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My own custom story
ok thanx 4 ur comments chck out part 2
They got to the Inn "13 credits" said the inn clerk"I'll handle this" said Arlem the clerk scanned Arlems card "Room 90210""Thanx""Xander time to go to our room""WHOA,isnt this kinda fast"he thought""hmm,oh,no not like that"" sweatdrop oh I forgot we can read each others minds"he thought "yeah and don't forget it" they got on the elevater" stare what a wierd cupple,it's as if theycan read eachothers mind" said the clerk "wellp-" ding said Xander intrrupted by the elevater "I'm bushed" he said hopping on the out dated gravity bed "theese beds took unstable, huh Xander" said Amy zzzz "oh ur sleep, Arlem?" zzzz "U 2 well I'll just stay here and ummm yeah" "oof" said Xander"O I must B asleep"he said getting off the floor "ahhh!"said an unknown voice he looked up gonk puph "where am I" it said "huh,Arlem" he thought "humm" it said looking down "O it's U Xander" said Arlem "where R we?""I dunknow""Thanx 4 softening by fell"" rolleyes glad to be of srvice" Arlem landed on Xanders thighs "ur butt is... on ...me" he said looking around "what?"she looked around some people were staring at then sweatdrop "U can get off me any time now""oh redface "she got up Quickly Xander got up and dusted off his pants "nothing 2 c here people" every 1 continued with their bisness "ocward" he thought "tell me bout it" she thought back "this is my 1st time here, where ever here is""well this my 2nd""wait U've been here before""yeah just when i go to sleep""Wait if were asleep then Y does everything fell so real and how R we having the same exact deam""our telepothy perhaps""Hmmm yeah it does make since confused ,but that only anwsers my 2nd question""the 1st time I come here I got into a fight with a tellikenetic serpent but it walked on 4 legs, right when it was about to finish me I got something called a busted blade" “ello stranga did I hear you say the buster blade as in 1 on the Xeaon blades” said some1 “depends, who’s talking” said Xander “Melekiuranotanzutreeonzoulight, Mel for short” said some guy in rags in a shack like mini store “ Ur friendly neighborhood merchant” he finished “Mel, where R we?” Arlem asked “Ahh, outsiders well there is a mystical energy called Xeaon some believe that since its ever so changing it’s a person so some people worship it as if it was a god Xeaon is what keeps our world and detentions connected very few people can be Xeaon warriors each world has more than 1 artifact” said Mel “wha” said Xander “Ok, If U pass my test I’ll give a Xeaon discrazer cause xenon artifacts R so rare if ur just walking around with 1 U’ll get jumped by some thieves or worse and I’ll give ur friend a little something 2” he said “ok Y not” said Xander clap he put his hands together “eemeeoshioew” Mel started chanting a huge flash on light appeared as quickly as it came it vanished they were in a forest Xander and Arlem could smell the fresh forest air and feel the humidity “here” he said giving Xander a sword it was long and kind of heavy it had markings in it like some thing is supposed 2 go there and gave Arlem a bow back that had 2 have at least 500 arrows in it she picked 1 out “their enchanted, aren’t they” Arlem asked “Yes good eye” said Mel giving her a steel short sword and a sheaf and a long bow “eh-hem, as U step closer into the Xeaon” every word Mel said it became darker and darker “the more ur darkness shows” darker and darker “ will U have the strength 2 fight ur doppelganger” it was night time Xander and Arlem looked behind them and saw their shadow they turned around they were pitch black the shadow started crawling out the ground “Umm, Mel” Xander said looking at Mel he was gone pit-pat pit-pat “see ya guys later and good luck” Xander looked out in the distance and saw Mel running away “what da, Mel get back here!” Xander yelled “Umm, Xander” Arlem told him telepathically he turned around and saw they were completely out the ground their figure was just like theirs except they had claws and eerie full moon yellow eyes they charger at them shwoo pht an arrow was stuck in the Shadow Arlem’s head it flew shlik Xander upper slashed his he jumped in front of him slink he started slashing him slink shlink he noticed he was slashing it in the air with out falling shlink shink kink it blocked it “humph” Xander said kink kink kink kling puph Xander kicked it away as soon as he stopped attacking he started falling slower the realties gravity though ffsss the arrow was making a sound as if it was burning shadow Arlem’s head “hiss” it hissed taking it out and throwing it on the ground it charged at her she put the bow away and quickly took out the short sword whoo cutting through the wind with a claw jab kink she blocked it whoof she trip sweped it keel ffsss Arlem stabbed it with the short sword when it fell “hiss” it hissed ka-clik clik ckik she loaded 3 arrows in to the long bow and pointed it straight at it’s head “lights out” said Arlem pht pht pht buph it turned into a dark smoke and evaporated she collected the arrows Xander’s shadow got up and charged at him Xander put his gard up pht an arrow tip appeared 2 B coming out of it’s chest Arlem shot its back and it went all the way through it shllink Xander stabbed the sword through its stomach pooph it turned into a dark smoke then it evaporated a large flash of light appeared then quickly dimmed they were in front of the Mel’s shack :Ahh, I C U both survived” Mel said “yeah, no thanks 2 U” said Arlem “ “yeah, U ditched us” said Xander “well, U guys can keep the weapons and take this” Mel said giving them a big book on it was the words “Xeaon bible plus” and gave them both 10 gold “ that book is a guide 2 this world and Xeaon and how 2 use it and 1 gold = 100 silver pieces so U have a good start take this small pack but remember the weapons and the arrow pack and the Xeaon Bible are all connected by xenon which means they go 2 every world with U all the other stuff U’ll get when U come back, ok” said Mel “Ok” said Arlem “alright” said Xander taking the small pack “Oh yeah, U can make the xenon items disappear and reappear any time” said Mel suddenly everything went white the ball of light appeared “ahh, Xander I C U made a new friend” it said.

He woke up another weird 1 he said he saw the sword in his hand and the Xeaon Bible in the other he sat up he looked a Arlem she was sitting up 2 she had the arrow back on her back and it was still filled with arrows the long bow and the short sword “No way” Xander thought “Unbelievable” Arlem thought “We gadda make them disappear” Xander thought Arlem nodded phwooph all the Xeaon items on Xander and Arlem disappeared. “Hello sleepy heads I brought breakfast” said Amy. They ate the food and got up out of bed. “Amy what did you do all night long” Xander asked “oh I watched you guys sleep for about a hour. Then, oh that reminds me I went to a shack. Some guy said he wants to talk to you.” she said “wait a second how was he able to see you.” said Arlem “I don’t think he can. I phased it and he said ‘I wish that Xander and Arlem was here’ loud like he knew I was there” Amy said. They walked out side “GET OUT!” “MAKE ME” pff boof a chubby man flew out the door. A man walked out. “Xion!” said Xander “huh” he looked their way “Damn, not you guys again” he said “Leave that man alone” said Xander. Xion charged at Xander he did a round house kick Xander blocked it Xion grabbed Xander’s arm and threw him oomph he his some crates the dust cleared kzz Xion charged at Xander with a beam sword krzz Xander blocked it with his arm. Xander looked at it it was a metallic robotic arm. “haiya” said Xander he swiped the blade out of his hand then punched Xion he flew into a building oomph the air was thick with dust. People at the hut stared at something. Xander walked to the hole in the hut phwooph click Xion came out of the rubbel with his gun pointed at Xander’s heat. Xion’s other arm dangled soaked in blood like water on the earth dripping. “It would have been over for me if I hadn’t rooled at the last second. Humph, I see you have a couple of tricks your not all metallic are you.” he said. Xander’s heart raced suddenly it stopped “good by Xander” said Xion. Xander’s metallic hand covered the gun “wha!?” Xion shot. The gun exploded they flew threw huts and buildings and hit a tree which stopped him Xander was stuck to the tree like a tree rooted to the earth. the tree fell over. “what happened to Xander” said Amy “I dunno Xion’s gone…” said Arlem thump “what” said Amy Arlem was on the ground “oh no Arlem” she ran up to Arlem and fell on her knees and grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “Arlem wake up” said Amy

Xander got up “I don’t think I’m in Arl any more” he said. “Ahh!” Xander saw someone falling Xander cought it. It was Arlem “Xander your okay” she said hugging him “I dunno what I’d do if I lost you” she thought. “oh really.”he said. “Yeah who else is going to protect me on my way home” she said. Where are we” she said they looked around they were in a jungle with a volcano at the center.
“Wait Xander this is like a rain forest but the humidity is like a desert” said Arlem. Xander put Arlem down. “Look at the sky”said Xander the sky was swirls of drak red, black, and dark purple and it look like lurky water. “Yeah, weird” said Arlem. Whoosh a shadow came from out of the tree phxx shlink it flew then landed on it’s legs. Xander looked and his hand he had the Xeaon blade in his hand phxx Arlem took out her long sword and her long bow and arrow her sword was in it’s sheif and she had out her bow. The shadow moved as if it had on spine. Hiss it said as it phased in the ground and left. Phxx the Xeaon bible appeared it floated and opened. “Smaules: chapter 9 verse 7 the shadows are life less beings without a vessle they are made when a person is purified and they search for a weak vessel to possess” Arlem read then it close and phxx dissapeard. “So that was a shadow looks like were too strong for it” said Xander. He looked through two tees and saw a person with long silverfish gray hair with a very long sword then he disappeared phxx the bible appeared again it opened. “Samaules chapter 9 verse 8 but those who loose their light and willingy chooses their shadow and bonds with it becomes an ELITE the leader Se------oth is the strongest” said Arlem. “who” said Xander “that what is says Se then a blank then oth” said Arlem. “Weird” said Xander. “Well if I had to guess we have to scale that Volcano” she said “yup geuss so” he said “I got an idea” she said she ran off “Xander over here” shouted Arlem Xander found her. “This vine look sturdy lets rip it off this tree. Then we’ll got to the volcano and I’ll tire it to an arrow shoot it to the top of the volcano. Then we’ll safely clime up.” said Arlem. “OK, then let’s pull this thing down” said Xander. They pulled and pulled “why don’t we just cut it” said Xander “No the longer the better” said Arlem. They pulled and pulled Arlem scaled the tree a little with the vine “okay, I’ll pull from up here” she said “ok” said Xander. They pulled and pulled “Ahh!” yelled Arlem she said loosing her footing her feet dangle she held on to the vine. “What is it….” said Xander looking straight up and up Arlem’s skirt cool “whoa” Xander thought she swung a little and regained her footing. “whoa what is it” she said Xander looked at the tree again “Umm, nothing” said Xander blushing. They pulled and pulled Xander became frustrated “come on come on” Xander thought “Damnit come on!!” Xander yelled. Xander caught a flame “da hell” he said Xander took a couple steps back looking at his arms on fire. Arlem looked down “Xander!” said Arlem sliding down the vine Xander kept steping back crrphloo Xander fell off the land Arlem ran to the edge then she noticed that it was a floating island and it was surrounded by the dark looking warter sky. “What’s happening to me get ahold of yourself Xander” he thought Xander was falling head down he looked up (which it actually down) “I’m bout to fall in gadda fly” he said Xander’s legs started to thrus off like a rocket phhhoobloop Xander went in to the darkness. “Xander nooo!” yelled Arlem just then something was coming out of the darkness a man wearing a trench coat with the hood ovet his head the hood blocked the light to his face and Arlem couldn’t see his face he was wearing all black. Suddenly he disappeared “Xander fell into the darkness it is consuming him. If he doesn’t accept the darkness it will consume him like acid…” the man said right behind Arlem. “What’s happening” Xander thought then he landed on the ground with his feet. “Wait I feel head down” Xander thought then it felt like gravity turned right side up. “the fire it’s gone” Xander said “why yes it is you and in side our realm now Xeaon worrior and we control what happens” “wha! Show yourself!” demmaned Xander “you don’t give orders here! But you would like to see your killer” something started to appear. It was the floating cloak form Xander’s dream. “Now that snake isn’t here to save here” it said “what do you want with me” said Xander “HE wants me to test your but if your weak I get to kill you myself” it said “who is he” said Xander “you won’t live long enough to find out. Well let me explain the rules of my little game were going to play. As we speak an ELITE it using his power to trick that girl of yours to jump off the island into the darkness. The darkness will consume most of her like acid the part that makes it here we will torchure and do what ever we want with it. But you could stop him as soon as a powerful warior like yourself comes close to him he goes away. There is a spirtual block preventing exit. Now a spirtual block is where a person puts their spirtual energy into a block preventing exit of a certain area the only way to destroy the sheild is to defeat the person who made the block. And oh yeah a group of people could put their spiritual energy in to one block. But I’m not going to do that it’s just one on one well let’s do this that girl could fall at any second.” it said just then a dark ball started flying in the sky in a circle. “each dark ball or spirt indicates how many people are making the block reason you can’t see the block itself is because the block is made from darkness and we are in darkness so it blends in” it said. Phxx Xander took out the buster blade. “Xander wants you to join him he doesn’t want to die alone would you…” said the man “no I wouldn’t” Arlem replied “you love Xander don’t you…” “no he’s my friend but I felt like I’ve known him foever” “you friend wants you to come” “AHH!” Xander yelled “see I told you” said the man Xander’s shoulder was cut. Shliph wooph th cloak’s long finger blades come out and he swung them in the air. Shwoophh Xander attacked it kink he blocked it the cloak still had one free hand Xander ducked and round house kicked it in the kidney area it flew. “Arlem, Xander wants you he needs you…” the man said. “Okay, I’m comeing Xander” Arlem said then she cast her self off the cliff. “Xander I’m coming” she thought. Xander heard her though he looked up “Arlem nooo!” Xander yelled “YOU b*****d” he said the he cought a flame again. “what that’s imposible” it said Xander shot a barage of fire balls like a machine gun a fire ball every .5 seconds. The cloak begun to cut the fire balls at lightning speed Xander kept shooting fire balls krrrwoof krrrwoof krwof slif slif slif the cloak kept slicing them away it chuckled “too late warrior”it said Xander looked up and saw her about to fall into the darkness his flame isapated “NOO!” he yelled. Shwooph someone grabed Arlem “WHAT!” it said “who ever did that I have to thank them. Well it’s on” said Xander he stuck out his other hand then phxx another Xeaon blade was in his other hand “Pyro, Pyro, Pyro” some whispers said “Grr” the cloak said. “what happened” said Arlem “If you touch that darkness you’ll die” said the man he was running on the darkness so fast that that it didn’t affect him. Then he jumped on the island “where’s the man?” she asked “well I don’t know who your talkin’ ‘bout but who ever he was he’s gone now” the man said “who are you” Arlem asked. The man put he down he was alittle shorter than Xander blue hair spiked back wearing armor and blue clorhes and carying a pole on his back “I’m Wolf” he said clap clap clap someone was claping their hands and it was getting closer. “well well Wolf what a save” a man said he had long white hair as tall as Wolf wearing a feather claok but you could see he had white clothes and armor “Angel, what do you want” said Wolf “how about revenge you and that pincess almost killed me, come Wolf fight me” said Angel the Ange’s cloak floaked the cloak was his angel wings and then slink he took out his sword. Wolf took out his pole off his back and spun it around a few times “Bring it” Wolf said.

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