi fa so la ti do" song.. and songs from "The Little Mermaid"..
it was creepy.. but I just walked fast enough to get away from them..
I finally reached the car.. but had to wait for my mom and her friends who were two blocks behinde.. -.-;
So when we were driving back.. this one guy ran across the middle of the road.. right in front of us.. and Terry.. [mom's friend.. who's a guy] said.. "whoah! You dumb s**t! You're gonna get yor self killed!"
Later on i asked if we could go across the underbridge.. which is really cool.. so we did.. then my mom said there were deer there.. and that they were stupid and had a brain the size of peanuts.. but because of her brazilian accent it sounded like she said.. uhm.. a male body part.. and she noticed that mistake.. so she had to correct her self.. outloud.. -sigh-
Well.. we got back.. I drank my favorite soda that i was saving for a special occasion, and started typing this journal entry.
So there ya go.
More junk about my life!
[stay tuned for the next adventure of Panda!!]
[i can dream...]