"Ok dudes",said Sam,"Here is the plan".
"As soon as I finish the X92478",explained
Zack,"We will attack".
"Uh...noooo...you cant...kill my master",murmered
Thomas regaining consiousnis.
"To Dang Bad!!!", yelled Mikki."Dr.Cyborg
is dead freakin meat".
"Very...nicley put Mikki", said Alex.
"Yeahy Dr.Cyborg don stand a chance against
the X92478", exclaimed Dan.
"But what does it do?",asked Alexandrea meekly?
"It does the exact opposite of the Doctor's78429X",
explained Dan."It turns Cyborgs into humans".
"That's not going to work", taunted Dr.Cyborg
GX."I built all my byborgs to with stand it".
"Ahhhhhhhhh crap", groaned Mikki.
"Ok, any ideas?", asked Alex turning off the
"Well..... I do",offered Zack,"But it would be
Extreamly Dangerouse to even bring it out of the kitchen
not to mention even touching it.
"Yes",said Sam.
"Ok........A bomb", confessed Zack.
"A bomb?",asked Sam." A measly bomb? Your
the worlds greatst weapon inventor and all you can come
up with is a measly bomb?".
"Not just any bomb,.....an atomic xxxxxxxxl00092,
bomb.", said Zack smiling.