found somethin...
On Friday me & my mom found a Puppy he was alittle sick,but stilll we took it home
3nodding I have been taking care of the PUPPY
whee .My mom told me that on MONDAY we where gonna take it to a
ADOPTATION CENTER,but my mom didnt expected something
stare ...when MOnday came my mom & I went to take the PUPPY,my mom noticed what was going on...I didnt want to let the PUPPY there I because I loved the puppy alot
sweatdrop sweatdrop sooo my mom told me that we where gonna see what will the people say about the puppy since he was sick & all.We arrived there & the toll my mother they where gonna killl him because they didnt have the medicine to threath the dog
gonk ,sooo my mom took it to another
ADOPTATION CENTER or more easily the
CENTER OF PROTECTION OF ANIMALS.There the Vetenerion toll us that the could threath him,& there doing it,after that, my mom told me I could stay with it ,but I was gonna take him all the time soo that he could get better,
4laugh I am sooo happy
4laugh .
The Puppy is name LEO,because he look like a little lion,we even discover what breed he was Is Labrador/Goldeen Retrever MIX & he has 2 months since he was born *giggle*

ArtShop open: artists Beutifullcloud, Chibi-Roxy & ArjunaAquaLight.
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